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4.7 4.7 out of 5 stars 11,550 ratings

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Contributor Open Range Bd-Weites Land
Language German, English
Number Of Discs 1
Manufacturer Leonine (Sony Music)
Playback Region B/2 : This will not play on most Blu-ray players sold in North America, Central America, South America, Japan, North Korea, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Southeast Asia. Learn more about Blu-ray region specifications here

Product Description

German release, contains original English audio.

Product details

  • Aspect Ratio ‏ : ‎ 2.35:1
  • Is Discontinued By Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ No
  • Product Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 5.47 x 0.51 x 6.14 inches; 2.89 ounces
  • Media Format ‏ : ‎ NTSC, PAL, DVD
  • Actors ‏ : ‎ Open Range Bd-Weites Land
  • Subtitles: ‏ : ‎ English, German
  • Language ‏ : ‎ German (DTS-HD 6.1), English (DTS-HD 6.1)
  • Studio ‏ : ‎ Leonine (Sony Music)
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B003ZXD9X4
  • Number of discs ‏ : ‎ 1
  • Customer Reviews:
    4.7 4.7 out of 5 stars 11,550 ratings

Customer reviews

4.7 out of 5 stars
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Top reviews from the United States

  • Reviewed in the United States on February 1, 2025
    A story of redemption
    Of a real time in the west…
  • Reviewed in the United States on January 11, 2025
    I have ordered this move a couple of times, and always have gotten one that doesn't play on American DVD players. So I am excited to have this. It is a great movie, amazing actors, and a believable story as the west tried to become modern. Sadly, old ways got lost in the shuffle.
    One person found this helpful
  • Reviewed in the United States on October 5, 2024
    It's the often told story of the battle between land-owners and the cattle herders. Costner does a decent-enough job in roles like this. The other actors immerse you into the story, they're so good. I HATE THE WAY AMAZON ONLY GIVES YOU 48 HOURS TO WATCH MOVIES! I watched one hour, couldn't resume until after my allotted time of 48 hours. I'm paying for Prime, I'm paying $4 for the movie which is too much! Amazon allows 30 days to BEGIN watching it after you rent it, then only 48 hours to finish. That's NOT FAIR, and is stupid. It should only be 1$ or maybe 2$ anyway, since I'm paying for Prime. Good thing I had watched before. I won't rent Amazon movies in the future.
    One person found this helpful
  • Reviewed in the United States on December 29, 2024
    This is a great movie.Robert Du Vaul is a to see again and again. Also check out. 2nd hand lion.
  • Reviewed in the United States on December 11, 2024
    It's one of my moms favorite movies.
  • Reviewed in the United States on January 1, 2025
    Nice story, no cussing just a bunch of Great action, a must see.
  • Reviewed in the United States on December 24, 2024
    An old western shoot 'em up with a good cast and decent story line. The shoot out at the end is fun.
  • Reviewed in the United States on December 13, 2024
    This is a movie I thoroughly enjoyed; and watch it many times. I love westerns and oftentimes I’ll purchase movies for my collection. It’s less costly then going to the theater.

Top reviews from other countries

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  • Edith Marshall
    5.0 out of 5 stars What is my favourite
    Reviewed in Canada on September 28, 2024
    Wore out my first dvd needed a new one
  • Cliente de Amazon
    5.0 out of 5 stars exelentes actores
    Reviewed in Mexico on July 24, 2024
  • Cochise29
    5.0 out of 5 stars Extra : histoire, images, musique, son !
    Reviewed in France on December 7, 2019
    -Le film : 2h18mn
    Superbes images. Très bon son.
    Un film excellent sur une époque de l'Ouest américain où certains éleveurs ne possédaient pas de ranch mais élevaient leur troupeau le long d'une route au hasard en évitant les villes. Ici il y a 2 cow-boys, un ancien, un moins ancien et tous deux sont accompagnés par deux jeunes et un chien.
    Mais la piste n'est pas une piste tranquille car certains éleveurs voient d'un mauvais oeïl qu'un autre troupeau mange « leur » herbe et boive dans « leur » rivière. Herbe et rivière qui sont en réalité totalement libres d'accès à tous mais voilà un méchant est souvent bête. Un conflit va éclater, il y aura mort et blessés et la découverte de l'amour pour l'un des héros.
    Je pense que je préfère ce film au magnifique autre film réalisé par Kévin Costner : « Danse avec les loups », c'est pour vous dire combien je pense que ce film est excellent avec une musique superbe qui vous entraîne dès le début.

    *DTS High resolution audio VF
    *DTS master audio VO
    *Commentaire audio de Kevin Costner
    *Sous-titre : Français ou aucun (au choix)

    -Les BONUS
    *Making of : 1h05mn en version originale sous-titré en français si on le souhaite. Magnifique. Très intéressant. Vraiment intéressant.

    *A la conquête de l'Ouest : 12mn44 Photos en noir et blanc et commentaire par Kevin Costner sous-titré en français. Puis images en couleurs. Intéressant.

    *Scènes indédites : 6mn14 en version originale sous-titrée en français. Kevin Costner explique pourquoi il a coupé telle et telle scène qu'il nous montre cependant en partie ou totalement. Intéressant et de belles scènes.

    *Storyboard : 6mn36 commenté par Kevin Costner et sous-titré en français. Intéressant.

    *Clip : 4mn27s Belles images couleurs du tournage sur fond musical d'une chanson chanté par un chanteur. La chanson est pas terrible à mon seul avis.

    *Film Annonce : VF/VOST : 1mn50
  • 吉澤哲男
    1.0 out of 5 stars 評価不能レベル、ひどい、あきれた。
    Reviewed in Japan on August 4, 2020
    2.「おすすめ新商品のお知らせ」メールを見て注文。購入したDVDは再生不能、よくよくDVDを見たらPAL  方式であることが判明。日本で使用不可のDVDをすすめて売るとは、アマゾンひどいね。
  • Plom de Nume
    5.0 out of 5 stars Classic Virtues, Modern Techniques, Brilliant Touches
    Reviewed in the United Kingdom on June 22, 2005
    In one sense, this is one of those "instantly classic" movies, mainly because of the archetypal characters and the way it wears its moral heart on its sleeve. Nothing wrong with that at all, especially in a Western: goodies and baddies are firmly stamped as such, as in High Noon (reverent pause), so that good can be pitted directly versus evil and we know from the first shot whose side we're on. A man's gotta do the do, get the girl, avenge various fallen (including, yup, the dawg) and such.
    Them's buddies in that thar lead, too, so you also get the Butch and Sundance touch, echoed again in the astounding photography: distant riders, quick, close, explosive gun-play and some digitally-composited landscapes that combine gobsmacking verisimilitude (you can only really spot some of the work in the less finished, added DVD scenes) with a painterly beauty that does as much to reinforce the film's value system - this is so lovely it's got to be right - as the central conflict between corrupt ranchers and cowboys. There's even a young Latino sidekick to be rescued, à la Wild Bunch (other reverent pause).
    In another way, though, Open Range is an absolute original. In addition to the (literally) impossibly lovely landscaping, there is a grit and reality to story and characterisation that injects the modern back into the classic and comes up with something of unique quality. Michael Gambon's villain, for instance, is definitely a cut above your usual bad guy: yes, he hams it up - but it's prime quality ham and pitched just right for the film's pace, which alternates between leisurely celebration of the imagery and relationships (as in Dances with Wolves) and cutting straight to the shoot-outs and face-offs. Abraham Benrubi, of revered ER regular status (Jerry on Reception), pulls off one of the great character-studies early on, the loveable innocent hulk we get to bond with before events concerning his treatment set the violent cycle in motion. Annette Benning's girl is not just to be "won," but also understood and respected for the sensibility she brings to bear on the old stand-by-your-man cliché.
    Put the above together and what we ultimately have is a "traditional" Western that takes full and rewarding advantage of all the new tricks in cinematography and characterisation, and uses them to embellish the familiar template and serve us up a truly sumptuous work. The leads have conversations that occasionally sound like Elmore Leonard (most reverent pause so far) could have chiselled them into one of his early cowboy tales (read 'em if you haven't). The gun-fights do for the genre what Saving Private Ryan did for beach "heroics": those who get shot are not just fragmented - the Pekinpah blood-bag brought uncomfortably up to date - but get punched through short distances, tumbled and slammed in a breathtakingly percussive effect.
    The shoot-outs (and the final one is definitely an all-time great) have an unchoreographed, sporadic look that is actually more striking and nail-biting than the more familiar "ceremonies" we know and love from the more spaghetti-flavoured elements. Kudos to Costner for yet another reputation-redeeming feat in his direction here. Those of you who loved that other redefining Western, Silverado, will probably dig as much as I do the original touches constantly put in (think of them as little highlighting brush-strokes against the bigger canvas of the story): chocolate and cigars before the show-down; a tea-service for the heroine; and many more like that. In the bar at one point, Duvall issues a public challenge to the corrupt Marshal, at once rousing yet understated, rhetorical yet intimate, a subtle rallying call to the townsfolk and a characteristic bit of philosophical defiance. You think to yourself: nice old-fashioned touch - actually a speech but put across as dialogue. Then, once outside, the script has Duvall quietly ask Costner: "How d'ye think ma speech went?" Perfect!
    Saving the best till last here: of all the fine facets of Open Range, the biggest treat is Robert Duvall's study of a man who, in the words of another admiring character, "sure knows how to cowboy." This is a fantastic, authentic performance by an actor at the top of his game. In his seniority, Duvall has achieved a resonance and perception that, for my money, outstrips most things done by deNiro in his later years - in fact, he's turned out to be a better "older actor" than many of the peers who took more limelight in their collective youth. This is an absolutely beautiful performance, alone worth the money you may care to put into acquiring the disk and the time you spend with the film. Duvall develops an individual character, a relationship and, ultimately, a whole way of life and value system with his voice, his entire body - and it's wonderful to experience.