- This unique free application is for all students across the world. It covers 77 topics of Numerical Methods in detail. These 77 topics are divided in 5 units.
- Each topic is around 600 words and is complete with diagrams, equations and other forms of graphical representations along with simple text explaining the concept in detail.
- This USP of this application is "ultra-portability". Students can access the content on-the-go from anywhere they like.
- Basically, each topic is like a detailed flash card and will make the lives of students simpler and easier.
- Some of topics Covered in this application are:
- 1. Solution of algebraic and transcendental equations
- 2. Methods of solving roots of polynomial equations
- 3. Initial Approximation for an Iterative Procedure
- 4. Method of False Position
- 5. Newton-Raphson Method
- 6. General Iteration Method
- 7. Convergence of the Iteration Methods
- 8. Linear system of algebraic equations
- 9. Direct method for solving linear system
- 10. Guass elimination method
- 11. Guass jordan method
- 12. Iterative Methods
- 13. Gauss-Jacobi Iteration Method
- 14. Gauss-Seidel Iteration Method
- 15. Eigen value problems
- 16. Power method
- 17. Interpolation
- 18. Lagrange Interpolation
- 19. Linear Interpolation
- 20. Quadratic interpolation
- 21. Error of interpolation
- 22. Divided differences
- 23. Newton’s Divided Difference Interpolation
- 24. Interpolation With Evenly Spaced Points
- 25. Relations between differences and derivatives
- 26. Newton's forward difference formula
- 27. Newton's Backward Difference Interpolation Formula
- 28. Spline function
- 29. Cubic Interpolation
- 30. Numerical Differentiation
- 31. Derivatives Using Newton’s Forward Difference Formula
- 32. Derivatives Using Newton's Backward difference Formula
- 33. Derivatives using Divided Difference Formula
- 34. Numerical Integration and Integration Rules Based on Uniform Mesh Spacing
- 35. Trapezium Rule
- 36. Error in Trapezium Rule
- 37. Composite trapezium rule
- 38. Simpson’s 1/3 Rule
- 39. Error in Simpson's 1/3 Rule
- 40. Composite Simpson's 1/3 Rule
- 41. Simpsom's 3/8 Rule
- 42. Romberg Method
- 43. Romberg method for the trapezium rule
- 44. Romberg method for the Simpson's 1/3 Rule
- 45. Gauss-Legendre Integration Rules
- 46. Gauss one point rule (Gauss-Legendre one point rule)
- 47. Gauss Two point rule (Gauss-Legendre Two point rule)
- 48. Gauss Three point rule (Gauss-Legendre Three point rule)
- 49. Evaluation of Double Intergral Using Trapezium Rule
- 50. Evaluation of Double Intergral Using Simpson's rule
- 51. Introduction to Initial Value Problem for Ordinary Differential Equations
- 52. Reduction of second order equation to a first order system
- 53. Single Step Method
- 54. Multi step Methods
- 55. Taylor series Method
- 56. Modified Euler or Heun’s Methods
- 57. Runge Kutta Methods
- 58. Taylor Series Method
- 59. Runge-Kutta Fourth Order Method
- 60. Multi Step Methods and Predictor-Corrector Methods
- 61. Predictor Methods
- 62. Adams-Moulton Methods
- 63. Stability of Numericals Method
- 64. Milne-Simpsons Method
- 65. Introduction of Boundary value Problems
- 66. Boundary Value problem governed by Second order Differential Equation
- 67. Finite Difference method
- 68. Classification of Linear Second Order Partial Differentiation Equation
- 69. Finite Difference Methods for Laplace
- 70. Finite Difference Methods for poisson Equations
- 71. Explicit Method for Heat Conduction Equations
- 72. Truncation error of the Schmidt method
- 73. Implicit methods for Heat Conduction Equations
- 74. Finite Difference Methods for Wave Equations
- 75. Explicit methods for Wave Equations
- 76. Truncation error of the explicit method for wave equation
- 77. Implicit methods Wave Equations
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Numerical Methods" product you were looking for, you can check the other results by
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Details were last updated on Jan 31, 2025 12:59 +08.