AeroPress Coffee and Espresso Maker - Quickly Makes Delicious Coffee without Bitterness - 1 to 3 Cup -

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AeroPress Coffee and Espresso Maker - Quickly Makes Delicious Coffee without Bitterness - 1 to 3 Cup

Brand: AeroPress
Manufacturer: AeroPress Coffee Maker
Model: AeroPress Original
EAN: 0085276000855
Category: #2167 in Kitchen (French Presses)
Price: $39.95  (Customer Reviews)
Dimension: 11.75 x 4.75 x 4.50 inches
Shipping Wt: 0.40 pounds. FREE Shipping (Details)
Availability: In Stock
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Product Description

Popular with coffee enthusiasts worldwide, the patented AeroPress is a new kind of coffee press that uses a rapid, total immersion brewing process to make smooth, delicious, full flavored coffee without bitterness and with low acidity. Good-bye French Press! The rapid brewing AeroPress avoids the bitterness and high acidity developed during the long steep time required by the French press. Plus, the AeroPress paper Microfilter eliminates grit and means clean up takes seconds. Makes 1 to 3 cups of American coffee per pressing in about a minute, and unlike a French press, it can also brew espresso style coffee for use in lattes, cappuccinos and other espresso based drinks. Perfect for home kitchen use, the AeroPress is lightweight, compact, portable and durable, making it also ideal for traveling, camping, backpacking, boating and more! Includes the AeroPress press, funnel, scoop, stirrer, 350 microfilters and a filter holder. Mug not included. Assembled measurements: 9 1/2" h X 4" w X 4" d


  • UNIQUELY DELICIOUS: No more average joe from fancy, expensive machines. By combining the best of several brew methods into one patented device, you get smooth, rich, grit-free coffee with a delicious, full-bodied finish that lingers well after your last sip. No bitterness. No cream needed.​
  • PATENTED 3-IN-1 BREW TECHNOLOGY: The only press that combines agitation and pressure with micro-filtration so you can use finer ground coffee. Hot water is pushed through the grinds, quickly aerating and extracting only the purest, freshest flavors, while keeping grit and bitterness out of your coffee.
  • BETTER THAN FRENCH PRESS: No more bitterness or grit. The patented 3 in 1 brew technology of the AeroPress Original Coffee maker eliminates bitterness and acidity and creates a smooth, rich, full bodied cup of coffee. Paper or metal micro-filters allow you to use finer ground coffee for a faster brew time and no grit (unlike the mesh filter of a French press). No more messy coffee grounds – clean-up takes seconds! Durable, shatterproof design, perfect for travel, camping & gifting.
  • TRAVEL READY: Compact, durable, shatterproof and lightweight. Pack it in your bag and take it on the road. No more mediocre (at best) hotel or office coffee.
  • PERFECT GIFT FOR COFFEE LOVERS: Our little coffee innovation is a standout gift that promises a uniquely delicious coffee experience; It’s an ideal present for birthdays, holidays, or any special occasion, almost guaranteeing a smile and a hug
  • ONE YEAR WARRANTY: Easy to use and maintain and loved across the globe, we truly believe in our coffee press. But to be sure you do too, we offer a one year warranty.

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Top Reviews

Game changing. Really. (Updated with a big potential disappointment)
by dwizum (4 out of 5 stars)
March 10, 2016

Stop what you're doing and make note of the date and time.

Then, buy this.

Your life will never be the same.

I can't really think of anything to say that hasn't been said before, but this is basically the iPhone of the coffee world. It changes the game:
1) Easy to use, easy to clean, doesn't require elaborate rituals
2) Makes REALLY GOOD coffee, that can be easily adjusted to suit your taste
3) It's FREAKING CHEAP compared to owning a whole counter full of coffee appliances (trust me, I've been there)
4) It's portable. You can take it on trips, use it in hotels. You can take it camping, hunting, or fishing. You can take it to your office. In fact, I bought a second one for my office. This thing can make the best coffee anywhere you have boiling water.

I'm going to keep this brief, because. Really. Just buy it already. The more time you spend reading this, the longer until Aeropress changes your life.

UPDATED - Okay, it's been maybe 4 months since I bought my first Aeropress. I liked it so much I got another one for my office. The first Aeropress has had maybe 500 cups through it, the second maybe 100. The problem is, the seal on that first unit is totally, completely shot. You can't even really push down on it, or air burps past the plunger. Worse, sometimes hot coffee makes it past, and spurts out the top all over your hand. This started a few weeks ago and has gotten steadily worse.

Googling, it looks like this does happen to people from time to time, and Aerobie do make a replacement part, but apparently you have to call and order it - it's not available on Amazon or Aerobee's website that I can find.

I don't mind replacing a worn out part, but this thing is 4 months old. There's only two coffee drinkers in my house. Yeah, we both drink a lot of coffee, but there's two of us. Two people wearing out a coffee appliance in 3 or 4 months is kind of ridiculous. I don't know how much the seals cost, but I am probably going to ask for several. I'm not going to stop using this, and I do still believe it's the single best way to make coffee, but I am pretty disappointed. Hopefully this is an isolated incident. I'll report back in a few months when the second unit has a similar volume through it, or once the first one hits the next ~500 cups. In the meantime, I'm sadly deducting a star from my prior 5 star rating.

UPDATED AGAIN - 6 months (roughly) later. The high-use unit at home is juuuuust starting to wear out again. It's been a little more robust this time but is still starting to wear. The lower-use unit at my office is still going strong on it's first rubber bit. It looks like the rubber part has a useful life of maybe 750-1,000 cups of coffee. For some people that's gonna be years maybe? For us, it's not very long. I still love this thing, I'm still gonna keep using it, but I'm still slightly disappointed. They should just bundle the rubber part with the filters. It's a little annoying to order, there is apparently one online source in Canada or you can call (yes, CALL on a phone - no online ordering) the manufacturer.

Also, I want to share a useful tip. Once the rubber seal does start to wear, if you soak it in very hot water for a minute before use, it sometimes rejuvenates it and lets it seal. So, even once it's worn you can kind of still use it, but with an extra step that only works some of the time.
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My Perfect Americano
by KSB-2 (5 out of 5 stars)
August 10, 2017

I first bought this 3 years ago and decided it was the way to go for me because I could make a single cup at a time. After much experimentation, I've settled on my personal method.
1. I use Starbucks espresso beans available at most any supermarket. I've tried other brands such as Peet's but my personal preference is the SB espresso.
2. I grind the beans fresh every day to very fine consistency.
3. I use a 16 oz mug.
4. I dump a slightly rounded scoop of the grind into the receiver.
5. I pour water that is between 185-195F over the grounds all the way near the top. I used to use water that had reached boiling -- big mistake. The best flavor comes from water at a lower heat. You can buy a heater, such as Cuisinart, with a builtin thermometer.
6. Stir the water gently for a minimum of 10 seconds. Along with correct water temp, I've found this step to be crucial. Stirring allows the grounds to settle (much of them will float) and 'bloom' as the water gently drips out. Stirring properly affects flavor more than any other step and I think it's the key to the flavor release this device produces - superior to drip or press alone.
7. When the liquid descends to the 'o' on the AeroPress logo, I begin to plunge very slowly until it's all expelled.
8. What's produced is about 9 oz of coffee which I dilute with more hot water to produce 15 oz of my perfect (to me) Americano.
9. Because I use a fine grind, some residue may remain on the lip of the cup which I wipe with a paper towel before drinking.

Note: My original Aeropress receiver became deformed and the plastic surface bubbled inside because I used water that was too hot. My newer set apparently uses a stronger plastic and I've had no problems. And I never use boiling water.
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Fortunately, a few creative individuals created a alternative way ...
by Coldoff (3 out of 5 stars)
December 27, 2015

If used as intended the Aeropress produces a watery, burnt cup of coffee.

Fortunately, a few creative individuals created a alternative way to brew coffee using the device that produces much better results!

The "Inverse Brew" method:
1. Stick the plunger in the cylinder, but do not attach the filter.
2. Place the Aeropress on a table so that the plunger is on the table and the other end is open facing your ceiling.
3. Add ~2 scoops of coffee grounds (freshly ground if possible!)
4. Heat water to about 200 degrees Fahrenheit and fill the Aeropress. Stir.
5. Screw on the filter and allow the Aeropress to sit upright for 2 minutes.
6. Flip the Aeropress over a cup and depress the plunger.
7. Add additional hot water to your preference of strength and heat.

This method will produce a very smooth cup of coffee, and is infinitely better than the way described in the Aeropress directions!
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by May or may not be an engineer (5 out of 5 stars)
April 27, 2018

The only improvement would be to make it out of Pyrex glass. Even $60 for a glass one would be a good deal, something to pass onto your children to remember the revolution in coffee making.

Glass would be preferred partly because of plastic leaching, and partly because of cracking that has occurred inside the tube due to hot/cold cycles. The cracks have not caused any issues so far, but they may eventually cause suction issues or wear down the rubber as it moves past (in my pictures you can see some wear on the surface of the rubber). This is after 3-4 years and 1000 cups of coffee.

Also a comment regarding the plunger. I actually store the plunger inside the tube, pushed all the way through until it pops out the end, just to save some space. This seems to keep it in better shape, pinching the narrow part of the rubber and forcing the wide end to expand, at least in theory. Perhaps this is by design, otherwise I would suggest the designers to consider this when they design the pyrex glass version.

As for the pyrex design, I would use pyrex for the tube, strong metal for the plunger rigid part, strong metal for the screw thing, and silicone plunger. All food safe.
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Best Coffee I have ever made
by William E. (5 out of 5 stars)
September 1, 2017

There are so many positive reviews about the Aeropress it seems silly to add one more goes.

I like strong black coffee, I mean really strong black coffee but I don't want it bitter. I've tried a couple of the home type pressure pot espresso machines, one made in Italy and the other Germany. Made pretty good lattes but never got good coffee from them. The espresso wasn't that strong and usually a little bitter. I tried French press and cold brew and found them to be unsatisfactory for my tastes. Recently I bought a Hamilton Beach 49981A Single Serve Scoop Coffee Maker which I found oddly satisfying to make coffee but it wasn't strong enough. I've tried the pour over types but again, not strong. Enter the Aeropress. I've only been using it for about a week and after some trial and error I've been consistently making the best, strongest with no bitterness coffee I've ever had. I've watched many videos on how to use the Aeropress, some of them verging on ridiculous. Eleven seconds for this, twenty nine for that..... Way too scientific and for me unnecessary. I use almost two scoops (I did say I like it strong) of hand ground coffee ground slightly on the fine side. Pour some just short of boiling water in and stir. Then I add more water until it's nearly full and stir again. Top it off then get my cup ready and the filter installed in the end cap. Wait a bit more and press. This makes a little over half of my mug of rich, black and very aromatic coffee. I add hot water to further fill my mug Great coffee just the way I want it.

A few remaining comments are I use the upside down method, my beans are fresh dark roasted from Honduras (I live there), freshly roasted and hand ground before use. Water is "purified" bottled.

For me, the Aeropress makes the best coffee I've ever had and I hope for you as well.
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I prefer this over a french press.(old) barely usable after 2 months
by Great Owl,Top Contributor: Camping (1 out of 5 stars)
December 30, 2015

I prefer this over a french press. I've ordered a french press for a friend before, and another friend has a similar one, so I've made coffee in a french press multiple times without owning one. I decided to get this after watching a lot of movie reviews. It really is what it says - an air-press. The liquid will all be drained out and you will have air in between, so when you hear an air sound while pressing down it is done.

Cleanup is amazing on this thing, and efficiency. When done with the coffee simply press the plunger in all the way, remove the plastic cap (barely has ~1 drop worth spread across it), once the cap is off simply press the plunger a little further and you will hear a "pop" and you got the minimal amount of grounds and paper filter has ~2mm of untouched paper around the rim. Could easily dispose of when camping behind a bush, very compostable.

I haven't tried it backpacking yet but it is very small and that will be the next test.

update 3/5/2016. I purchased this on Dec. 30th, 2015. It is now about 2 months lter on March 05, 2016 as of my writing.

The rubber plunger has become "whooshy" over the last 2 months. A couple times I had lost air pressure from it and thought nothing of it. Another month later I am still using it today, but today it exploded on me and all over the kitchen while pressing it. It has been losing pressure more and more like this over the last month. I expect it going forward to not hold pressure correctly unless held just right, and then too much pressure (which is almost nothing) will just make it go splat all over again.

And then when I go to warrenty information on amazon it says to contact seller. No way to click on the seller, it has been over 30 days (basically 60 days) and so I'm stuck with a piece of plastic rubber press after it explodes...and it takes about 5x the pressure to push it down with the rubber as compared to when air was pressing before.

I originally paid $26.xx so it seemed like a good holiday price. What's it worth when it doesn't press? I've used it every day multiple times a day for the past 2 months, normal use. It's what it is.
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Wonderful coffee maker to have at work!
by cree (5 out of 5 stars)
July 28, 2016

My husband had a co-worker who used one of these daily. After stealing several cups of coffee and having complete coffee envy, my husband decided to purchase one himself. This has proven to be the absolute best coffee maker to have at work. It makes one cup at a time, is easy to use, makes very little mess and takes up almost no room. He couldn't be happier with the purchase.

We've had this for several months now, and with almost daily use it's held up very well. My husband reports that it still works as well as it did when he first received it. I have a traditional coffee maker at home, and my husband says he actually prefers how this coffee maker makes his coffee taste (though maybe he just doesn't like how I make coffee!!).

When you order be sure to get extra filters. Buying one set of extra filters will last for a loooooong time.

Overall I highly recommend this product. We're by no means coffee snobs, but my husband does enjoy a good cup of joe. And he says this is his preferred way to make it!
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Love my Aeropress + Altura mesh filter (sold separately) - See my tips on use!
by Amanda Leigh (5 out of 5 stars)
September 14, 2016

I only started drinking coffee recently, having had major cravings during my last pregnancy for a flavor I had loathed my entire life. I am serious - I hated the way coffee smelled and tasted. But, thanks to the wonderful changes that occur with hormones, I wanted it all the time suddenly. After trying a Mr. Coffee Keurig maker that I also purchased here on Amazon, I had almost given up on making my own coffee at home that tasted close enough to the local coffee shop's cup. As I did a little more research on single-cup options, I found the Aeropress and was a bit skeptical about its performance.

However, even after just one cup, I knew I had a winner! At first, I used the included paper filters. The flavor was good, much better than with the Mr. Coffee I returned. I ordered the ultra premium mesh filter from Altura ( and - wow! did it make a difference. Definitely get one of those to try with your Aeropress.

Here are my tips on use:
- Heat water to 195-197. That makes a much better cup for me than lower temperatures, which I tried first.
- Make your own foamed milk: get a lidded jar, fill it 1/4-1/2 way with lowfat milk (whole will not work), shake for one minute, remove lid, microwave for 30-45 seconds and you'll have warm milk and foam to add!
- Add grounds and then water to Aeropress; stir for 10-15 seconds and then immediately place top plunger in just enough to seal
- Heat milk, cream, syrup, vanilla, etc., in a glass measuring cup in the microwave for 30-60 seconds (watch it to make sure it doesn't spill)
- Slowly use the plunger to press the water and coffee through the filter
- Add the milk, cream, etc.

I make a double cup and put it in my stainless steel tumbler, where it stays hot for hours.

I love how simple this is! Definitely high on my recommendations.
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Don't replace gasket- just dip plunger end in boiling water before each use.
by Dave F (4 out of 5 stars)
February 1, 2018

Qualities of this device have already been pretty much covered in the reviews. It is an inexpensive device that makes good coffee that can be made just as you like it by changing grinds and soaking time. I found that , over time, scratches developed on the inside of the main sleeve from coffee grains. These caused pressure leakage and loss of the compression to force water through the coffee. Replacing rubber gasket did not help. I found that dipping the rubber gasket end of the plunger in boiling water (I microwave water for brewing and allow a little extra to do this) expands and softens the plunger. The plunger will now seal well and it works like new. This dipping procedure must be done each time it is used.
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Better Than Drip
by Kenobi-San (5 out of 5 stars)
April 2, 2019

Our coffee machine died a while back so I got this as a replacement. We think it tastes better. They are not lying when they say that it's less acidic. Regular drip sometimes gives me heartburn, but this does not. It takes more effort than a drip machine, but it's easily added to your morning routine. I should mention that we are only one cup people though. You do have to go through the whole process each time you want a cup so I don't think I'd like it as much if I was a 3 or more cup person. In my opinion, your ideal equipment setup should include: the Aeropress, a coffee grinder that has a 'fine/espresso' setting and a glass measuring cup or tea kettle. We pour 12 ounces of cold filtered water into our measuring cup and heat it for 3 minutes in the microwave. While that's going on I grind beans and pour them into the Aeropress. I usually have a minute or so left to let the dog out or start getting my breakfast ready. Then, the water is done and I continue the Aeropress process. Just pour the water in, mix it up for a few seconds then press it.

Tip: We've found four ways to affect the strength. One, the grind on the beans. Two, the amount of coffee. Three, the line that you fill up to on the Aeropress. Four, whether you press the water through right away or let it drip through. If you want it stronger or weaker, you need to adjust those things. Want 12 oz of strong stuff? Use a fine grind, two or three scoops, fill with water up to number 3, mix and let sit until all the water flows through. Then, press just to get the last bit of water out of the grounds. Add your remaining water and you'll end up with something similar to an americano. I like how customizable it is and enjoy trying for different strengths because I like weaker coffee later in the day.

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