- featuring search autocomplete to help you find terms quickly by displaying predictions in line with what you're typing. You also get enhanced search extras including:
- A quick search of terms while you type.
- A 'fuzzy filter' for when you are not sure of the correct spelling of a term.
- A 'keyword' search for finding key words within compound phrases.
- A wild card search function ('*' or '?') which can replace a letter or entire parts of a term.
- Download reference definitions locally for offline access.
- including a number of features that help you further enhance your knowledge of the subject:
- A 'Favorites' feature to memorize terms from the extensive library, including cross-curriculum terms.
- History list to help you easily review looked-up terms.
- See terms in context with examples.
- 'Term-of-the-day' feature with dedicated homescreen widget.
*If this is not the "Oxford Dictionary of World History" product you were looking for, you can check the other results by clicking this link