- Surah Feel (The Elephant)
- Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.
- Surah Feel is the 105th chapter in the Quran. It was revealed in Mecca. It consists of five verses.
- It refers to an event that happened in the year of the birth of our holy Prophet, say about 570
- A.D.
- Yemen was then under the rule of the Abyssinians. Abraha Ashram was the Abyssinian
- governor or viceroy.
- Intoxicated with power, he came with a big expedition against Mecca, intending to destroy the Ka’aba.
- Abraha had an army of Elephants. The peace in Mecca was disturbed. There was fear. How were the
- people of Mecca to fight an army of Elephants?
- The people of Mecca fled to the mountains except a few who tried to negotiate with Abraha.
- This app is the story of what happened next and the fate the army met with as it approached the
- Ka'bah…Abraha’s sacrilegious intentions were defeated by a miracle.
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Details were last updated on Mar 5, 2025 02:58 +08.