Product Description
At the heart of teaching school children writing using the methods of author N.S. Zhukova, lies the syllabic principle of Russian graphics. A syllable works in the capacity of a unit of writing, in which consonant and vowel letters are written conditionally and represent a valuable graphic element. The workbook has a particularly practical direction and may be used as a sequel to N.S. Zhukova's book, "Primer." In Russian.
- V osnove obuchenija doshkol'nika pis'mu po avtorskoj metodike N.S.Zhukovoj lezhit slogovoj princip russkoj grafiki.
- Slog vystupaet v kachestve edinicy pis'ma, v kotoroj napisanie glasnoj i soglasnoj bukv vzaimoobuslovleno i predstavljaet soboj cel'nyj graficheskij jelement.
- Propisi imejut sugubo prakticheskuju napravlennost' mogut ispol'zovat' v kachestve prilozhenija k knige N.S.Zhukovoj "Bukvar'".
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Details were last updated on Dec 24, 2024 03:32 +08.