Clinical Anesthesia Procedures of the Massachusetts General Hospital

Clinical Anesthesia Procedures of the Massachusetts General Hospital

Apply today’s best practices in anesthesiology! Relied on for over 30 years by practicing anesthesiologists and residents as well as nurse anesthetists, Clinical Anesthesia Procedures of the Massachusetts General Hospital

Obstetric Anesthesia

Obstetric Anesthesia

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Stoelting's Anesthesia and Co-Existing Disease

Stoelting's Anesthesia and Co-Existing Disease

A classic since its first publication nearly 25 years ago, Stoelting's Anesthesia and Co-Existing Disease, 7th Edition, by Drs. Roberta L. Hines and Katherine E. Marschall, remains your go-to reference for concise, thorough covera

Understanding Anesthesia Equipment (Dorsch, Understanding Anesthesia Equipment)

Understanding Anesthesia Equipment (Dorsch, Understanding Anesthesia Equipment)

The "Bible on Anesthesia Equipment" returns in a new Fifth Edition, and once again takes readers step-by-step through all the basic anesthesia equipment. This absolute leader in the field includes comprehensive references and detailed discussion

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