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Live Nassau Coliseum '76


4.8 4.8 out of 5 stars 380 ratings

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Audio CD, Live, February 10, 2017

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Track Listings

Disc: 1

1 Station to Station (Live Nassau Coliseum '76)
2 Suffragette City (Live Nassau Coliseum '76)
3 Fame (Live Nassau Coliseum '76)
4 Word on a Wing (Live Nassau Coliseum '76)
5 Stay (Live Nassau Coliseum '76)
6 Waiting for the Man (Live Nassau Coliseum '76)
7 Queen Bitch (Live Nassau Coliseum '76)

Disc: 2

1 Life on Mars? (Live Nassau Coliseum '76)
2 Five Years (Live Nassau Coliseum '76)
3 Panic in Detroit (Live Nassau Coliseum '76)
4 Changes (Live Nassau Coliseum '76)
5 TVC15 (Live Nassau Coliseum '76)
6 Diamond Dogs (Live Nassau Coliseum '76)
7 Rebel Rebel (Live Nassau Coliseum '76)
8 The Jean Genie (Live Nassau Coliseum '76)

Editorial Reviews

Breakout from David Bowie's "Who Can I Be Now? 1974-1976" Box Set. Recorded live at the Nassau Coliseum Uniondale, NY, U.S.A., 23rd March, 1976. Originally released on EMI BOWSTSD 2010 within the Station To Station deluxe set on 20th September, 2010.

Product details

  • Is Discontinued By Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ No
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Product Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 5.55 x 4.96 x 0.39 inches; 3.88 ounces
  • Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ Rhino/Parlophone
  • Original Release Date ‏ : ‎ 2017
  • Date First Available ‏ : ‎ January 16, 2017
  • Label ‏ : ‎ Rhino/Parlophone
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B01N7J2LMO
  • Number of discs ‏ : ‎ 2
  • Customer Reviews:
    4.8 4.8 out of 5 stars 380 ratings

Customer reviews

4.8 out of 5 stars
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No one like Bowie!
5 out of 5 stars
No one like Bowie!
This Bowie concert was my very first concert I attended at the Phoenix Memorial Colesium in '76. I was about 15 years old. I remember before the concert began a short film was shown with an eyeball getting cut open, which was very shocking. Then Bowie came onstage as the Thin White Duke with the band playing Station to Station. It was great. I have loved Bowie & his music for many years. Actually bought this as a record album many years ago. It has survived the years, I still have it, but no longer own a record player! This album was actullay a bootleg recording, live and raw. But the music is great. Bowie, a true artist, making music to the very end of his life. Sigh. No one like Bowie!
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Top reviews from the United States

  • Reviewed in the United States on February 26, 2017
    I have to disagree with the first reviewer. I LOVE this album.

    The album "David Live" is a great document of his transition from his rock to his soul phase, but you can tell the band was not at their best and demoralized (indeed, they threatened to not play unless they got a raise, moments before they went on). "Stage" is much better, but by then he had moved on from straight rock 'n' roll, and so you get a wonderful look into what he was doing with his first great experimental phase, but it's not exactly rock.

    "Live at Nassau" fits snugly between these two albums during his Thin White Duke phase. It's incredible. The entire band is on point. Davis and Murray were simply Bowie's best rhythm section and they are unstoppable. Likewise the play between rhythm guitarist Alomar and lead Earl Slick is tight and top-notch.

    Bowie himself sounds... as amped as you think he'd be at this moment in his life. He's having fun, and there's simply more energy here than any of his live shows I've seen, or heard on any other recording. I love the "woo!" at the end of "Suffragette City". "Fame" almost sounds dirty. "Stay" is ferocious, with him howling over an awesome three or so minutes of intense guitar. Then, a cabaret-sounding "Waiting For The Man", followed by another VU tribute "Queen Bitch", the best Lou Reed song Lou never wrote. And that's just disc one.

    The album used to be a bootleg recorded from radio, so the sound isn't perfect. But it was so legendary that Bowie gave it an official release a few years ago. It's now canon, and absolutely deserves a place in any Bowie fan's library.
    56 people found this helpful
  • Reviewed in the United States on April 26, 2018
    This is really a gem and one wonders why it took so long to release. The song selection: 4 from Station to Station, 1 from Young Americans (the ubiquitous performance of "Fame"), 2 each from Ziggy Stardust - Aladdin Sane & Diamond Dogs, and 2 & 1/2 from Hunky Dory, plus the addition of the obligatory cover (this one being a really fine rendition of "Waiting for the Man" by Lou Reed) make this a really good review of his music at the time.

    Not enough can be said about the band. Earl Slick is definitely missed on the Station selections (no knock on Hayden) but everything else clicks. This is a guitar band with touches of keyboards from "fellow Englishman" Tony Kaye. The dichotomy of the suave Bowie fronting a loud, rocking band complete with that '70s obligatory drum solo in the middle of "Panic in Detroit" is just perfect. George Murray's bass stands out, particularly on "Suffragette City" and "The Jean Genie".

    "Changes" is beautifully performed as the lounge song it always was and the inclusion of the Velvet Underground homage "Queen Bitch", which I was skeptical of, is wonderfully done as well.

    From a decade known for its live albums this one holds it's own.
    5 people found this helpful
  • Reviewed in the United States on July 1, 2023
    I attended this show some 47 years ago with 2 high school friends. I purchased this a birthday gift for one of them . I’m so glad it was still in print and in stock. Ordering was quick and easy. No issues and the gift was well received and brought back memories for us.
    One person found this helpful
  • Reviewed in the United States on March 29, 2017
    Update: two years on this is still my favorite Bowie live release

    This review is written from a non-fan-boy perspective. This live set is a testament to Bowie's greatness,I'm sort of surprised by the 3 and 4 star reviews. I'm a musician, performer and songwriter so maybe I have a different perspective. This IS a superb set, quality sound, excellent vibe throughout. The audience and band are on fire and having a good time - the energy is palpable! I do not understand why some have to compare DAVID LIVE to BOWIE STAGE or REALITY TOUR and so on... they are all taken from very different coordinates of space time time. I can point out things about each that differentiate it from the others but each is worth owning for sure. Just enjoy them all instead of worrying over which is best. Just enjoy this, it's amazing and well worth your hard earned pennies.
    16 people found this helpful
  • Reviewed in the United States on July 5, 2017
    An AMAZING recording of Bowie in concert. A rare CD of his 1976 concert at Nassau Coliseum. Live versions of a set list not on any US release. Perfect sound quality! I HIGHLY recommend this disc for ANY Bowie fan. I know my review is "short and sweet" but I'm sure you'll thank me if you pick this one up! I'm listening to this one over and over!
    10 people found this helpful
  • Reviewed in the United States on March 22, 2017
    I saw this tour when it came to Atlanta and it was one of those concerts that you never forget. We were of course fairly buzzed and they opened the show with a Salvador Dali film. As we started to peak, the screen came up and there was giant eyeball on the stage. One of our group, divied to the floor as they cut the eyeball open. Bowie came out as the Thin White Duke as the song Station to Station started. He was so thin and his hair was slicked backed. I believe it was slightly red. The song Station to Station is like Intro/Sweet Jane by Reed from Rock n Roll Animal when it comes to being one of those songs that you take off do. It was a magical concert moment. Being a big Lou fan, I was further rocked when he played Waiting for My Man and Queen Bitch. The only negative was that he was trying to escape his Ziggy persona so you did not get that song. Still, it wasone of my most memorable concert experiences and this cd has brought it all back for me.
    21 people found this helpful
  • Reviewed in the United States on April 20, 2019
    Another must-have from the great Station to Station tour. This was originally a radio broadcast back in 1976, and has been bootlegged for years. Finally,though, we get legitimate release, properly mixed and sounding better than ever! The energy level here is astonishing. Highly recommended!
    2 people found this helpful
  • Reviewed in the United States on July 28, 2017
    David Bowie rapidly evolved and adapted and influenced so much of modern rock music, especially in the 1970's. So here, right in the middle of that decade, is Bowie summarizing his previous work and foreshadowing those seminal Berlin years. He is singing with power, soul. and authority, and the band is right there with him. This is a priceless gem....
    6 people found this helpful

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  • Nacho
    5.0 out of 5 stars FANTASTIQUE
    Reviewed in Spain on June 21, 2023
  • MLB
    5.0 out of 5 stars Plus de soucis dans la version vinyle...
    Reviewed in France on October 7, 2022
    Je viens de recevoir l'album en vinyle, dont je ne disposais auparavant que d'une version MP3... Je ne parlerai pas de la qualité de ce concert - d'autres l'ont fait avant moi, et bien mieux que je ne le ferais : je veux simplement rassurer celles et ceux qui hésiteraient à s'offrir cet enregistrement en vinyle, au vu des déconvenues rencontrées par certains acheteurs (disques 1 et 2 identiques). Le problème a manifestement été réglé, les deux disques composant l'album sont désormais bien "différents" et couvrent l'intégralité du concert. En plus, c'est un objet soigné, avec une belle pochette, qui prend toute sa dimension au format vinyle...
  • Lord of the Forest
    5.0 out of 5 stars Endlich dieser Live Mitschnitt
    Reviewed in Germany on January 28, 2021
    Ich habe 1976 das Konzert in der Phillipshalle Düsseldorf gesehen. Die Setliste der Songs ist identisch mit der Nassau Show bzw. Isolar Tour. Soweit ich weiss, Bowies erster Live Auftritt in Deutschland. Zuvor trat er in GB, Nordamerika und Japan auf. Nun bei uns und er blieb 2-3 Jahre in Berlin. Was ist das Besondere an diese CD? Sie transportiert das Feeling von Station to Station. Nie klang seine Musik Schwarzer als je zuvor und danach. Nicht gespielt wurden Golden Years und Wild is the Wind. Der letztere Song gehörte später als Opener zu vielen Konzerten. Maßgebend für den Sound ist wahrscheinlich Carlos Alomar, der Bowie dann jahrelang begleitete. Alle weiteren Songs dieses Auftritts haben den Station to Station Anstrich. Was gibt es zu bemängeln? Die Live Atmosphäre kommt nicht gebührend rüber und der Auftritt war nicht der längste. Ansonsten alles gut. Ich besitze alle Live Cd's vom Meister, die es zu kaufen gibt. Dies ist mein Favorit.
  • Derek Christie
    5.0 out of 5 stars White Heat
    Reviewed in Canada on June 20, 2017
    Intense moment in Bowie's journey. KILLER band. White hot energy in this performance. His voice is stronger than ever.
  • Rocco
    5.0 out of 5 stars Probabilmente il miglior live del Duca
    Reviewed in Italy on June 4, 2017
    David Bowie e' uno dei più grandi artisti che il Rock abbia avuto ma non sempre i suoi lavori dal vivo lo hanno testimoniato. A dire il vero i pochi live ufficiali della sua discografia non saranno ricordati negli annali come imprescindibili, anzi.
    A colmare queste lacune molti bootlegs che nel corso degli anni ne hanno alimentato il mito anche come performer di grandissimo livello. Live Nassau Coliseum '76 e' uno di questi bootlegs, oggi disponibile in versione ufficiale e finalmente in grado di rendere giustizia ad un artista immenso. Realizzato durante il tour promozionale di Station to Station ( il suo lavoro più sottovalutato, ingiustamente essendo a mio avviso tra i capisaldi della produzione bowieana ), mostra Bowie in forma smagliante accompagnato con ogni probabilità dalla migliore formazione dopo, o al pari, degli Spiders from Mars.
    Naturalmente la parte del leone spetta a Station to Station ma sono degnamente rappresentati anche i lavori precedenti fino ad Hunky Dory. La performance ed il suono della band sono spettacolari. Energia, precisione, potenza, insomma un set eccezionale per quello che è uno dei migliori live del nostro, se non il migliore in assoluto!
    A differenza di un' altro splendido live, Santa Monica '72, lo spettro sonoro e' più ampio essendo il concerto attraversato dalle pulsioni elettroniche presenti su Station to Station, così come l' afflato funkeggiante dei pezzi tratti da Young Americans o le derive rock di stonesiana memoria dei pezzi di Aladdin Sane. Insomma ci trovate dentro tutto il meglio del nostro eroe in una performance che mi spingerei a definire epocale ( ascoltare prego la versione di Waiting for The man e ripassate il vocabolario dei superlativi )!
    La band poi è assolutamente fantastica: Stacey Heydon gt, Carlos Alomar gg, George Murray bs, Dennis Davis dr, Tony Kaye kb.
    Insomma avrete capito che ci troviamo al cospetto di un album immenso e che sarebbe un delitto non mettere in una discoteca che si rispetti.
    Chiusura per Amazon, consegna precisa e puntuale, come sempre.
    Dimenticavo, prendete il vinile, suona che è una meraviglia anche se ho dovuto rendere il disco una prima volta per un difetto sul lato c.