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Product Description
Simply press the button and swing, once the Fly, Wasp or Bug touches the screen it will be instantly Zapped unlike the 3 layer rackets who often have to try several times to get a Zap because of the dead outer layers Superb Build Quality Genuine branded Executioner Not a cheap copy Ideal for Home, Office, Camping, BBQ's and any outdoor activities where Flying bugs bother you Instant Zap Single Layer 1. 2mm Zinc Steel Grill Made with ABS Plastic not brittle recycled plastic Positive on and off button with LED warning light and instant off once button released Very High Quality Electronics which have been tested to over 100, 000 Zap's Our Racket comes with 2 AA (UK only USA no batteries are supplied) Branded Alkaline Batteries Fully CE Approved and UK Trading Standards Passed, our racket is built to last. WARNING: This product is powered by Alkaline batteries As with all Alkaline batteries, these could explode or leak, if recharged, disposed of in fire, mixed with a different battery type, inserted backwards, physically damaged or disassembled, this could cause burns or injury Replace all batteries at the same time Do not carry batteries loose in your pocket or purse. Do not remove the battery label. Visually check all batteries regularly, if there is any sign of damage or if a battery becomes excessively warm during use please dispose of outside in a metal containerFeatures
- Built to last Made with ABS Plastic not brittle recycled plastic
- Requires 2 AA batteries not included for USA Market place
- Fully CE Approved and Trading Standards Passed
- Our racket is built to last
Top Reviews
Now I enjoy an occasional fly in the house.by Amazon Customer (5 out of 5 stars)
May 31, 2016
This thing works great. When you hit a bug with this there is a bright flash and snap as it gets zapped. Dispatching insects has never been so satisfying. I haven't tried touching the screen with my finger...and I don't plan to. The flash is bright, but not as big as it looks in the photo.
Not as satisfying as others
by CW (3 out of 5 stars)
October 21, 2016
It works well. I've killed large house flies, wasps, spiders dangling from the ceiling, and small fruit flies with this thing. My only complaint is that it lacks the very satisfying spark of electricity, and the accompanying audible pop that similar products produce. With the small fruit flies, they usually pass right between the rods unharmed. Fruit flies are magical creatures, that are only visible in your peripheral vision. Once you try and focus on them, they disappear. The lack of the audible electrical discharge on this device makes it impossible to know you got them, unless they fall dead on the table right in front of you. It easier with larger insects, because they cling to the grate, and singe. With the largest insects like wasps, they take a while to die. You've got to fry them for a bit. When you can smell them cooking, they are usually good and dead.
This thing makes me feel invincible . . .
by D.D. (5 out of 5 stars)
May 25, 2016
Okay, I'm sure some people will think I am nuts, but who cares? Please let me state that I am of the belief that bugs and spiders that are annoying me in my house or pose a danger to my family can die at my hand, and I feel no guilt. If that is not you please don't read this review.
I live in the country a little outside of a big city. My home is peaceful and living in the country comes with many perks. However, one of those perks is not providing a bug free existence. In fact, it is quite the opposite. If you've lived in the country or even gone camping you know what I mean. We have every insect you can think of from dirt dobbers, wasps, teen age mutant ninja mosquitos, huge horse flies, giant black spiders, June bugs on a mission of destruction and . . . The spider webs out here would give Spider Man a run for his money. So, YES! I hate spiders and flying insects that sting the crap out of me or possess enough poison to rot my leg off. Maybe I've just seen too many movies about infestations of uranium infused bugs. Nonetheless, I've seen too many bugs in my life.
After years fighting what seemed an impossible monster I decided to buy one of these bug zappers and reap my vengeance. Just pop in a couple batteries and you become Super Zapper Man. The first night I got this I was having so much fun that my wife came out to see what the heck I was up to. I finally feel vindicated. It usually only takes one big zap and the varmint bites the dust. I have used it on some spiders that were as big as my palm, which took about four zaps before they met their maker.
I am so glad I bought this!!! It works great. I feel like the Terminator at last.
Me: 6, yellow jackets: 0
by David (5 out of 5 stars)
September 18, 2016
I have a high regard for mother nature. Bees pollenate everything we see. However... I am allergic to bee stings and those yellow jacket sum'b*tches... so far the score is:
ME: 6, yellow jackets: 0
All I do it lift the racket and activate and the stupid things fly right in to the racket... "POP!"
The good, the bad and the ugly
by Jay Stafford (3 out of 5 stars)
August 14, 2017
I'm on my fourth Executioner in the last 3-4 years, so that should tell you two things:
1) When it works it works real good. It fries up them bugs with a nice satisfying pop. Get yourself a sixpack of Bud and a bunch of flies or bees, and you got yourself some quality entertainment.
2) It's a cheap piece of junk that breaks easy. Here are a couple of hints that will help you get more than six month out of this cheaply made product: NEVER hit the racket on the ground (even lightly) trying to dislodge a fried bug, and wrap duct tape tightly around the handle, starting just above the on/off switch (which will break in less than a year no matter what you do).
Happy hunting
Buy it!
by Jennifer Tyler (5 out of 5 stars)
April 29, 2017
I live on the bay in Maryland. We have bugs. Not Florida bugs, but...bugs. I hate bugs.
My first Executioner lasted two years. I used it daily from April to November. It was a monster! Never cleaned it, maybe put a battery in it one time. I was crushed when it died. I immediately went to Prime to get another, and they were sold out. I bought [many other models]. They were all TERRIBLE. If you read a lot of zapper racquet reviews, you'll see why I rated them all 1-star.
I just ordered two more Executioners, one for the back yard and one for the front/garage.
This thing WILL kill yellowjackets, spiders, horseflies, greenheads, carpenter bees, (worker bees, paper wasps, and mud daubers too which you shouldn't kill though, because they are beneficial insects and don't harm humans...)
This doesn't have a grate so it gets them on first contact. If the two I just bought today last half as long and work half as well as the one I bought on Amazon in 1
2015, it was well worth the money. The bigger one (two C batteries) has terrible reviews...have you ever seen a single thing that's wired to take TWO C batteries? No. Because electricity. Think about it.
No, don't. Just buy this one and you will kill bugs all summer for $14.99.
Still working intact with original batteries two years later.
by jk2john (5 out of 5 stars)
July 27, 2017
I've had two of these since fall 2015. I saw a relative using a electric shock flyswatter overseas and I googled it as soon as I got back to the states. Harbor freight had them and Bed Bath and Beyond had them in store. I picked one up from Bed Bath... it did the job (I.e. Zapped the flies) but always felt kinda cheap and unsubstantial. Well, inevitably I missed the fly and hit the counter with the Bed Bath one and it broke in half... I checked Amazon and found a new electric sweater with good reviews and took the plunge - for two of them. Totally worth it! These can take a beating and sure deliver one. The only downside to this is that this has wires that run down the length of the "head" but only in one direction and they're spaced ~1/8" apart. The bug has to make contact with two of the wires to get zapped - meaning it works for houseflies and bigger bugs. Small mosquitoes and maybe fleas would likely pass right through the bars. The other brands and the one I saw overseas had an electrified mesh screen that was small enough for mosquitoes and fleas. Still, we had a fly problem - well, not a problem anymore... so I'm good with the design
by Leon Kowalski (1 out of 5 stars)
June 19, 2018
You have to touch the insect for the electric arc to be triggered. If you think you'll be swinging this through the air like a tennis racket, all you will accomplish is giving yourself tennis elbow. If you do manage to nail a fly with this, despite the incredibly loud pop, the fly will likely still be alive.
When you press the "on" button, it emits a high-pitched whine which terrifies dogs. Even worse, the pop makes them run for cover.
Battery compartment door is absurdly large and falls off easily.
From An Electronic Engineer's Point Of View
by Toggler (5 out of 5 stars)
October 7, 2016
Loved it. Over the years, I have had several electric swatters. My biggest problem with all of them was that they had a protective screen over the active electrodes to prevent the user from getting zapped (no big problem since most of us wouldn't do it again after experiencing it). However, the protective screen prevented a large number of bugs from ever reaching the active area since they are very likely to hit the screen first, getting knocked away, and not getting zapped, especially large ones such as wasps. In fact, wasps could not be zapped with the old units that had protective screens. This unit will zap wasps since they directly touch the electrode pairs.
The Executioner has completely removed the protective screen so that all bugs will make it to the zapper wires. This is really great and if you are so foolish as to touch the wires, you will receive a reminder not to do it again. Any bug that I wave this thing at causes a very noticeable POP with the results you were after.
Another great feature is the sturdier, thicker wires which tend to hold their shape and spacing. This is very important to these devices since they work by holding a fixed distance between the pairs of wires for their entire length and then generating a high voltage across the wires that is just below enough to arc across between them. When a bug either hits the pairs of wires OR passes between them, the bug shortens the effective distance between the wires and the high voltage now can arc and do its job.
Notice that the bug DOES NOT HAVE TO TOUCH THE WIRES to cause the arc, it just reduces the effective distance between a pair of wires, to the point that the arc can cross the gap. I read all the reviewers who want this gap to be eliminated. However, this GAP IS NECESSARY to allow all electric swatters to even work. Very small critters (mosquitoes, gnats) pass between the pairs of wires and reduce the gap's effective distance to the point of causing the arc to occur. This device cannot work with only one surface !! When talking about electricity, it takes Two To Tango as the saying goes. In general, current travels between two wires or from one wire to a ground (which can look like the other wire if so designed).
In summary: 1) No protective screen to knock many bugs away from the active wires. 2) The thicker wires and very regular gap size allow the voltage to be controlled better at JUST BELOW THE ARC LEVEL which allows even the small critters to have a good chance to get zapped. I get mosquitoes almost every time. I haven't tried a gnat yet, but even they will invite the arc to occur when passing between the pairs of wires thus reducing the effective gap size. In fact, that Is the only way to ever get a gnat. Remember, they don't have to touch ANY wire to be blasted.
Also, don't worry about the high voltage hurting you directly, for two reasons. 1) The high voltage source has very high impedance which greatly limits the amount of current. In fact, the high voltage drops to almost zero in a few microseconds after doing its job. 2) From a human standpoint, the gap size is so small that the current from an accidental shock travels through only a very small piece of skin (the gap width) causing pain to only a limited area. It isn't fun, to be sure, but not all that dangerous, except from a reaction to the jolt such as dropping something or jumping in such a way to cause problems. Or...if you do it to someone else, you may be hurt when they catch you !!
I am buying several of these to give as Christmas presents this year. I love the design and reliability.
NSFW (Not Suitable For Wasps)
by Troy D Warr (3 out of 5 stars)
June 27, 2015
Either I've just met Rasputin reincarnated in wasp form, or this racket doesn't work quite as well as advertised.
As I walked through my front doorway today, a little red jacket decided to anchor himself to my right shoulder and machine-gun sting me about 5 times. After squealing like a pig and running maniacally through my living room, I settled down a bit and tracked the little guy down on the tile floor of my living room. I'm not sure if he was snoozing in the afterglow or just rolling on his back with laughter, but he laid still enough for me to clobber him with a shoe. That was the end of that.
Hours later, when I finally mustered the nerve to approach his corpse to dispose of it, he had VANISHED. I spent most of the rest of the day in fear, meticulously inspecting everything I touched and everywhere I stepped for fear of booby traps. Don't laugh, it has happened before. I finally spotted him clinging to a recessed spot on the interior molding of a window, probably fully understanding that I couldn't reach him there with another shoe. But, he was unaware that I owned... The Executioner.
I removed the racket from my gun safe, loaded it with fresh AA batteries, and approached him cautiously. Holding the trigger down, I slid the racket into an awkward angle against the window, just tight enough to bring the electrodes in contact with his right wing. With a loud SNAP, he was blasted off the window trim and landed on a tabletop below. He'd obviously taken some injuries earlier from the shoe, but he still had enough hatred left in his soul to writhe about in circles. I seized the opportunity and pinned him to the table with the racket, still holding the button with extreme prejudice.
The electric surges of the racket tossed him around like a Jiffy-Pop kernel, but he persevered. I kept on him, pop-zap-snapping electric blue until I began to smell the mephitic aroma of roasted wasp. For a few moments, he lay on his back with his legs curled to his chest, cockroach-style.
But still, he wasn't done. I slowly lifted the racket, and, I crap you negative, he slowly turned his head to stare right into my eyes, and began to use the one measly stump of an appendage that he could still control to pull himself directly toward me. If he still had a fist, I'm very sure he would have shaken it with the threat of revenge.
The racket, at least, had somewhat done its job. It had paralyzed him enough to where I could grab the old trusty shoe again and put the little sumbitch out of his misery.
But, isn't The Executioner a tool meant to make pest killing a convenience? It certainly didn't accomplish that in this case. Mosquitos, maybe. Flies, perhaps. Wasps, definitely not. They're just too meaty and ungodly to be fazed by a novelty like this.
P.S. May this little guy rest in peace. He was a worthy adversary.
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