I've been a Devin Townsend fan since I was just 15, back in the early 2000s. His music has meant the world to me my whole life since then. I wish I'd been able to catch him live more frequently (saw DTP for the Ziltoid 2 tour, that was awesome!), but he has done a fantastic job of documenting some of his most enduring, thrilling, and well-executed concerts over the years. This is one such offering, featuring an incredible lineup and outstanding track selections. Ocean Machine was a life-changing album for me when I first heard it, and it would keep coming back to me even into my college years and later. I'm so glad that they made and released this collection. Do I wish I could have found the Blu Ray, of course! But to get this awesome release with all the CDs and a great concert DVD is still incredible to me. Hey, I grew up watching VHS, I can enjoy 480p!