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Complete Coverage of the State-of-the-Art in Water Resource Recovery Facility Design
Featuring contributions from hundreds of wastewater engineering experts, this fully updated guide presents the latest in facility planning, configuration, and design. Design of Water Resource Recovery Facilities: WEF Manual of Practice No. 8 and ASCE Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice No. 76, Sixth Edition, covers key technical advances in wastewater treatment, including
•Advances with membrane bioreactors applications
•Advancements within integrated fixed-film/activated sludge (IFAS) systems and moving-bed biological-reactors systems
•Biotrickling filtration for odor control
•Increased use of ballasted flocculation
•Enhanced nutrient-control systems
•Sidestream nutrient removal to reduce the loading on the main nutrient-removal process
•Use and application of wireless instrumentation
•Use and application of modeling wastewater treatment processes for the basis of design and evaluations of alternatives
•Process design and disinfection practices to minimize generation of TTHMs and other organics monitored for potable water quality
•Approaches to minimizing biosolids production and advances in biosolids handling, including effective thermal hydrolysis, and improvements in sludge thickening and dewatering technologies
•Increasing goals toward energy neutrality and driving net zero
•Trend toward resource recovery
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