- This ultimate free unique application is for all students across the world. It covers 134 topics of Element of Power System in detail. These 134 topics are divided in 5 units.
- Each topic is around 600 words and is complete with diagrams, equations and other forms of graphical representations along with simple text explaining the concept in detail.
- This USP of this application is "ultra-portability". Students can access the content on-the-go from anywhere they like.
- Basically, each topic is like a detailed flash card and will make the lives of students simpler and easier.
- Some of topics Covered in this application are:
- 1. Single line Diagram of Power system
- 2. Single line Diagram of Power system
- 3. Synchronous machine
- 4. transformer
- 5. transmission line
- 6. Busbar
- 7. circuit breaker and isolator
- 8. Different kinds of supply system and their comparison
- 9. Introduction of Supply Systems
- 10. Two Wire D.C. System
- 11. Effect of High Voltage on Volume of Copper
- 12. Types of Transmission
- 13. Two Wire D.C. System with One Line Earthed
- 14. Three Wire D.C. System
- 15. Three Phase Three Wire A.C. System
- 16. Three Phase Four Wire A.C. System
- 17. Two Wire D.C. System
- 18. Three Wire D.C. System
- 19. Requirements of a Good Distribution System
- 20. Radial Distribution System
- 21. Ring Main Distribution System
- 22. D.C. Three Wire System
- 23. Transmission Line Constants
- 24. Types of Conductors
- 25. Skin Effect and Proximity Effect
- 26. Kelvin's Law
- 27. Modified Kelvin's Law
- 28. Transmission Line Parameters : Introduction
- 29. inductance of a conductor
- 30. Inductance of a conductor due to the internal flux
- 31. Inductance of a conductor due to External flux
- 32. Inductance of a Single Phase Two Wire Line
- 33. Flux linkage of one conductor in a group
- 34. Inductance of composite conduct lines
- 35. An Alternative approach for finding the expression for inductive reactance
- 36. Flux Linkages in parallel current carrying conductors
- 37. Inductance of three phase lines with equilateral and symmetrical spacing
- 38. Inductance of three phase line with unsymmetrical spacing
- 39. Inductance of three phase line with unsymmetrical spacing but transposed
- 40. inductance of three phase lines with more than one circuit
- 41. Inductance of three phase double circuit with symmetrical spacing
- 42. Inductance of three phase doble circuit with unsymmetrical spacing but transposed
- 43. capacitance of transmission line and Electrical field of a long straight conductor
- 44. Capacitance of Single Phase Line
- 45. Potential Difference betweem two points due to a charge
- 46. Capacitance of a 3ph Line With Equilateral Spacing
- 47. Capacitance of a three phase line with unsymmetrical spacing
- 48. Effect of Earth on capacitance of transmission line
- 49. Bundled conductor and Stranded Conductor
- 50. Capacitance of three phase line with more than one circuit
- 51. capacitance of three phase double circuit with unsymmetrical spacing but transposed
- 52. Methods of Arrangement Conductors
- 53. Performance of transmission lines
- 54. Performance of Single Phase Short Transmission Lines
- 55. Three phase short transmission line
- 56. Effect of load P.F. on regulation and efficiency
- 57. Medium Transmission Lines
- 58. Nominal T Method
- 59. Nominal Method
- 60. Long transmission lines
- 61. Rigorous method of analysis of long transmission line
- 62. Generalised Circuit Constants of a Transmission Line
- 63. Evaluation of ABCD constants or Determination of Generalized Constants for Transmission Lines
- 64. Surge Impedance Loading (SIL)
- 65. Surge Impedance Loading (SIL) of Transmission Line
- 66. Power flow through a transmission line
- 67. Power through Short Transmission Line - Equivalent circuit and Phasor diagram
- 68. Power system Stability
- 69. Ferranti Effect
- 70. Introduction of corona
- 71. Types of corona
- 72. Physical Parameters of Corona
- 73. Factors affecting corona and corona loss
- 74. Corona Detection and Corona Calculations
- 75. Effects of Corona:
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