Bundle: Management, Loose-leaf Version, 13th + MindTap Management, 1 term (6 months) Printed Access  - medicalbooks.filipinodoctors.org

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Bundle: Management, Loose-leaf Version, 13th + MindTap Management, 1 term (6 months) Printed Access

Brand: Cengage Learning
Model: ADT155016
ISBN 1337502162
EAN: 9781337502160
Category: Loose Leaf (Management)
List Price: $223.95
Price: $98.99  (Customer Reviews)
You Save: $124.96 (56%)
Dimension: 11.00 x 8.50 x 1.25 inches
Shipping Wt: 3.67 pounds. FREE Shipping (Details)
Availability: In Stock
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Product Description

Students save money by purchasing this bundle which includes the loose-leaf version of Daft's Management, 12th Edition, and access to MindTap. MindTap provides the tools you need to better manage your limited time. You can complete assignments whenever and wherever you are ready to learn with course material specially customized by your instructor and streamlined in one proven, easy-to-use interface. With an array of tools and apps -- from note taking to flashcards -- you get a true understanding of course concepts, helping you to achieve better grades and setting the groundwork for future courses. Access to this product is valid for 6 months of usage.

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