- It is swipe based design for automobile engineering student to learn material science & Metallurgy. It almost cover all important topics chapter wise which are given below.
- Chapter 1 Crystal Atoms of Solid
- 1. Structure of atom binding in solids metallic
- 2. Vander walls
- 3. ionic and covalent
- 4. Space lattice and crystal system arrangement of atoms in BCC
- 5. crystal system arrangement of atoms in FCC
- 6. Manufacture of Refractory
- 7. Properties uses and selection of acid
- 8. basic and natural refractory
- 9. metallurgical coke
- 10. metallurgical coke properties and uses
- 11. brief description of the manufacturing processes for iron and steel making
- Chapter 2 Plastic deformation of Metals
- 1. Point and line defects in crystals
- 2. stress strain curves of crystalline materials
- 3. mild steel cast iron
- 4. brass yield point phenomenon
- 5. Cold and hot working of metals
- 6. annealing of cold worked metals
- 7. fracture in metal and alloys
- 8. ductile and brittle fracture
- 9. fatigue failure
- Chapter 3 Alloy Formation and Binary Diagram
- 1. Phase in metal system solution
- 2. inter-metallic compounds
- 3. solidification of pure metals
- 4. alloy equilibrium diagrams of isomorphous
- 5. eutectic peritectic and eutectoid system
- 6. non-equilibrium cooling
- 7. coring iron
- 8. Iron-Iron Carbide Phase Diagram
- Chapter 4 Heat Treatment of Alloys Principles of Heat Treatment of Steel
- 1. TTT curves heat treating processes
- 2. normalizing
- 3. annealing spheroldizing
- 4. tempering
- 5. case hardening
- 6. austempering
- 7. mar-tempering
- 8. Cu Alloys
- Chapter 5 Properties of Material
- Creep Fatigue
- Introduction to cast iron
- Introduction to steel
- Non Ferrous metals base alloys
- Bronze
- Duralumin Metal
- Plastics
- Various types of plastics
- different types of plastics and properties
- Plastic molding technology
- GRP resins adhesive
- elastomers and their application
- Property and Applications of Powder Metallurgy
- powder Metallurgy techniques
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