You must get this, if only for "Drinking Again" which came out 50 years ago on vinyl and, as far as I know, has never been released on CD. I remember going to Sam's in downtown Detroit back in the 60's where i found it for $1 in the cut-out bin, as I did the 9 other Dinah LPs on Roulette.
But here it is, at long last, sounding just as good as ever, with the LP tracks exactly as originally released. As a bonus, the "In Love" and "Unforgettable" albums are included, 2 more great LPs. I wonder, however, why Real Gone Jazz didn't release the Dinah Mercury albums in one or two collections, and her Roulette albums in another, but that's just a minor quibble. A booklet with notes would also have been nice. Let's hope there will be a Dinah 3, to include "For Lonely Lovers", "Dinah 63" and "Back to the Blues", which would put just about all of her best albums back on the market.
Most of all, one must ask how RGJ can put out these wonderful jazz collections for so little. Wish they would put out a collection of Dakota Staton's Capitol LPs, to include "The Late, Late Show" and "In the Night".
This collection really gives meaning to the expression. "They don't make them like that anymore."
A solid 5 for packaging (sturdy large-sized jewel case, not cheap paper), product, and service (Music Mars).