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- This unique free application is for all students across the world. It covers 165 topics of Digital electronics in detail. These 165 topics are divided in 7 units.
- Each topic is around 600 words and is complete with diagrams, equations and other forms of graphical representations along with simple text explaining the concept in detail.
- This USP of this application is "ultra-portability". Students can access the content on-the-go from anywhere they like.
- Basically, each topic is like a detailed flash card and will make the lives of students simpler and easier.
- Some of topics Covered in this application are:
- 1. Decimal System
- 2. Binary System
- 3. Representing Binary Quantities
- 4. Octal and Hexadecimal System
- 5. Binary-To-Decimal and Decimal-to-binary Conversion
- 6. Binary-To-Octal / Octal-To-Binary Conversion
- 7. Hexadecimal to Decimal/Decimal to Hexadecimal Conversion
- 8. Binary-To-Hexadecimal /Hexadecimal-To-Binary Conversion
- 9. Floating-Point Numbers
- 10. Binary Codes
- 11. Non Weighted Codes
- 12. Binary - Gray Code Conversion
- 13. Gray Code - Binary Conversion
- 14. Gray Code Applications
- 15. Alphanumeric Codes-ASCII code
- 16. EBCDIC code
- 17. Seven-segment Display Code
- 18. Error Detecting Codes
- 19. Error Correcting Codes.
- 20. Boolean Switching Algebras
- 21. Boolean Algebra Theorems
- 22. Minterms and Maxterms
- 23. Sum Of Products (SOP) and Product Of Sum (POS)
- 24. AND-Logic Gate
- 25. OR-Logic Gate
- 26. NOT-Logic Gate
- 27. NAND-Logic Gate
- 28. NOR-Logic Gate
- 29. XNOR-Logic Gate
- 30. Universal Gates
- 31. Realization of logic function using NAND gates
- 32. Realization of logic gates using NAND gates
- 33. Realization of logic function using NOR gates
- 34. Realization of logic gates using NOR gates.
- 35. Tristate Logic Gates
- 36. AND-OR-INVERT Gates
- 37. Schmitt Gates
- 38. Karnaugh Maps
- 39. Minimization Technique
- 40. 2-Variable K-Map
- 41. Grouping/Circling K-maps
- 42. Example of 2-Variable K-Map groups
- 43. 3-Variable K-Map
- 44. Example of 3-Variable K-Map
- 45. 4-Variable K-Map
- 46. Example of 4-Variable K-Map
- 47. 5-Variable K-Map
- 48. QUINE-Mccluskey minimization
- 49. QUINE-Mccluskey minimization Method-Example
- 50. Multiplexer
- 51. 2x1 Multiplexer
- 52. Design of a 2:1 Mux
- 53. 4:1 MUX
- 54. 8-to-1 multiplexer from Smaller MUX
- 55. 16-to-1 multiplexer from 4:1 mux
- 56. De-multiplexers
- 57. Mechanical Equivalent of a De-Multiplexer
- 58. 1-to-4 De-multiplexer
- 59. Boolean Function Implementation using Mux and de-Mux
- 60. 3-variable Function Using 4-to-1 mux
- 61. 2 to 4 Decoder using Demux
- 62. Arithmetic circuits-Adders
- 63. Full Adder
- 64. Full Adder using AND-OR
- 65. n-bit Carry Ripple Adder
- 66. 4-bit Carry Ripple Adder
- 67. Carry Look-Ahead Adder
- 68. BCD Adder
- 69. 2-digit BCD Adder
- 70. Subtracter
- 71. Full Subtracter
- 72. Parallel Binary Subtracter
- 73. Serial Binary Subtracter.
- 74. Comparators
- 75. Encoders
- 76. Decimal-to-Binary Encoder
- 77. Priority Encoder
- 78. Introduction to Sequential Circuit
- 79. Concept of Sequential Logic
- 80. Input enable signals
- 81. RS Latch
- 82. RS Latch with Clock
- 83. Setup and Hold Time
- 84. D Latch
- 85. JK Latch
- 86. T Latch
- 87. R-S Flip-Flop with Active LOW Inputs
- 88. R-S Flip-Flop with Active HIGH Inputs
- 89. R-S Flip-Flop Implementation with NOR gates
- 90. Clocked R-S Flip-Flop
- 91. Clocked R-S flip-flop with active LOW inputs
- 92. J-K Flip-Flop
- 93. Realization of a J-K flip-flop with an R-S flip-flop
- 94. J-K Flip-Flop with PRESET and CLEAR Inputs
- 95. Master - Slave Flip-Flops
- 96. Toggle Flip-Flop (T Flip-Flop)
- 97. J-K Flip-Flop as a Toggle Flip-Flop
- 98. D Flip-Flop
- 99. J-K Flip-Flop as D Flip-Flop
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