Product Description
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is an American animated television series and Disney Television Animation's first CGI animated series, that premiered in prime time on Disney Channel. This Minnie Mouse Cheerleader Costume includes a pink Minnie Mouse dress with a pleated skirt, a pair of pom poms and ear headband with a polka-dot bow.
- Quality materials used to make Disguise products
- Fun, Colorful, Inventive designs to put you in the world of role play
- Whether it's Halloween, birthday parties, or even a fun filled night, disguise is good for everything!
- Dress with pleated skirt
- Pom Poms
- Headband with ears and bow
- Official Disney Licensed Costume
- Officially licensed product
- Product Includes: Dress, pair of pom poms and matching character headband.
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Details were last updated on Dec 18, 2024 16:32 +08.