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Brand: Radio Brockton FM
Category: #134884 in App (Music & Audio)
Price: $0.00
Availability: Available instantly on compatible devices
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  • Headquartered in the United States of America, Brockton FM has been instrumental in
  • nurturing cultures of different countries together by broadcasting music, interviews and live
  • TV shows. Dissemination of everyday life in various forms is indispensable in bringing
  • people of a culture together and remain not only connected but to expand their
  • understanding of the culture dynamics which are developing in various diaspora. Music is
  • the heartbeat of a culture, and hence, without it, cultural connection cannot be even
  • imagined. It blends the rhythm of the people into a tune, making them cherish and absorb
  • the beauty of their roots. It is a vital component of any cultural paradigm. They relay music
  • on the basis of what their customers want to hear. Music is organised into charts with
  • rankings. Nonstop relay of music enables the listener to delve deep into the beauty of his

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