The designs are really cute and cover a wide range of subjects, including: mandala, heart, flowers, paisleys, peacock, peace sign and much more. The designs are very open and easy to color. This would be great for someone who cannot see or have the manual dexterity to deal with tiny, intricate details but still wants to color the type of designs which usually include those types of elements.
In addition to the designs, the artist has included lessons in coloring techniques, the elements of art (line, space, shape, texture, form, color and value), as well as a spectrum of colors which express emotions (this is something I haven't seen before and is extremely helpful) at the front of the book, along with some great color examples (some of which I will show in my attached photos and video.) The lessons are generic to the line but the samples are specific to this book. While I usually steer clear of the activity areas in most books, I will attempt using some of Ms. Volinski's suggestions in finishing these. She has provided a lot of information and makes it seem like something I can do.
The pages are white and are perforated for easy removal. The designs are printed on one side only with inspiration quotes on the back side which deal with learning to be happy with yourself and giving that emotion back to the world. The use of quotes is something that is usually done with Design Originals books but this one takes it a step further and the artist has actually drawn lovely little designs around each of the quotes. Really cute! Below the quotes are lines which the colorist can use to journal their own thoughts and feelings.
All of my markers and gel pens wick through these pages. If I use either of them, I will put a piece of thicker paper or freezer paper under the page I am working on to keep the following page from getting ink on it.