Coding Companion for Neurosurgery/Neurology 2014: A Comprehensive Illustratd Guide to Coding and Rei
New 2014 Coding Companion for Neurosurgery/Neurology.
Stroke (American Academy of Neurology)
"There are an estimated 4,800,000 stroke survivors living today and about 700,000 people suffer a new or recurrent stroke each year. Stroke is one of the most common disabling medical conditions, and has wide-ranging economic, social, and psychologic
Migraine (Contemporary Neurology Series)
Migraine is a complex neurological disorder that is characterized by a complex neurobiology, clinical features that may overlap with over 300 causes of headache, and an association with major medical illnesses and comorbid diseases. This books draws
Harrison's Neurology in Clinical Medicine, 4th Edition (Harrison's Specialty)
Neurology – as only Harrison’s can cover it A Doody's Core Title for 2017! Featuring a superb compilation of chapters related to neurology derived from Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medi
Case Studies in Movement Disorders: Common and Uncommon Presentations (Case Studies in Neurology)
Drawing on the expertise of an international team of authors, Case Studies in Movement Disorders is a compilation of illustrative cases, demonstrating a step-by-step approach to diagnosing and managing these complex conditions. An extensive collectio
Neurovascular Anatomy in Interventional Neuroradiology: A Case-Based Approach
A highly practical, case-based approach to neurovascular anatomy in interventional neuroradiologyThis case-based book presents detailed information on neurovascular anatomy in concise, easi
Neurology Rapid Response
Pleased to announce that over 1300 copies have been distributed since production! This $9 pocket guide is unique from the other $40-50 booklets in the market as it is designed to only include practical details for neurological emer
Neurology and Neurosurgery Illustrated
New edition of a highly successful illustrated guide to neurology and neurosurgery for medical students and junior doctors.• Comprehensive guide to neurology and neurosurgery for medical students and junior doctors – competing books do no
Mayo Clinic Neurology Board Review: Clinical Neurology for Initial Certification and MOC (Mayo Clini
This print edition of "Mayo Clinic Neurology Board Review: Clinical Neurology for Initial Certification and MOC" comes with a year's access to the online version on Oxford Medicine Online. By activating your unique access code, you can read