- Hundreds of phrases and proverbs to solve in a fun guessing-game format.
- Learn proverbs and idioms and their meanings while solving puzzles.
- Clean and beautiful user interface.
- Several different themes, from modern, minimalist, to classic, to suit your preferences.
- Phrase list screen, containing a list of the phrases that you have solved, along with their meanings. This is akin to a mini-dictionary of phrases which can be handy as a reference material.
- A favorite section, so you can mark your favorite proverbs and return to your favorite proverbs and idioms.
- No reason to get stuck in a puzzle because you can always retry the puzzle.
- Exercise your brain while improving your English vocabulary.
- Discover and rekindle various popular proverbs and idioms.
- Be intrigued by wise-words and proverbs from the past and present.
*If this is not the "Guess the Phrase, Proverbs & Idioms - fill the blank to uncover the mystery phrase" product you were looking for, you can check the other results by clicking this link