Statistics for Managers: Using Microsoft Excel -

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Statistics for Managers: Using Microsoft Excel

Brand: Pearson
ISBN 0137035195
EAN: 9780137035199
Category: Hardcover (Statistics)
List Price: $244.67
Price: $47.48  (Customer Reviews)
You Save: $197.19 (81%)
Dimension: 11.12 x 8.80 x 1.30 inches
Shipping Wt: 4.25 pounds. FREE Shipping (Details)
Availability: In Stock
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Product Description

Analyze the data, see the business relevance. Reducing the emphasis on doing computations, this practical text thoroughly integrates Microsoft Excel as a tool for analysis and presents statistical concepts in the context of the functional areas of business. The sixth edition focuses on making statistics even more relevant to the business world and builds on the book’s hallmark feature of helping readers with the analysis of statistics.


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