This is a very big problem and time consuming process. I replaced this part with this new one and check the old one. The ohms were off on the low side of the old one, so out with the old in with the new. The drain was also plugged with ice, so....
Samsung RF267ABRS/XAA refrigerator upper section ice build up. Purchased 2009. Probably malfunctioned from day one. So today, 2/16/2022, ice is around bottom, in four air vents, and above rear panel. After many YouTube and comments I purchased the following components:
Temp sensor,
Drip/Heated adapter,
Drain tube and grommet,
Check this site for your model and parts numbers and search part number for the description of part and location to verifiy correct parts/numbers.
I prefer to use OEM parts even if they cost more, it is allot of work to remove panel and want the repair to last a long time. Note get a turkey baster for draining and adding hot water. Towels for melted ice.
I pulled out frig, vacuumed the compressor fins, may need to empty drain pan, remove the two plastic drain tubes, I put a tall plastic cup under the grommet, then take off and catch water, if any. Take of gromments inspect and clean. I replaced the grommets with new ones. The old ones were dried up and brittle. The right, facing the back of the frig is the frig drain and I left the cup under the drain without the grommet and raised up into position with spacers to catch water as I worked on unfreezing the inside drain hole. Pushed frig back. Be sure to disconnect power from wall and I turned off water.
Yes, the panel has to be free of ALL ice, or styrofoam will crack and break. Not good.
Watch youtubes for shelves removals, tricky, I did not remove water filter. I had one cooler, and two cold bags, should have bought a bag of ice and attained another cooler. My way 6+ hours to defrost.
Recommended defrost time 24 hours. I used two small space heaters and a hair dryer. Do not apply too much pressure to bottom of panel or prop hair dryer in crack this can warp or crack panel. The dryer can put air in the vent holes and top fins.
Once all shelving is out, not fold down shelf, I set the two heaters on the bottom drawer shelf, set on low heat for three hours. The hair dryer was prop up on fold down shelf to blow air in top vent. Shield the side of ice maker from hot air and not to close to the vent opening. Two hours. Then for the final, hours, reinstall right top shelf and place heater on shelf to melt much ice behind and on top right of panel.
All ice gone. Use thin putty knife and slide in under the edge of the panel at three arrows on right and two on the left of the panel and push lock plastic tabs inward to release the panel.
Gently, pry the panel out far enough for finger to feel an pull styrofoam out a little to get fingers under foam an pull out with panel. Start and the bottom, pull out a little an move side to side and work up to top. The panel may pop off. Be ready, wires are attached at top left corner. I had a box a little taller than a shoe box to rest the panel on will I released the wires.
Now the work, modification, watch youtubes to replace fan, sensor, drain adapter. I also carefully did a loop around heating coil with two copper wires to extend into drain hole a few inches. The wire was the ground wire from a three wire conduit. This is to add more heat into the drain. The original drain heat clip was half way between the drain hole and the right vertical bend on the heating element, not good.
I also noted the bottom to coolant tubes bent up in the middle, probably not good for water to go the edges, so with careful pressure, I bent them to dip a little in the middle. Straightened all fins. I did wrap the top exit Freon tube a little with pipe wrap from lowes and the temp sensor in the original location.
All set, carefully press panel back into place, make sure all tabs are inside and press sides. Make sure panel is flush, I did not and had to redo. With panel set and flush, I think I wrapped my panel a little by wedging the hair dryer in the bottom corner, so with the panel on there was a little gap on the right side. I used 3M white duct tape, tore down the middle, and placed on the two side of the panel to seal out any airflow.
I now can hear the fan, the frig is cooling quickly and to temp setting, seems uniform. As I have read the fan is on when the compressor is on. The defrost element activates many times during the day to keep the coils dry.
I do not want to do this for many years. Hope and pray. I purchased extra parts and grommets. I will check the grommets every 2-3 years or so for obstructions. I will try to update if I have a problem.
I wanted a refrigerator not and ice box.