It Ends with Us: A Novel -

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It Ends with Us: A Novel

Brand: Simon & Schuster
Manufacturer: Atria Books
Model: FLMMC9781501110368
ISBN 1501110365
EAN: 9781501110368
Category: Paperback (Humor & Entertainment)
List Price: $16.99
Price: $9.03  (Customer Reviews)
You Save: $7.96 (47%)
Dimension: 0.79 x 3.15 x 2.36 inches
Shipping Wt: 0.75 pounds. FREE Shipping (Details)
Availability: In Stock
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Product Description

Instant New York Times Bestseller

Combining a captivating romance with a cast of all-too-human characters, Colleen Hoover’s It Ends With Us is an unforgettable tale of love that comes at the ultimate price.

Lily hasn’t always had it easy, but that’s never stopped her from working hard for the life she wants. She’s come a long way from the small town in Maine where she grew up—she graduated from college, moved to Boston, and started her own business. So when she feels a spark with a gorgeous neurosurgeon named Ryle Kincaid, everything in Lily’s life suddenly seems almost too good to be true.

Ryle is assertive, stubborn, maybe even a little arrogant. He’s also sensitive, brilliant, and has a total soft spot for Lily. And the way he looks in scrubs certainly doesn’t hurt. Lily can’t get him out of her head. But Ryle’s complete aversion to relationships is disturbing. Even as Lily finds herself becoming the exception to his “no dating” rule, she can’t help but wonder what made him that way in the first place.

As questions about her new relationship overwhelm her, so do thoughts of Atlas Corrigan—her first love and a link to the past she left behind. He was her kindred spirit, her protector. When Atlas suddenly reappears, everything Lily has built with Ryle is threatened.

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Top Reviews

Everyone Needs to Read This Now!
by Amazon Customer (5 out of 5 stars)
August 29, 2016

"In the future . . . if by some miracle you ever find yourself in the position to fall in love again . . . fall in love with me."

I'm going to start this review off with this statement: I didn't cry while I was reading this book, but I did cry several days later when I was looking back on Lily's story. That shows how emotionally charged this story is, along with the true power behind Colleen's writing. I'm not going to give away any spoilers because you need to go into the book blind. If you want to know what happens, there are definitely some reviews out there that tell you the big twists and turns. But take my advice and don't spoil this book for yourself. It will lose a lot if you go in knowing exactly what to expect. So seriously, don't do it to yourself. Just let the beauty of Colleen's writing sweep over you and sink in.
"All humans make mistakes. What determines a person's character aren't the mistakes we make. It's how we take those mistakes and turn them into lessons rather than excuses."

This is honestly not only one of the best reads of 2016, but also one of the most (if not the most) empowering. I want to give this book to every man, woman, and even teenager (it's definitely a NA/adult read) and tell them... READ THIS NOW! Do you want to know why? Because this book carries with it a very strong message, one that shows strength and courage that many people might not have at the time, but after reading will understand and gain. I honestly don't know if there has ever been a time when I was prouder to be reading the heroine's story due to her choices. Ultimately though, Colleen Hoover wrote a book that everyone can take something away from. Colleen always writes such unique stories, and this one is certainly no exception. But the one thing I will say is that this is truly her best book yet.
"Just because someone hurts you doesn't mean you can simply stop loving them. It's not a person's actions that hurt the most. It's the love. If there was no love attached to the action, the pain would be a little easier to bear."

Lily's story is one that I never wanted to stop reading. If I know that I'm going to need to read a book in multiple sittings (which was the case with this book), I usually try to find a good place to stop. One in which, nothing major is happening and nobody is facing some drastic/perilous moment. Well you see the problem with this book is the fact that there is literally NO. GOOD. STOPPING. POINT! None! There was never a part where I felt safe in letting this book sit overnight because I knew that the story and the what if's would play endlessly in my mind. So I stayed up and read it all in one sitting because I simply couldn't stop. Lily was someone that I connected to right from the get go. I knew as soon as the book started that I would like her, and that never once stopped while I was reading. However, I didn't realize how much her character would affect me while I was reading. As I said before, after I was finished reading, I couldn't have been prouder of her decisions. The strength she had throughout the story to go through what she did, but also her resolve and conviction just made me constantly cheer her on. Lily is truly one of the most admirable characters that I have ever had the pleasure of reading about, and that admiration goes extraordinarily deep.
"Life is a funny thing. We only get so many years to live it, so we have to do everything we can to make sure those years are as full as they can be. We shouldn't waste time on things that might happen someday, or maybe even never."

I mentioned it briefly above, but this book has a very powerful message, and this message is actually carefully woven into the story from page 1. You obviously don't realize it when you start reading the novel, but it's there when you look back after finishing. And this is also why I'm going to reiterate the importance of going into the story blind, because just as unexpected and emotional it is for the reader to read and witness what Lily goes through, it is even more unexpected and emotional for Lily. This is where this book truly shines, because you as a reader feel like part of the story. There's a very slow burn while reading, one in which we get to know characters and see the develop in the ways that we as humans get to know each other...but then Colleen rips that metaphorical rug out from under all of us, and shocks us with one revelation after another. But you know what? That's exactly how life is sometimes...sometimes you never see things coming in a million years and you have to figure out how to deal with these radical changes you never thought would happen.
"It stops here. With me and you. It ends with us."

Where this book really got me though was the meaning of the title. Throughout the entire time I was reading, I kept wondering what the title meant. Because come on...this is Colleen Hoover and literally EVERYTHING has some significance (no matter how small). And when I got to the part of the story where the title finally made sense, guys let me tell you...this had an impact on me like no other. I just sat there with my book in my hands staring at the page for a solid 5 minutes. It is the perfect title for the perfect book.
"Fifteen seconds. That's all it takes to completely change everything about a person. Fifteen seconds that we'll never get back."

I connected with this book in my own way, and for that I am extraordinarily thankful to Colleen Hoover for even writing this book. The author's note at the end was just as powerful and amazing as the rest of the story, but it shows just how personal this story was for her to write. I applaud Colleen for writing this book and not "making things easy" for the main character or glossing over the "bad parts." This is an incredibly realistic book that makes you realize many things and leaves an imprint on your soul. It's important to remember that everyone must make extraordinarily difficult decisions in their life, and not everyone will agree with them. If this book even empowers one woman to take steps in making an important decision, the Colleen Hoover did her job. And I count myself lucky to have had the honor of reading this story because I am a changed person because of it!

Happy reading :)
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NOT a Colleen Hoover fan-girl but this was GORGEOUS! **Spoiler-free**
by Heather K (Dentist in my Spare Time) (5 out of 5 stars)
September 28, 2016

*Spoiler-free review*

I have a confession to make here, folks:

I dismissed Colleen Hoover years ago and I haven't read anything from her since.

It's true. Three or four years ago I went through a string of so-so to bad Colleen Hoover books, and I decided to just put her out of my mind. I ignored her new releases, and I lumped her into my mental pile for authors who are "not for me."

Recently, one of my friends wanted to buddy read this book. I thought, "Gah, pay full price for a book I'm not going to like?" However, I sucked it up and sort of grumbled about it, but I decided to give it a go.

And this book blew me away.

The Colleen Hoover I last read wasn't writing books at this caliber. This was a whole different level.

For one, there are none, and I mean NONE, of the tired romance tropes presents in this book. In fact, this book was a little more woman's fiction than romance, if I'm being honest. While I guess it can still be classified, genre-rules-style, as romance, it is more about Lily's life experiences and the lessons that she learns about herself than anything else. There is a romance present, but I don't think it is the main focus of the story. While I'm not typically a women's fiction fan, I think that if this book took any other trajectory, it wouldn't have been as powerful.

I typically don't read reviews before starting a book. In fact, I didn't even read the blurb for this one, or if I did, I forgot it before starting to read. I liked that. I think going in blind with an open mind and minimal expectations is the way to go. Though the twists and turns aren't 100% unexpected, the author very much succeeded in pulling the rug out from under me on more than one occasion.

I'm usually not a fan of books where people say, "Wow, that made me think. This book is a thinker." I usually just roll my eyes internally because I assumed that the readers are being played like emotional pawns. I know, I'm judgy. But in this case, yeah, I was thinking a whole hell of a lot. It made me reevaluate how I perceive others and their relationships, and it made me rethink my biases. People are always know-it-alls until they are in the situation themselves, and then it doesn't seem quite as simple.

The author made one right decision after another with this story. I think that is the key to its success. The author made a relatable, human character in Lily, and gave each supporting character their positives and negatives. There are no villains here. No easy answers. Colleen Hoover also made an insanely smart decision to have only Lily narrate the story. There was no other choice, really, but it gave readers a laser-focus on her, which is where our focus deserves to be.

While this book has a positive ending, it is also a story that can be described as gritty, difficult, hopeful, powerful, and crushing, all at the same time. It is a long story, but it has a fast-pace with plot elements thrown in at the right times to keep interest engaged. I couldn't put the book down from the moment I got into the groove, and I read this story all night until the last page. The dedication is also important to read, but make sure you do it after you've finished the story and not before.

Colleen Hoover impressed me so much with this story. It made me rethink a lot of things, but most of all, it made me rethink how I judged Colleen Hoover years ago. I won't dismiss her so easily again.
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I have been staring at this computer screen for a good hour now trying to find the right words
by Anne Z. (5 out of 5 stars)
July 2, 2018

The reality of this book has left me speechless. I have been staring at this computer screen for a good hour now trying to find the right words. And that is after I spent a good 6 hours in my couch reading it. This is not the kind of book that can easily be put down to be read later, there are no good spots to stop. Once you start it becomes incredibly difficult to take a break.

The story is complex. It is raw. It is honest. It is sad. It is painful.

It shows the reality of human nature. The reality that we are not black and white, simply good or bad. The vast majority of us fall somewhere in the middle- people that make mistakes.

It Ends with Us is told through Lilly's eyes. It is told in the present tense but we also get glimpses into her past as she reads journal entries from when she was a teen.

Lilly is brave and strong. But also as vulnerable as any other woman out there. I was rather impressed with her character, with her sense of self and her ability to prioritize. She had many hard choices to make and she made them well. They were hard, very hard... and there will be a small part of you, as there was a small part of her, who will wish different, but you will know that she did the right thing in the end.

Riley is amazing! I absolutely loved him. And he is the perfect example of how things are not always as they seem. But most importantly, of how often there is so much more to someone's story than we know. Everyone has a past and everyone is -for better or worse- defined by that past. I believe with all my heart that Colleen Hoover chose the right ending for both Lilly and Riley, but I do not believe someone like Riley should be treated with hatred. I felt his pain, specially in the end.

Atlas was pure perfection. There are so many kids out there in the world like him. How wonderful would it be if there were more Lillys?!

All in all this was a fantastic read. Super emotional. Heart wrenching.

When the book was over though something did not feel right. The last 3-4 pages felt rushed. Lilly 'jumped ship' too fast.

And all that being said, I feel I should mention something I did not see mentioned anywhere and I was certainly not told myself: if you have been in a abusive situation (parents/partners/other) and still have hard days, don't read unless you are having a good day. I will be honest and say that had I know what the book was about before reading it I would not have read it. I felt in the end of this book similarly to how I felt when I finished reading The Problem with Forever two months ago (another book I started without knowing what it was going to be about)- reliving memories better forgotten. It was far to real, and if you, like me, can relate to the main female character in either of those books, you also know you need to be in the right frame of mind while reading it...
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Not What It First Appears To Be
by Oakley (3 out of 5 stars)
May 24, 2017

As I started to read this novel, which I had loaded onto my Kindle some weeks earlier, I was thinking "Why in the heck did I get this? I HATE romance novels!" And it surely seemed like a modern romance novel, replete with a red-haired heroine (Why are the heroines always red-headed or have "burnished curls"? What about the occasional limp beigy-gray tendrils? Oh, OK ... I digress ...) who is gorgeous and spunky and smart and determined; a serious chiseled-jaw male with a perfect physique and a successful career (a neurosurgeon!); an unbelievably supportive (and rich) best friend; the requisite gay male friend who can be called upon for last minute dates ... i.e. the usual cast of characters. Then, of course, the "meet cute", which happens several times to build tension; the unadulterated lust of the guy (who actually falls to his knees to beg for sex at one point); the obvious attraction, but cautiousness of the gal; the holy-crap-big seduction scene. All so predictable, all so typical, contrived Romance Novel. (Is it only me or does everyone kinda wish the heroine would fall in a vat of acid to shake things up?) The writing is typical of that genre, also, with its amazing coincidences and excessive hyperbole: she cries harder than she has ever cried before, then a few pages later, she cries harder than ever once again; they are the best cookies she has ever tasted, this is the best restaurant she has ever eaten in; she is sadder than she ever been in her life. Etc. Every other page has a new benchmark, by gosh. I almost gave up on the book at least three times in the first 40% of it, but well, I was comfy, two cats were asleep on my lap, I was sipping wine, soft music, things could be worse. I persevered. But then things started changing subtly, then less subtly. I stopped gagging and paid more attention. The characters were still beautiful, each of several relationships still had its own cutesy, private vocabulary and references, all the good guys were still giving to charity, but suddenly we weren't in Kansas anymore. I don't want to go further because I am really glad that I didn't know how the plot was going to turn. There are a lot of reviews here that can give you that information if you want it. The writing is still a little pat. This isn't great literature. It is an easy enough read, but there is an important kernel of Truth revealed. I am really glad I didn't knock the cats off my lap and find something else to read.
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Give it to your mother. Your sister. Your cousin, niece, best friend, the lady that lives next door
by Kristi Reads (5 out of 5 stars)
May 7, 2018

I've followed Colleen Hoover since the beginning, like many of her dedicated readers. It Ends with Us is NOT like any Colleen Hoover book I have read.... yes, she has broken my heart in the past. Yes, I have cried in public places reading "Hopeless" and "Slammed" and even "November 9"....... but It Ends with Us keeps me coming back over and over again, always needing some time and space to reflect on what the hell just happened.

In many of her novels, Colleen does a fantastic job of showing all the ugly sides of love (see what I did there?). But It Ends with Us should be read and read and re-read by every woman you ever meet. Share it with your mom. With your sister. With your aunt and best friend and nieces. Because abuse doesn't have to stare you right in the face to be abuse... sometimes, it creeps up on you, even when you know the signs.
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by TerriP (5 out of 5 stars)
August 3, 2016

WOW doesn't even begin to describe this book; it's neither an articulate enough nor descriptive enough word to describe all the emotions that this book evokes. Colleen will break you, it won't be pretty but I truly believe that this is a MUST read book of 2016.

I HIGHLY recommend that you go into this story blind, I did as much as I hated that, it was well worth the tears. I would even consider buddy reading this book, you will need the support!

I will admit that I was nervous about reading this book, based on the number of friends that had read it and were broken. Colleen broke some pretty tough hearts with this book.

Colleen broke me at 96% that is when the tears fell in a steady stream. They were falling because I was sad to see someone loose something that they truly loved with all their heart. They were falling because I was so happy that someone was standing up for someone who needed more protection than the other. They were falling with the hope that they would all be able to achieve their happily ever after.

Would I like to see a follow up to this?? Yes and No, I think she ending it at a good place, you know that there will be some drama to come. Do I want to witness it or live blindly that everything works out? I'm not sure how much more my heart can take.
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Heartbreaking and frustrating
by Lauren (2 out of 5 stars)
March 23, 2019

I cannot tell you how angry this book made me feel. I'm not sure if I'm the only one, but considering all the five star reviews it seems I'm one of a few that flat out didn't care for this book. I gave it two starts because 1) I still love Colleen and will continue to read her work. 2) I do love the way she writes, her style is still one of my favorites.

Starting out this book moved way too fast for my liking. The middle got extremely slow. Then the end spread up again to the point where I almost stopped reading it. She stayed in the apartment her husband beat her up and tried to rape her in? And then you let him be a part of your s and the child's life!? I can't even with this book. This guy never gets in trouble for his actions, and is free to do what he did to lily to anyone else who comes along. Yes they loved each other, and the result of that love was heartbreaking. But I can't say the end result didn't make me anything but mad. I loved atlas and if the story had started with him, broken off with him leaving and her attending college, and then them accidentally meeting up again at his restaurant, THAT would have been a great storyline. I know this book was personal to Colleen and I give her mad props for sharing pieces of her and her moms life. And I'm abuse needs to be talked about more, I have nothing wrong with that. I just don't The the story wrapped around it, and the choices she made for the characters.

Words just cannot describe how irritated I was when I finished this book.

As I said in the beginning, I still love Colleen Hoover and the way she creates a story, I just can't stand this one. *All personal opinion*
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Terrible ending-- not what I expected
by Patty (1 out of 5 stars)
January 6, 2019

This book went from enjoyment to frustration. Terrible ending and direction where she took characters. Not realistic when dealing with abuse--- it's not always black or white. Did not like her making Ryle the villain. How s character wasn't congruent with that of an abusive man. A big let down.
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Not sure of all the hype!
by Never ending love of words (3 out of 5 stars)
January 16, 2019

Ok this is my third book of Colleen Hoover that I've read. Hopeless was my first and I enjoyed it, but like this one the ending seemed rushed and unbelievable. Verity was my second and I think I enjoyed it the most. With all this I don't see why her books should cost so much and have so much ratings. This story was had a great topic,but I don't think it was all that well done. The first half was great and I think the journal entries were my favorite. Than the second half just I don't know if just got ridiculous. The writing is pretty good but how the characters were written seemed kind of annoying in the second half, and the 'Naked Truth' was said way to much and used for ridiculous times. This is my opinion, I know many may not agree.
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this story is powerful and an absolute must read!!
by Shannon Cole (5 out of 5 stars)
May 22, 2018

Speechless. This book gutted me.

This is a tragically beautiful story that everyone needs to read.

As tears pool down my cheeks, I beg you to read this book.

This was a heartbreaking story but it needed to be told. Lily is a strong woman who went through so much in her life and dealt with so many conflicting emotions that all you could do was hurt for her and root for her at the same time.

It was so hard watching Lily go through the bad times with Ryle because when the times were good, they were so so good. But when those times were bad, it broke away at my soul to see the man he became and what he did. It devistated me that Lily had to experience those conflicting emotions. To love someone so deep and so powerfully then to have it all questioned in the matter of seconds.

The ending was absolutely beautiful.

As much as I loved Ryle then hated him, I couldn't help but feel sympathy and pride for him and his reaction to the outcome.

I loved how Lily grew and took back her power and stopped the cycle.

It Ends with Us!

Absolutely Amazing Read!!!

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