- This ultimate free unique application is for all students of Computer Science Engineering studying Cryptography across the world. It covers 160 topics of Cryptography in detail. These 160 topics are divided in 4 units.
- Each topic is around 600 words and is complete with diagrams, equations and other forms of graphical representations along with simple text explaining the concept in detail.
- The USP of this application is "ultra-portability". Students can access the content on-the-go from any where they like.
- Basically, each topic is like a detailed flash card and will make the lives of students simpler and easier.
- Some of topics Covered in this application are:
- 1) Basics of Cryptography
- 2) Conventional cryptography
- 3) Key management and conventional encryption
- 4) Keys
- 5) Pretty Good Privacy
- 6) Digital signatures
- 7) Digital certificates
- 8) The OSI Security Architecture
- 9) Network Security
- 10) Types of attacks
- 11) Denial of service attack
- 12) Smurf Attack
- 13) Distributed Denial of Service Attacks
- 14) Security Mechanism
- 15) A Model for Network Security
- 16) Symmetric Ciphers
- 17) Classical SubstitutionTechniques
- 18) Classical Transposition Techniques
- 19) Rotor Machines
- 20) Steganography
- 21) Block Cipher Principles
- 22) The Data Encryption Standard
- 23) Differential Cryptanalysis Attack
- 24) Cipher and Reverse Cipher
- 25) Security of DES
- 26) The Strength of DES
- 27) Differential and Linear Cryptanalysis
- 28) Block Cipher Design Principles
- 29) Finite Fields
- 30) The Euclidean Algorithm
- 31) Finite Fields of The Form GF(p)
- 32) Polynomial Arithmetic
- 33) Finite Fields Of the Form GF(2n)
- 34) The AES Cipher
- 35) Substitute Bytes Transformation
- 36) Evaluation Criteria For AES
- 37) ShiftRows Transformation
- 38) AddRoundKey Transformation
- 39) AES Key Expansion Algorithm
- 40) Equivalent Inverse Cipher
- 41) Multiple Encryption and Triple DES
- 42) Triple DES with Two Keys
- 43) Block Cipher Modes of Operation
- 44) Cipher Feedback Mode
- 45) Output Feedback Mode
- 46) Counter Mode
- 47) Stream Ciphers
- 48) The RC4 Algorithm
- 49) Random Number Generation
- 50) Pseudorandom Number Generators
- 51) Linear Congruential Generators
- 52) Cryptographically Generated Random Numbers
- 53) Blum BlumShub Generator
- 54) True Random Number Generators
- 55) Key Hierarchy
- 56) Key Distribution Centre
- 57) Transparent Key Control Scheme
- 58) Controlling Key Usage
- 59) Confidentiality Using Symmetric Encryption
- 60) Link versus End-to-End Encryption
- 61) Key Distribution
- 62) Traffic Confidentiality
- 63) Prime Numbers
- 64) Fermat's and Euler's Theorems
- 65) Testing for Primality
- 66) The Chinese Remainder Theorem
- 67) Discrete Logarithms
- 68) Principles of Public-Key Cryptosystems
- 69) RSA Algorithm
- 70) Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding
- 71) Key Management
- 72) Distribution of Secret Keys Using Public-Key Cryptography
- 73) Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange
- 74) Example of Deffie Hellman algorithm
- 75) Key Exchange Protocols
- 76) Man in the Middle Attack
- 77) Elliptic Curve Arithmetic
- 78) Elliptic Curves over Real Numbers
- 79) Elliptic Curves over Zp
- 80) Elliptic Curve Cryptography
- 81) Elliptic Curve Encryption/Decryption
- 82) Security of Elliptic Curve Cryptography
- 83) Authentication Requirements
- 84) Authentication Functions
- 85) Message Authentication Codes
- 86) Security of Hash Functions and Macs
- 87) Secure Hashing Algorithm
- 88) Whirlpool
- 89) Whirlpool Hash Structure
- 90) Block Cipher W
- 91) The Nonlinear Layer SB
- 92) HMAC
- 93) CMAC
- 94) Digital signatures
- 95) Direct Digital Signature
- 96) Arbitrated Digital Signature
- 97) Authentication Protocols
- 98) Digital Signature Standard
- 99) The Digital Signature Algorithm
- 100) Kerberos
- 101) Kerberos Version 4
- 102) Kerberos Version 5
- 103) Kerberos Realms and Multiple Kerberi
- 104) X.509 Authentication Service
- 105) Obtaining a User's Certificate
- 106) Revocation of Certificates
- 107) Authentication Procedures
- 108) X.509 Version 3
- 109) Public-Key Infrastructure
- 110) Pretty Good Privacy
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