- 1000+ puzzles over 20 puzzle packs in various subjects and themes
- Extensive educational library of activities in various topics: Math, Logic, Shapes, Colors
- Language section - Learn ABC, Tracing, spelling, sorting by word families, find the odd word, write words, and word slingshot
- Games section - twelve additional learning games - dot 2 dot, mazes, flow, domino and many more.
- Stories Section - 18 stories fit for ages 1-5.
- Creativity section - paint and create your own puzzle, create your own story, music time.
- Stickers - collect stickers as you play
- Lovable & funny characters - lovely dinosaur, cute little chameleon lizard and pterodactyls
- Adaptive learning - Increasing difficulty level as your kid advances from level to level
- Kids safe
*If this is not the "Dino Puzzle Free: Kids Games - Jigsaw puzzles for toddler, boys and girls - Tiltan Preschool and Kin" product you were looking for, you can check the other results by clicking this link. Details were last updated on Dec 12, 2024 18:31 +08.