Product Description
ABOUT RICK AND MORTY: Rick and Marty is a half-hour animated hit comedy series that airs on Adult Swim. Created and executive produced by Dan Harmon (Community) and Justin Roiland (Adventure Time), the critically-acclaimed series follows a sociopathic genius scientist who drags his inherently timid grandson on insanely dangerous adventures across the universe. Rick Sanchez (Justin Roiland) is living with his daughter Beth's (Sarah Chalke) family and constantly bringing her, his son-in-law Jerry (Chris Parnell), grand-daughter Summer (Spencer Grammar) and grand-son Marty (Justin Roiland) into intergalactic escapades. Can the family survive Rick's insanity and all the chaos the universe throws at them? The much-anticipated third season of Rick and Marty is currently in production. ABOUT SPACESHIP AND GARAGE LARGE SET: Pieced together with garbage and capable of interstellar travel, the spaceship is one of Rick's most useful inventions. The ship is stored in the Smith family garage where Rick also keeps his laboratory. It is here that Rick conducts his experiments, both benign and horrific. ABOUT MCFARLANE CONSTRUCTION SETS: McFarlane Toys is bringing a revolutionary evolution in brick building toys that allows collectors and fans to literally build their favorite scenes with these highly detailed and realistic construction line. Each set brings immaculate detail, iconic environments, and convincing sculpts, all at an unpredicted size. Add multiple characters to your scenes, combine builds, or just enjoy your awesome creations on its own.
- Buildable "Spaceship and Garage" large set inspired by Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland's Rick and Marty television series
- Construction set features buildable Rick and morty figures and comes with garage setting and buildable spaceship with functioning doors and hood based off iconic scenery from "Rick and morty"
- Set contains approx. 294 pieces
- Figures feature articulation in the main joints and have swappable heads/limbs
- Bricks and figures are compatible with other construction brands
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Details were last updated on Dec 23, 2024 10:48 +08.