- This app contains HD images in any category.
- This app contains 250 of the finest HD images.
- The user has the ability to view these images and can set the image as his wallpaper by selecting the set button in the full screen mode.
- There is a set and cancel button in the fullscreen mode, the set button will set the wallpaper on the user's screen, the cancel button will allow the user to return to the wallpaper screen to choose the next wallpaper.
- The user can also save the gallery image to his sd card by using the save button in the fullscreen mode.
- This app requires internet to load the images, this app contains high resolution images.
*If this is not the "
HD Wallpapers" product you were looking for, you can check the other results by
clicking this link
Details were last updated on Mar 5, 2025 19:42 +08.