The Atlas of Emergency Medicine Flashcards

The Atlas of Emergency Medicine Flashcards

268 full-color cards sharpen your visual diagnosis skills Vivid full-color flash cards illustrate common emergency medicine problems A super-effective portable learning tool to enhance visual diagnosis skill

Aldeen and Rosenbaum's 1200 Questions to Help You Pass the Emergency Medicine Boards

Aldeen and Rosenbaum's 1200 Questions to Help You Pass the Emergency Medicine Boards

Fully revised and updated based on valuable reader feedback, Aldeen and Rosenbaum's 1200 Questions to Help You Pass the Emergency Medicine Boards, Third Edition gives you the tools you need to pass the ABEM board exam on the first try. Questions are

Stedman's Emergency Medicine Words: Includes Trauma and Critical Care

Stedman's Emergency Medicine Words: Includes Trauma and Critical Care

Stedman’s Emergency Medicine Words is a key resource for busy medical transcriptionists, medical language specialists, medical coders, and students who must have the most comprehensive, up-to-date, and authoritative reference of comm

Reichman's Emergency Medicine Procedures, 3rd Edition

Reichman's Emergency Medicine Procedures, 3rd Edition

Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.

The Emergency Medicine Trauma Handbook

The Emergency Medicine Trauma Handbook

Trauma is a leading cause of death and disability around the world, and the leading cause of death in those aged under forty-five years. Conditions such as airway obstruction, hemorrhage, pneumothorax, tamponade, bowel rupture, vascular injury, and p

First Aid for the Emergency Medicine Oral Boards, Second Edition

First Aid for the Emergency Medicine Oral Boards, Second Edition

Comprehensive text and fifty cases provide everything needed to ace the Emergency Medicine Oral Boards! This unique exam prep is the first resource to specifically address every key requirement for emergency medicine oral b

Pocket Emergency Medicine (Pocket Notebook Series)

Pocket Emergency Medicine (Pocket Notebook Series)

The newly updated Pocket Emergency Medicine , 3rd Edition is full of the essential information every emergency department clinician should have at their side at all times. In a reader-friendly and portable format the chapters are organize

Concise Review of Critical Care, Trauma and Emergency Medicine: A Quick Reference Guide of ICU and E

Concise Review of Critical Care, Trauma and Emergency Medicine: A Quick Reference Guide of ICU and E

About the Book: Concise yet comprehensive review of the Critical Care and Emergency Medicine. Most commonly encountered clinical scenarios and relevant topics are summarized in an easy to understand format. Can be used as quick reference guide during

Atlas of Emergency Medicine 4th Edition

Atlas of Emergency Medicine 4th Edition

Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. The most compl

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