Nearly all of these are tracks I enjoyed in my youth, performed by the artists who did them best, and the sound quality on all of them is better than I've heard before. Although one seldom hears Jobim's music on the air any more, it does not sound the least bit dated. It's just as invigorating and natural today as it was when new.
There is one track on the disc I had never heard before, Tide, which is a clever takeoff of Wave. Another track (the one I mainly bought this recording for) is not new to me, but I had only heard Art Garfunkle's version of it before: The Waters of March. Garfunkle certainly has the better singing voice, and he pretty much remained true to the original in terms of tempo, mood and arrangement; but it turns out Jobim's voice and sense of timing lend an authenticity that I doubt anyone else could match.
This is music both of warmth and substance. I highly recommend it.