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Product Description
The PBC Package includes the following: 1-30 Gallon Porcelain Coated Steel Drum, 8-Stainless Steel Hooks, 2-Steel Hanging Rods, 1-Charcoal Basket, 1-Grill Grate, 1-Wooden Hook Remover, and 1- 3 Point Barrel stand (Seasonings Not Included). The Pit Barrel Cooker combines the best qualities of smokers and slow cookers to create a unique "vertical cooking experience" that produces perfectly cooked meat every time. It is designed to allow shorter cooking times without the need to regulate temperature or smoke. It is simple to use, portable and built to last. The PBC has received rave reviews from some of the biggest names in BBQ. AmazingRibs.com declares Pit Barrel to be the "best bargain on a smoker in the world", and gave it their top Best Value Gold Medal Award. Famed writer and TV host, Steven Raichlen, added Pit Barrel to the lineup of grills and smokers at his Barbecue University where it stands alongside cookers with five figure price tags. We believe that every outdoors man and woman that enjoys cooking will want a Pit Barrel Cooker because everyone who tries one is simply amazed by the flavor it produces and ease of use.Features
- EFFORTLESS: Whether you’re new to outdoor cooking or an expert trying to perfect your craft, cook perfectly every time with the Pit Barrel's 360º All-Round Heat Dynamics. Our vertical barrel cooker technology produces consistently great-tasting, flawlessly cooked meat, veggies, and more
- VERSATILE: The cooking possibilities are endless. For the perfect smoked meat, grill or hang ribs and brisket using the hooks and steel grill grate or use our custom GrillGrate for sear-marks and to smoke everything from burgers to desserts
- DURABLE: Each Pit Barrel Cooker is made with a superior-grade porcelain enamel finish that looks great and is designed to withstand everything from the internal heat to weather conditions
- PORTABLE: Our cookers are made to be lightweight and compact to fit in most vans, SUVs, and truck beds. Use the handles on the side to easily lift and transport to wherever your grilling skills are in demand. Easily fits 8 Racks of Ribs, 2-3 Pork Butts/Shoulders, Turkey Hangers allow for 2 16 lb Turkeys
- THE COMPLETE SMOKER STARTER: Everything you will need to get started: The barrel (33” tall, including the lid and stand, and 21.25” wide, including the side handles), 2 Hanging Rods, 8 Stainless Steel Hooks, Standard Grill Grate, Charcoal Basket, and Hook Remover Tool (Seasonings Not Included)
Top Reviews
An excellent, affordable smoker with consistent, repeatable results even for a beginner.by Superman (5 out of 5 stars)
October 15, 2014
What can I say that hasn't already been said about this excellent product? It has made me a BBQ master and brought a lot of fun and good times to my home. I've struggled for years with an offset smoker to get it working right. It required constant babysitting and yielded inconsistent results and only fair BBQ. The Pit Barrel Cooker (PBC as I call it) is SO easy to use and best of all: repeatable, consistent results. It just works and works well.
Here are some tips for those just starting out:
1. The way the PBC (or any smoker) maintains a low, consistent heat inside the unit for extended periods of time is totally dependent on the so-called "Minon Method". Jim Minon came up with this method so there would be a low temp that would last a long time inside his smoker. Instead of lighting all the coals at once, which resulted in things getting way too hot and the coals burning out too soon, he lit only a small amount of the charcoal and poured it on top of the rest of the unlit coals. Using this method, a small amount of coals would stay lit and burn down, lighting the unlit coals, maintaining a low, consistent temperature over the cook. How much you light and how long you allow the bunch to get going before you close the lid can make a huge difference in the inside temp and how long the coals last.
The instructions for the PBC say to light your coals and wait 20 minutes and then close the lid. Do not waver from the 20 minute time. If you do, the coals will get too hot and STAY too hot for the duration of your cook. However, there is a world of variability in how you do this which can have significant impact on your cook. How many briquettes you load in your chimney starter and when place on the rest in the charcoal basket will make a big difference in how hot your PBC gets and stays that way. You can load it full, or only a third and this will result in different temps throughout your cook. If you leave the briquettes in the chimney until the last few minutes of the suggested 20 minutes before you pour them on the rest in the charcoal basket, this will result in a lower temp in your PBC throughout the cook. Or you can pour the briquettes from the chimney onto the rest in the basket as soon as they are started, allowing the entire bunch to get going for that 20 minutes.
If you're looking to really slow things down, then fill the chimney only 1/3rd full and pour it on the rest of the charcoal only a couple minutes before you put your food on and close the lid. This will result in a nice, low temperature throughout your cook that will last eight or more hours. If you want to cook hotter (and subsequently faster), then fill your chimney full and pour it on as soon as it's lit well and allow the rest of the coals in the basket to get going good until the 20 minute mark. Low and slow is what makes the BBQ flavorful and tender, so I'd suggest you fill it 1/3rd and pour it on the rest just a couple minutes before you close the lid.
2. The vent at the bottom is important, but it won't have as much impact on the barbeque temperature as varying things as I described above. You can vary things about 50 degrees using the vent, but if the coals get too hot before you put the lid on, it will stay hot no matter what you do (short of spraying water on the coals). The key is how hot the coals get before you put the lid on.
3. Leaving out one or both of the rebar hanger bars can have a HUGE impact on the internal temp. The bars control the flow of air between the vent and the top of the smoker. So even if you're using the grate, make sure you leave those bars in if you can to have a consistent, low temp throughout your cook. They are an integral part of the flow system of the PBC.
4. Taking the lid off for a short time is fine, but leaving it off for extended times can raise the temp inside significantly, and it'll stay that way when you put the lid back on. The temp will come down after you put the lid on, but it may never come down to where you want if you leave it off too long.
5. It's a very good idea to purchase both a good quality, fast-read thermometer (like the ThermoPop) and a leave-in thermometer (like the Maverick Et-732 Remote Bbq Smoker Thermometer). The Maverick is a charm to use and it cuts down on babysitting the food tremendously. You stick one probe in the meat and one near it to monitor the temp of your smoker and it constantly feeds those two temps to your unit in the house (or wherever you are). It will alert you when you've reached your goal temp. Then you can use the ThermoPop to check in more places to see if it's consistently the temp you want. Having those two things will make your life much easier and help you get consistent, repeatable results. Don't listen to people who whine about the probes on the Maverick. If you're careful and you don't get the probes wet, they'll last a long time (I know, because I use it myself).
Also, get some grill gloves, preferably some that come very high up the arm (to the elbow, is best). You'll need these for pulling off your meat, or pulling the rebar to put the grate on (for example, cooking a pork shoulder that is hung for half the time, then wrapped in aluminum foil and put on the grate for the remainder of the time). Some silicone BBQ gloves are great too, for when you cut the meat or pull it (as in pulled pork). You could buy one pair for both uses, but I found it best to get one pair for each task. I wanted grill gloves that came high on my arm, but I didn't want to use these to handle the meat (as they are cloth). Smaller, silicone gloves are better for handling the meat for pulling or slicing. When you cut a just-cooked chicken, brisket, ribs or tri-tip, having the silicone gloves makes things so much easier. You can use dishwashing gloves, but it's not very appetizing for your guests to see you using these to handle the meat they're about to eat.
6. Lastly, make good use of the many videos the PBC people have made, teaching you how to cook just about everything you can think of (located on their website, or YouTube). They show where to place the hooks in many different kinds of meat, and how to prep that meat for maximum results. I bought a book on smoking meat that has helped a lot. You can find two or three of the best here on Amazon by searching for "Smoking meat book". Pick the one you think is best. I bought Smoking Meat by Jeff Phillips.
Follow the instructions that come with your PBC and you'll be making excellent BBQ in no time. It's very easy to use, easy to maintain and lots of fun to use.
Simply Amazing
by victoria (5 out of 5 stars)
June 30, 2017
In a world of Made in China garbage I wasn't expecting this. After much debate and research I decided to buy me a PBC. I looked at the ratings on Amazon and have never seen such good ones on anything. Even before owning one I could tell the lower ratings were from people who just can't be fixed. One I read even admitted he didn't follow the directions. The problem with stupid people is they don't know they're stupid. Anyway, I figured for $300 if it did ribs even half as good as some I'd had from an electric smoker I'd be happy. If not I could just punch it full of holes and use it as an expensive burn barrel. My first cook was three racks of ribs. Let me tell you. Amazing! Chock full of deep, smoky flavor and juice sometimes spurting out as I took a bite. 5 hours later I could still taste the smoky goodness in my mouth. Ive smoked something different almost everyday since I've had it. I honestly don't believe I could buy food this good at ANY restaurant at any price. Juice just flows out of a chicken. Pork loin absolutely delicious with a beautiful smoke ring. Yesterday I tried a 4 lb round eye. If you know meat this is one of the most difficult ones to keep from getting tough. OMG! 1 hour 25 minutes and it could be cut with a butter knife. After buying this I see why there are no direct comparisons to be found on the internet with the PBC vs Traeger. Those folks droping 2 grand on a Traeger are getting hosed. The PBC is the ultimate smoker. If you don't like smoked food don't buy one, lady who thought the food coming out of it had too strong of a smoky flavor. SMH. It's super simple. Fill the basket with coals, place basket in PBC, dribble some lighter fluid on the top layer, drop a match in, wait 15 min, hang your meat, close the lid, go watch a movie, or fish, or pick your nose, or whatever for the recommended cook time. Pull your meat out and enjoy. It truly is set it and forget it. You don't need power, or pellets to jam up your auger or gas. You can throw it in the back of your truck and easily take it camping. It's not affected by outside temps or wind. Super simple and easier to cook on than your kitchen stove. Best $300 you'll ever spend.
Lives up to the hype!
by Alastair Knowles (5 out of 5 stars)
August 3, 2017
I've been smoking on different charcoal rigs most weekends for years (Kettles, barrel grills -with and without offset boxes, ceramic eggs, and even a competition grill that some buddies and I rented for a massive party). I have become pretty capable at producing great slow-cooked meat, and until now my method of choice for slow-cooking involved a 22inch Weber Kettle with a Slow-n-Sear add-on (still a great set-up involving exceptional products). For the purpose of this review, I'm going to compare what makes the PBC Cooker so incredible, when up against any other options in this price-range:
- Simplicity - I deliberately followed the most simple of the prescribed set-ups for this: fill the charcoal basket to the top (make sure it's level); cover charcoal in lighter fluid; place basket in bottom of barrel immediately and light-it; wait 15 minutes for coals to burn down a little (20 at higher altitudes); put on your food, cover the barrel, and wait until your meat is done. No setting up digital thermometers on grill surfaces, no waiting for the temperature to set and stabilize, and I didn't even add wood chunks or chips (I wanted to see what the end product was if I put in the least amount of work necessary). The food that came off when I took the above described steps was phenomenal! Best ribs and chicken I've ever had!
- Set it and forget it - this is where I am most astounded, I set the damper according to the directions provided and this thing held at 260 for the entire cook (which was 4hrs, but the charcoal could've gone for 8+ if I had to guess). I have never seen another charcoal fueled product that can do this - period. It literally is a 'set it and forget it' device. I confirmed this by sticking a digital thermometer in through the holes for the rods, periodically during the cook. I didn't use wood-chunks or chips, and it still produced a great smoke and subtle smoke flavor (which I prefer to a heavy/over-smoked flavor) - the flavor comes from the meat dripping on the coals (check-out PBC's website for an explanation)...it works really well.
- Shorter cook-times - I slow cooked one rack of ribs to fall-off-the-bone tenderness in a little over 3hrs (still developed a solid smoke ring), along with a chicken (halved) that were done in 2hrs). A rack of ribs slow-cooked would usually take at least 4.5hrs.
- Capacity - this thing's footprint is basically the same as a 22inch Weber Kettle (slightly shorter, but the footprint is identical, and the grill cover for a 22inch Weber Kettle fits this perfectly). Even with a rib rack, the most I could effectively fit on a 22inch Weber is 4 racks of ribs (could maybe do 5 if I halved a 5th rack). The PBC can hold up to 8 racks of ribs at a time thanks to its hanging method - with the same footprint as a 22inch Weber. That is nuts!
- Easy Clean-Up - you literally just dump the charcoal out of the bottom when you're done; they have a charcoal pan add-on at PBC's website, or you could lay down tin-foil in the bottom of the barrel to make the clean-up even easier. The stainless steel hooks probably don't 'need' to be cleaned after every use, but it takes about 1 minute to use a scrubber and dish-soap on them. The inside of the barrel itself is never meant to be cleaned (they stress this in their directions and literature - so be aware of that), and the outside should never 'require' it either (cleaning the outside is super easy if you do want to - check out PBC's website for details on how to clean it).
- Great Build Quality - this thing is substantial, and I love that they use a porcelain enamel finish now (sounds like they used to use a powdered finish). As is the case with anything, fewer moving parts usually means higher durability and lower maintenance - this thing has very few moving parts.
- Legit Even Cooking - this thing does cook evenly as a result of the science/physics behind the design (check-out their website for an explanation). To get the same effect on other rigs, usually you have to adjust the meat's position at least once during the cook.
- Versatility - The PBC can be used for grilling or slow cooking; the included grill grate is solid and sits deep enough in the barrel to protect it from flare-ups caused by wind. I think I'll probably still use my weber kettle for grilling on on grates, but it's awesome that this could serve the same purpose (and the grilling surface is substantial). It CAN heat up for grilling, and it does it quickly - take that lid off the PBC and you can literally watch the coals heat-up in a matter of minutes. Something else that makes this versatile is its capacity; as I alluded to earlier, I did a halved chicken and a rack of ribs simultaneously - they didn't come close to touching each-other or messing with each-other's flavor profile...I could've done two halved chickens along one of the hanging rods, and 4 racks of ribs along the other if I'd wanted to.
- Product Support & Virtual Community - visit the PBC cooker's website, and you have a ton of available support and info provided by the owners of the company (it's a veteran owned company which makes it more awesome) and a community of people who are fanatical about this product. Slow cooking using a 'hook-and-hang' method is new to most backyard BBQ'rs (myself included); the videos and content provided on PBC's website make the prospect far less intimidating than trying to figure it out on your own, or by using some written directions. The company's owners also clearly care about their product, their customers, and their craft in general - lots of customer engagement and support.
- Barrel Depth - this is about as nitpicky as anyone could be about a product, and is really more of an "FYI" than a CON. The rack of ribs I hung to slow-cook was ALMOST too long (almost touching the coals). I always try to pick shorter racks of ribs because you run into similar issues on most BBQ rigs (if they're too long for a kettle, then they touch the sides of the kettle - which you don't want). This rack of baby-backs was on the longer side, so I'm not too surprised that it almost hit the coals. 'Hook-Placement' can help with longer pieces of meat, which is something I'll be mindful of next time I have a longer rack of ribs to slow cook. I will say this, despite the ribs being literally an inch or two above the coals - the bottom of the hanging rack cooked evenly with the rest of the rack (really impressive). Again, this is not really a CON and more of an FYI.
I imagine that when the first Weber Kettle came out, it was met with similar disbelief and fanfare - at $300.00 before taxes, you won't find anything like this. Pellet Smokers and other types of electric/automated smokers might offer 'set-it-and-forget-it' ability, but the decent ones are more expensive and they don't offer the same degree of simplicity, near the capacity of this thing, or are as easy to clean/maintain.
Better than I expected, and I had high expectations
by Wags,Top Contributor: Cooking (5 out of 5 stars)
December 28, 2017
I was told about this smoker from a friend who swore by it. I was set on getting a weber since it was a brand i knew and respected. But I figured I would research this and all I could find was good reviews. So with his recommendation and the reviews I pulled the trigger and I could not be happier. First off this thing is a beast, it is not all tin like the Weber smoker, every part is heavy weight. There is no extra tricky venting, it just directs you on how to vent it based on your locations altitude, then you screw it tight and never adjust it again! There is also no water pan, and I truly feel like there is no need. This smoker uses is natural juices to create the smoke, no need for wood chips or water pans. You can add them but definitely not needed. It also cooks so evenly that it speeds up the process. I did a 15lb brisket (pre trimmed weight) in 4.5 hours, and it was AMAZING! Had the nice red ring around the edges and super tender! Ribs were outstanding too! Biggest thing is to wrap your head around how fast it cooks, you kind of have to plan on shorter end of the times they give on their website from my experience. I would recommend a thermometer that you can leave in the meat the whole time so you know where it is always at. They also have a lot of accessories on their site to accommodate other styles of cooking. This is build so heavy duty, I might not ever have to buy another smoker again!
Awesome smoker.
by A. J. Lee (5 out of 5 stars)
April 13, 2017
About 2 BBQs in, and I have to say....this rig is nice. Great value for what your getting and way easier to maintain than my offset smoker. It gives your meats a great flavor even without wood and it really does have the juices vaporized when cooking. I really like the capacity as well, 8 racks of ribs is a winner for bigger parties. I was considering a way more expensive cabinet smoker from backwoods but glad I tried this setup first. Buy with confidence and be that BBQ guy in your group.
Really great product, but a few vital accessories are not included.
by Salute Your Shorts (4 out of 5 stars)
April 9, 2019
Overall an amazing smoker and works as great as everyone says. I took off one star because I feel you get an incomplete package.
The grill grate included is a standard one like you'd see in any kettle grill. On their website, they sell a separate hinged grill grate where half of it can drop down so you can hang ribs, etc. on one side and use the grill grate on the other side. This should be reversed. The hinged grill grate should be the one included in the box and the standard one should be the one you can purchase separately.
There is an ash pan that makes clean up much easier and is sold separately. This should also be something that is included in the box.
Cooker is amazing, but better deal at pbc site
by friendtricia (5 out of 5 stars)
August 1, 2017
This cooker/smoker is an absolute dream, with set-it-and-forget-it ease, and I assure you there isn't a better cooker at this price point. It does what they say it will do, and turns out amazing taste with very little fuss. The raves and excellent reviews are true!
HOWEVER - and I know this is so minor, but - this purchase, for the exact item available on pitbarrelcooker.com does NOT include the seasoning packets you'd get ordering from the company. I didn't understand this when I purchased from Amazon, though the description does note the fact.
After I purchased this from Amazon, I discovered how easy it was to just order from pbc - they even take PayPal, which I think is a bonus. Delivery even beat the cooker to my door.
SO, YESSSSSS, get the cooker, but if you'd like to try the seasoning, just order from the company.
Can't be beat
by xtravgnt (4 out of 5 stars)
June 20, 2017
I admit I was skeptical. I spent weeks trying to decide which Weber Kettle grill and which Smokey mountain I would get, I knew I needed both as one could not replace the other. After looking at different sizes and prices I could not find a size and price that I thought was worth it and that's how through a BBQ forum I ran across the Pit Barrel Cooker. I dove in and researched it and was sold by the mostly hands-off cooking approach, the fact it was made in the USA by Veterans, capacity of food it could handle and of course the price. I placed my order and with prime delivery it was supposed to arrive on Father's day so I invited my family over. Unfortunately my local USPS decided not to deliver on time so we had to order Chinese, disappointing to say the least.
I got the grill the following Monday and when I got home from work debated if I wanted to try it or wait until the weekend. After reading how easy setup was I decided to give it ago. Assembly consisted of unpacking and attached the handle to the cover, that was it. I had ribs and chicken ready to go from the previous day as well. Got the coals started, set everything up, hooked my meat and let it do it's thing. Came back a couple of hours later to perfectly cooked food, it was just that simple!
Taking one star away because I did not get my Rubs, I'm not sure if that's because I ordered from Amazon and not directly from the PBC company?
... Pit Barrel Cooker and it has quickly become my favorite. It's a bit more messy than the propane
by S. Oliver (5 out of 5 stars)
May 24, 2018
I had two smokers already before I purchased the Pit Barrel Cooker and it has quickly become my favorite. It's a bit more messy than the propane and electric ones but well worth it, also the flavor you get from using the charcoal can't be duplicated on the other two. I don't monitor the temps on this cooker because after watching some youtube videos on it it didn't seem to matter what the temp was, it was more about the time guidelines and watching the internal food temps. If you go by Pit Barrel guidelines and get a good bluetooth remote thermometer and watch the internal temp on your food you won't be disappointed. I only use Kingsford in the blue bag since that's what they recommend and I won't deviate, only thing I add is a couple of wood chunks. As a word of caution be careful how much wood you add because I added 3 big chunks of cherry wood when cooking a pork butt and it was overkill so next time I'll use two smaller ones and that should be plenty. Overall I'm happy with my purchase but I will be adding the ash pan to make clean up a lot easier. I'd also recommend you purchase their custom Pit Barrel chimney starter because the normal sized one I had didn't fit in the pit barrel so it made my first cook more complicated. I bought one after that and my next cook went just like it should have so do yourself a favor and get their chimney starter.
by riley (5 out of 5 stars)
February 4, 2018
FANTASTIC...AWESOME...GLORIOUS...PHENOMENAL.....these are the exact words used to describe the brisket that I smoked for the superbowl meal in the pitt barrel cooker that I just got, uttered by my 13 and 15 year old grandkids. the pitt barrel is the new love of my life......right behind my WIFE of course!!
update.... cant say enough about the pitt barrel... I have cooked a boston butt, ribs, pork loin, country style ribs, beef ribs... all have come out perfect! I am addicted...never has smoking been so easy. my grandson has added another expression of the food that I have cooked since using the pitt barrel....ELECTRIFING!
update.... I bought this grill-smoker on feb 1st and this thing continues to AMAZE! its now oct 1st and I have cooked everything under the sun and its perfect everytime. without a doubt its the best grill-smoker I have ever owned. I can start another meal 6 hours later after I first lit up the coals and its still over 300 degrees even though I had only filled up the charcoal basket halfway. TRULY AMAZING!!
Holy Smokes!!!
by Allyson Johnson (5 out of 5 stars)
April 9, 2016
Pun intended!! The Pit Barrel Cooker does exactly what it says it will do...Pounds away hour after hour with a consistent temperature. I am a novice smoker, but have utilized my Weber Kettle as a smoker with the Smokenator, which is pretty darn good given for what it is, but demands a lot of attention to regulate temperature and maintain fuel.
I did a lot of research before I bought the Pit Barrel Cooker and it has received excellent reviews and I am confirming them. For my first cook I made pork spare ribs and a whole chicken. The chicken turned out amazing and the ribs ok. I followed the directions exactly for both, but the ribs were about 20-minutes overdone. That's not a function of the cooker, but the cook! The chicken was so juicy and amazing! The ribs would have been the same, but just a bit overdone. The flavor for the ribs was still amazing, but just a little dry. During the cook I utilized my Mavrick to check the internal pit temperature and I was amazed at how consistent this thing was!
This was my first cook with the PBC and the result was about what I had expected...good but not great since I need to get used to the tool being used. I can't wait to cook on this thing again! The more I use it the better the results will be, with little effort and babysitting! Plus you can't ignore the reviews that some of the best Pit Masters have given this unit!
Don't hesitate and buy this beast!!
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