I hate having to squeegee my shower. It’s also usually the last thing on my mind. I’m either running late and don’t have time to squeegee… or I’ve taken a long time unwinding and relaxing in a hot shower. When I get out… I want to wrap up in a soft robe, climb into bed, and sip some hot tea. I don’t want to squeegee the shower stall. But an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure! And when I don’t squeegee… a few months down the line and I’m scrubbing, trying to get rid of hard water stains. I’ve also found that even when I do squeegee regularly, I am still battling hard water stains. Meanwhile, the shower looks awful. We’ve been in this house for 7 years now. There are a lot of random niches for hard water stains to get missed over time. So, I started researching ways to be lazy and still have a clean bathroom. That’s when I stumbled on RainX for shower doors.
Now, I won’t sugar coat it… it took me a while to apply the product per their directions, wait for it to dry, reapply it, let it dry again, and then buff it off the surface. (I’ve found if you apply it kind of liberally the first time… and give it sufficient time to dry… you won’t need to reapply it a second time - I’m lazy, y’all! I look for shortcuts!) I went all out! I put it every surface I could!
The product does have a strong odor. I didn’t find it too overwhelming or too caustic. However, if you’re sensitive to odors or chemical smells… plan on using a mask. I kept the bathroom fans on and I was fine.
It’s not difficult to remove, but it will take several passes. You just keep buffing in small circles… one area at a time… and then move on. It’s just like turtle waxing a car. Or The Karate Kid… wax on… wax off! And you can do more than just glass… I use it on my shower doors (inside and out) my shower surround, the bath tub, the sinks, the faucets (all the chrome), and especially the mirror.
When you’re finished, you won’t have to squeegee… water just beads off surfaces. The tub is slow to develop a ring around it… and when it does… it very easily wipes off. The bathroom mirror will still fog up, but it’s MUCH quicker to clear up… and toothpaste splatter droplets just flake off when you barely touch them with a paper towel or microfiber cloth As evidenced in my video, if you end up with fingerprints or something else on your glass surfaces… just use a dry paper towel or microfiber cloth and polish whatever it is right off the surface! Using it on my shower surround and trim has prevented the accumulation of hard water stains. (See pic.)
The best part? It lasts for 4-6 months with regular usage (two persons, occasional guests, and monthly doggo spa days). When I start to notice a decrease in how the water is beading up… I just reapply to that one area.
Overall, the amount of time I spend applying the RainX is WAY LESS vs squeegeeing and having to do regular scrubbing to remove hard water stains, windexing the mirror, polishing chrome, etc. It makes my bathroom almost self-cleaning, which I absolutely LOVE! I do still break out my dish soap and vinegar filled dish soap scrubber and run it on the shower and tub floors, and in a few other areas. And to date, I haven’t discovered a self-cleaning toilet, so I still have to clean that… BUT… I won’t go back to the old method of scrubbing and squeegeeing!
RainX is an all around great performing product!