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Soundtrack To Your Escape Explicit Lyrics


4.8 4.8 out of 5 stars 385 ratings

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Soundtrack to Your Escape is the seventh studio album of Swedish metal band In Flames. It was released on March 29, 2004.In Flames was certainly under the extreme-metal microscope upon the release of Soundtrack to Your Escape and its predecessor, Reroute to Remain. The band had the potential to crack the metal underground wide to the mainstream, existing on the cusp of international stardom with its progressive extrapolations upon the Swedish metal genre they helped create. Fact is, Soundtrack to Your Escape exists to further polarize In Flames' fan base -- "Touch of Red" and opening cut "F(r)iend" are their heaviest riff monsters since Colony, which blatantly contrast "The Quiet Place," which is jammed with cascading guitar melodies and a thick, sticky chorus which, in a just world, would make for a rock-radio smash. Anders Friden is again using a myriad of vocal styles, including his mid-range death rasp (see "Dead Alone," with its old-school Swedish riffs seamlessly morphing into melodic passages), an awkward clean croon ("Like You Better Dead," "My Sweet Shadow"), and an electronically enhanced warble, all of which are multi-tracked for many choruses -- proving that Friden may be In Flames' most powerful weapon now that the band's trademark ornate guitar flights are used somewhat sparingly. Some may cry foul when confronted by a lush ballad like "Evil in a Closet" or the relatively straightforward riffing of "Dial 595-Escape," but old-school whiners will be equally appeased with a barnburner like "In Search for I." Bottom line, In Flames are growing as songwriters with every passing release, and the debate over the style in which the tunes are conveyed really seems secondary when confronted with such a strong and cohesive album. Soundtrack to Your Escape will disappoint those looking to find fault with the leaders of the Swedish pack, while open-minded purveyors of metal will revel in the album's careful balance of credibility and accessibility. [

Product details

  • Product Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 5.59 x 0.39 x 4.92 inches; 3.53 ounces
  • Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ Century Media Int'L
  • Original Release Date ‏ : ‎ 2019
  • Date First Available ‏ : ‎ March 16, 2019
  • Label ‏ : ‎ Century Media Int'L
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B07NB8XWQ8
  • Number of discs ‏ : ‎ 1
  • Customer Reviews:
    4.8 4.8 out of 5 stars 385 ratings

Customer reviews

4.8 out of 5 stars
385 global ratings

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Top reviews from the United States

  • Reviewed in the United States on December 28, 2014
    This is without a doubt one of In Flames BEST albums. It drew a lot of criticism from fans on account of the different song structure i.e. not every song has guitar solos, some still do, but some people don't like to have their formula altered. There was a trend in older metal to place guitar solos on every single song ever written, clearly, sameness can become quite tedious. Guitar solos are simply not a requirement in writing good music. Some metal bands have gone against the norm and done away with them entirely, possibly based on their talent or ability, some I think are turning their energies to focusing on the song and not the adherence to cookie cutters. This in itself is (IMO) also the wrong approach; no solos at all is also boring. When a band comes along that has the talent and the ability - and uses it frequently - and then also shows they are able craft their art without a mold is a sign of musical maturity and just plain awesomeness! In Flames rocks my world, and I hope they will continue doing so forever! These are just the opinions of a girl with an axe.

    5 people found this helpful
  • Reviewed in the United States on June 29, 2004
    In Flames has evolved from their roots, and mostly it's a good thing. As a fan of melodic metal, I found STYE a tremendous CD, and have probably played it as much as Clayman or Jester Race, my previous favorites. Obviously, this CD has split the In Flames fan base, and from what I can tell, if you loved Whoracle (which I like the least of their catalog), you'll probably hate STYE. In fact, you'll probably write a long, vituperous review accusing In Flames of everything from selling out to selling babies to aliens. However, if you're open to their evolution into something a little more melodic but no less intense, you'll enjoy the heck out of this CD!
    5 people found this helpful
  • Reviewed in the United States on August 10, 2020
    I listen to it during my breaks, which makes me happy
    One person found this helpful
  • Reviewed in the United States on November 23, 2014
    Awesome album. I love In Flames. This is a slightly different style but, it's still heavy and it delivers a huge punch. I would definitely recommend this to any true In Flames fan. It's definitely a must-have.
    One person found this helpful
  • Reviewed in the United States on October 4, 2017
    This is another sweet IF album,some love & some hate it,but music is subjective so everyone's entitled to their favorites. I think it's a step up from Reroute,but Come Clarity surpasses this album.
    This has a perfect mix of harsh throaty screamed vox,as well as melodies,the perfect mix. The bass is nice & audible,guitars are heavy,drums are on point.
    Top notch,standout songs are on this, like Evil in a Closet (my favorite)Bottled,My Sweet Shadow, Touch of Red,Dial 595 Escape,& the version i got has a bonus track, Discover me Like Emptiness.amazing musicianship here. I personally dig it. Great all the way around.
    Anders vox are sweet,I love the synth effects layered on this album. If you like IF,Go get this !
  • Reviewed in the United States on December 31, 2011
    Great service, fast delivery, awesome product!! I will definately look for this seller for future purchases. Was the one album my hubby was missing in his collection and he is more than happy with it :)
  • Reviewed in the United States on March 20, 2018
    Good buy!
  • Reviewed in the United States on April 14, 2010
    This is probably one of my favorite In Flames albums. If you haven't heard this album yet I would definitely recommend this to any In Flames or Swedish death metal bands.

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  • Óscar Hdez
    5.0 out of 5 stars In Flames en su esplendor
    Reviewed in Mexico on May 23, 2019
    Ideal para colección. Disco de la época de oro de in flames. No hay como un vinyl para escuchar la fuerte distorsión y las dulces melodías
  • andy
    5.0 out of 5 stars Great album if you like in flames you will like ...
    Reviewed in the United Kingdom on July 15, 2016
    Great album if you like in flames you will like this! I think their best album is come clarity and their DVD is awesome but this is a great album too with songs like touch of red you can't go wrong
  • Client d'Amazon
    5.0 out of 5 stars On aime ou on n'aime pas...
    Reviewed in France on May 28, 2016
    Pour moi, un incontournable avec "A sense of Purpose"
    Comme à son habitude, In Flames et sa maîtrise des mélodies rendent le métal extrême accessible aux oreilles les plus réfractaires.
    Dans cet album, on retrouve bien cette marque de fabrique qui en fait un groupe unique.
    Le boîtier cartonné est appréciable car moins fragile qu'un boîtier cristal.. donc, cool ^^
  • Cliente Amazon
    1.0 out of 5 stars Nunca me llegó
    Reviewed in Spain on October 28, 2015
    Sólo escribo esto para que la gente sepa que tras esperar casi un maldito mes (puesto que la horquilla de "entrega" que se me indicó oscilaba entre el 19/09/2015 - 08/10/2015), el resultado fue que el pedido nunca llegó a su destino y no pudieron ni siquiera indicarme que pasó con él. He de decir que no viene directamente de amazon, sino de uno de sus proveedores pero me parece de muy mal gusto que no explicasen nada.

    Puntúo con una estrella sólo porque al menos cuando reclamé el reembolso del artículo este se hizo sin problemas. Quiero que conste que no es la opinión del producto en sí, ya que In Flames es una banda enorme y Soundtrack to your Escape es sin duda una obra maestra dentro de su trayectoria.


    Just write this advice because I want people to know that the product never came to me after waiting for almost a month and the deliver couldn't give me any reasons or explanation about what the location of the cd was. It's true I didn't buy it from Amazon but one of this partner, but I'm deply disappointed with the service.

    I give it a star cause the reclaim of the product was very easy to carry out and just in a few days I got the payback. Of course that's not my personal opinion about the article, since I always thought In Flames were an amazing band and Soundtrack to your Escape is a masterpiece of their discography.
  • Benjamin Ziegler
    5.0 out of 5 stars Klasse Album
    Reviewed in Germany on May 28, 2004
    Ich verstehe überhaupt nicht, warum einige In Flames Fans immer so auf die neueren Werke runtermachen, nur weil sie etwas melodischer geworden sind und in manchen Songs Keyboards einbauen. Ich finde das hebt das Niveau der Band gewaltig. Und dieses Album ist erstklassig, da es noch düsterer ist als seine Vorgänger. Gleich vorab möchte ich allen sagen, dass die Drums NICHT so klingen wie auf dem neuen Metallicaalbum, gut zugegeben, sie klingen etwas metallisch und leicht blechern, aber so klangen sie auch schon auf der Reroute to remain, die Drums haben auch hier einen fetten Sound, genau wie der Rest. In Flames klingt weder matschig, noch sind die fünf Jungs verweichlicht. Wer stupiden Gitarrenkrach ohne jegliche Melodie oder mal `nen Keyboardton hören will, soll sich Slipknot u.ä. anhören.
    Zu den Songs : "Fri(e)nd eröffnet das Album gleich recht düster und flott, hat einen Klasse Refrain. "The quiet place" ist für mich der beste Song des Albums, hat ein paar super Riffs und der Anfang - sphärisch-düstere Keyboards mit Sologitarre im Hintergrund - ist einfach genial. " Dead alone" und "Touch of red" sind zwei weitere Höhepunkte des Albums, schnell, hart und einfach geil. Nächster Höhepunkt ist "Evil in a closet", klingt etwas seicht, ist jedoch herrlich anzuhören, besonders der Refrain. "Borders and shading" ist wieder so ein Song, bei dessen geilem Refrain man einfach mitgröhlen will. Das Album endet mit den Hits "Bottled" und dem Bonustrack "Discover me like emptiness", zwei typische In Flames Nummern.
    Ums nochmal zu sagen, dieses Album ist Klasse, jeder der was anderes sagt, dem ist nicht zu helfen.