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Clean & Lean: 30 Days, 30 Foods, a New You! Hardcover – April 9, 2019
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Eat clean, get lean!
Losing weight can be simple―get back to basics on your plate, save time and money, and train your body to move, and excess pounds will slip away.
The bestselling author of SHRED and The Clean 20 cracks the code for all of us who live in the modern world where we’ve lost touch with what real food is―and how good it tastes―and what our bodies are designed to do. Dr. Ian wrote Clean & Lean to put what he knows about nutrition and physiology in one place, and to motivate you to:
--Use the power of intermittent fasting to discover your optimal eating times each day
--Explore clean eating with 30 (!) fresh, real foods that you can combine endlessly for meals and snacks
--Try his day-by-day 30-day diet plan that tells you just what to eat, while still giving you loads of options
--Get up and move: customized exercise plans for all fitness levels won’t wear you out, but will energize you and accelerate your results
--Take off up to 15 pounds in 30 days!
- Print length256 pages
- LanguageEnglish
- PublisherSt. Martin's Press
- Publication dateApril 9, 2019
- ISBN-101250114942
- ISBN-13978-1250114945
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Editorial Reviews
Praise for The Clean 20:
"A simple plan to help regular folks―rather than the extreme dieters among us―shed excess weight and live with a little more energy... This is for the average person who wants to make a change, hit that reset button, but not go crazy." ―Men's Journal
"If you are a busy person and do not have much time to prepare your food, The Clean 20 is the solution. These recipes are not only healthy but also scrumptious. You are most likely to continue eating them even after the 20-day plan period. The Clean 20 is for the health-conscious people." ―Washington Book Review
About the Author
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
Clean & Lean
30 Days, 30 Foods, A New You!
By Ian K. SmithSt. Martin's Press
Copyright © 2019 Ian K. Smith, M.D.All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-250-11494-5
Title Page,Copyright Notice,
I: The Prep,
1. Understanding Intermittent Fasting,
2. The Clean & Lean Rules,
3. The Clean & Lean Foods,
II: The Plan,
4. Clean & Lean Daily Plan,
III: The Workouts,
5. The Workout Plans,
6. Exercise Instructions,
IV: The Extras,
7. Clean & Lean Snacks,
8. Condiments,
Also by Ian K. Smith, M.D.,
About the Author,
The concept of intermittent fasting (IF) is not particularly new, but over the last several years it has garnered a lot of attention and new research. It is what it sounds like — periods of fasting alternating with periods of non-fasting. While the vast majority of research has been conducted in animals, there have been more human-based studies the last couple of years that have analyzed the biological and physiologic changes that occur once a person participates in an IF program.
There are two major types of IF eating schedules. The first is the 5:2 schedule, where for five days a person eats how they typically would, then for two days of the week calories are restricted to 800 or less. The one caveat is that the fasting days should not be consecutive.
The second type of eating schedule, which you will follow on Clean & Lean, is time restricted feeding (TRF). On it, food is consumed only during certain hours and there are two periods of fasting. The duration of the feeding periods can vary. Most commonly, they are 8, 10, or 12 hours in length. For example, a 16:8 strategy includes 16 hours of fasting and 8 hours of feeding; the 14:10 strategy would be 14 hours of fasting and 10 hours of feeding.
The two IF eating schedules would look something like this:
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Normal Normal Fasting Normal Normal Fasting Normal
eating eating (800 eating eating (800 eating
calories calories
or less) or less)
7 A.M. 7-10 A.M. 10 A.M.-8 P.M. 8 P.M.-10 A.M.
Wake up Fasting Feeding Fasting
Benefits of IF
Researchers acknowledge that while IF has been used for several years, and there have been studies performed to analyze the pros and cons of this eating strategy, much more work needs to be done to make validated, scientifically based claims. There have been, however, lots of anecdotal evidence about the effects of IF as well as animal studies and early human trials. While these observations are not always definitive and conclusive, they give us a clearer window through which we can inspect the potential benefits of this eating strategy. The evidence suggests that IF can help in weight loss, better regulate blood sugar levels, increase blood levels of human growth hormone, and induce cellular repair processes.
Given the various research studies looking at IF, there are many theories that have been suggested as to why there might be appreciable physiological benefits. Mark Mattson, a senior investigator from the National Institute of Aging, has studied the hypothesis that during the fasting period cells are actually subjected to a mild stress. Mattson and others believe that cells react by making adaptations that increase their ability to handle this stress and possibly resist disease. It's akin to the adage, "Whatever doesn't kill you, makes you stronger." In other words, fasting deprives cells of nourishment, which is stressful. But the cells change and adapt to handle tough conditions. Scientists believe that these changes make the cells tougher and better at preventing or fighting disease.
Intermittent fasting does not mean that you can simply eat whatever you want or how much you want during feeding times and still lose weight. One of the big misconceptions held by many people is that as long as they don't violate their eating time parameters they can indulge in as many sweets, alcoholic beverages, or fried foods as they desire. Not only is this untrue, but it can potentially be very harmful to one's health and efforts at losing or maintaining a healthy weight.
Calorie consumption still matters even while employing the IF strategy. For example, whether you consume 3,700 calories within a regulated 10-hour time span or throughout the day as is typical, the basic equation of weight loss still holds. Calories in must be less than calories out in order to lose weight. The vast majority of people who are consuming 3,700 calories are not going to lose weight regardless of the number of hours it takes to consume those calories. The body must do something with the caloric energy that is consumed. If you don't burn off the calories, the body will store them in the form of fat, which will not only increase your weight but prevent you from attaining that leaner physique you're trying to achieve.
Feeding Times
There are three TRF schedules that we will focus on in this book: 16 hours of fasting with 8 hours of feeding (16:8), 14 hours of fasting with 10 hours of feeding (14:10), and 12 hours of fasting with 12 hours of feeding (12:12). If you're not sure which schedule will best fit you, try the 14:10 plan first. If it seems too difficult after a few days, then switch to the 12:12 plan. If it seems too easy, and you are up to the challenge, give the 16:8 a try. While the specific hours you choose to start and end your periods of fasting and feeding can change according to your preference, on the next page are samples of what a schedule might look like. You choose the feeding timetable that works best for you, but keep in mind that the smaller feeding window might produce better results.
I have designed Clean & Lean to be as accessible and versatile as possible. I don't expect you to go to a grocery store and empty your bank account in order to find the items on the list. I don't expect you to be locked into your house for the next thirty days so that you are in complete control of your food environment and all the ingredients that go into your food. You will be at work or at a restaurant or in an airport, and you still need to eat and not feel like you're a criminal because you might have to slightly alter the plan. Remember, the purpose of Clean & Lean is to reintroduce your body to the wonders of clean eating and to give your organs a break from all the processed foods that dominate the choices in our stores and restaurants.
Clean food and clean recipes don't have to be boring or flavorless, despite the image conjured of plain chicken and bland raw vegetables. In fact, clean foods can be just as tasty and exciting as those processed foods that are loaded with lots of additives and artificial flavor enhancers. Spices and clean condiments can go a long way to liven up recipes and thrill your palate. We have grown so accustomed to processed foods that we need to be reacquainted with the authentic flavors of real, natural food. So take your time with the ingredients. Taste them raw or with spices — something that will happen over the next thirty days.
I don't like to use the word "rules," because the mere mention of it inspires eye-rolling and rebellion and annoyance. Most people don't like to be told what they can and can't do as well as what they can and can't eat. But in order for you to maximize your results and reset your experience for the next thirty days, I created guidelines that will give you the greatest chance of success and keep you most in line with the plan's overall mission. A plan without any rules or guidelines would be a free-for-all, and it's highly unlikely that would produce the results you're seeking.
I have learned over the years that no chapter or book can answer all of the possible questions that come up. Just when you think you've covered all the bases, someone finds a topic or angle that hasn't been addressed. I am not perfect, and this plan is not perfect. However, between the guidelines below and some common sense, the next thirty days should work well for you.
The key to success on this plan definitely lies in the departments of planning and preparation. Take a little time to think about what the next several days will look like: what meals you'll be consuming and where they'll be consumed. If you're going to be traveling, take that into account and think about what foods will most likely be available to you while on the road. Plan accordingly.
1. No soda (regular or diet)
This is the biggest NO on the plan. Despite the taste that many enjoy, soda has absolutely no redeeming nutritional qualities at all. Full of sugar, artificial sweeteners, additives, and other mystery chemicals, it is like drinking fizzy poison. This goes for diet soda, too, which is equally filled with artificial ingredients. If soda is something you regularly drink, just cutting it out will make you feel like a new person. I have had hundreds if not thousands of people either write to me or tell me in person how cutting soda from their diet completely turned things around for them.
2. Only freshly squeezed juice
There is a thing called natural sugar. Sugar that is found in freshly squeezed juice comes just as nature created it. Yes, it's still sugar, and yes, it still has calories, but it's what comes with the sugar that makes the difference. Natural sugar does not prevent a food or drink from being clean; rather, it's when the sugar is added that makes the difference. It's what I call the "sugar package." Vitamins and minerals and other phytonutrients come along with the sugar in fresh juice and are paramount at boosting our health. If you're going to consume sugar, at least get some nutritional bang for your buck. One tip is, if it's possible, get freshly squeezed juice that hasn't been completely strained of the pulp and fruit skin, which contain lots of nutrients. Be careful of the labeling. For the purposes of Clean & Lean, you should not be drinking anything from concentrate or major manufacturer brands that just say "100% juice." You should be looking for juices that are "freshly squeezed" and are labeled "no sugar added." The ingredients should only list juice from fruit or fruits and in some cases water, but nothing else.
3. Canned and frozen are allowed
These items are allowed, but they must be clean. Nothing artificial is allowed, and the foods must be packaged in water or their natural juices. Something like canned tuna in water is completely fine, as are organic frozen vegetables and fruits. With anything canned or frozen, always be mindful of the sodium content, as it tends to be high, so opt for low-sodium options. Before turning your nose at frozen produce, you should be aware that the fresh fruit and vegetables you purchase at the store might not be as fresh as they look. In fact, a lot of produce is kept in storage for weeks at a time before it's put out for retail. Some fruits and veggies can lose up to 75% of a certain nutrient after sitting in storage for a week or more; while they may look fresh externally, there's internal degradation occurring the whole time thanks to enzymes that continue to work even after the fruit or vegetable is harvested. If you're in the market for frozen produce, search for products that have been "flash frozen." This means they have been frozen very quickly after being harvested, thus preserving the field-fresh taste and ensuring peak ripeness as well as the greatest nutrient density (more nutrients for fewer calories).
4. Unlimited water
Water is one of the most magical natural health-promoting wonders on earth. It comprises up to 70% of our body, and while it doesn't contain the nutrients you find in food, it is essential for our very existence. It has no calories, helps energize muscles, keeps our skin looking good, helps our kidneys eliminate wastes, and gives a helping hand in maintaining normal bowel function. Most people don't drink enough water, but for the next thirty days you're going to find out what it feels like to really hydrate your body all the way down to the cells. Just because you drink to quench your thirst doesn't mean you're drinking enough. For the next thirty days you should be consuming between 8 and 10 cups per day. No water with artificial sweeteners or added chemicals. If you want sparkling water, that's completely fine. If you want to squeeze some fresh citrus in your water, that's fine too. Keep it natural and abundant and your body will be grateful.
5. No added sugar
While sugar is often vilified, and for good reason, it still plays an important role in our body. Glucose (sugar) is actually the number one source of energy for our brain. Glucose is important energy for our muscles and the billion cellular processes that take place in our bodies every second of the day. But we are consuming an extraordinarily dangerous amount that is taking a toll on our health. Added sugar is the biggest culprit — it's the sugar you add to your foods at the table or that manufacturers slip into their foods while cooking or processing them. For the next thirty days, we are going to free our bodies of all this extra sugar, and you will notice the difference in your energy levels, complexion, and mood. The first few days might be challenging, but your body is an extremely adaptable machine and it will reconfigure so that in short order you will no longer crave that sweet stuff.
6. No artificial sweeteners
This should go without saying, but sometimes the most obvious things still need to be said. "Artificial" is a forbidden word for the next thirty days. While these sweeteners don't have any calories, that's the end of their good attributes. Scientists have raised all kinds of concerns, from them increasing your risk for something called the metabolic syndrome to increasing your affinity for or addiction to even sweeter foods. Avoid them at all costs and make sure you read the labels carefully, as manufacturers can be very tricky when including them on the labels for their products, making them difficult to identify.
7. Dairy is allowed
Dairy has been getting beat up lately, and I think it's simply unfair. Sometimes dieting trends simply become too trendy for our own good. The wave of no-dairy sentiment is largely misplaced and for many people can be dangerous, as dairy provides nutrients that are critical to our overall health. Calcium, potassium, vitamin D, and protein are chief among these nutrients. Dairy is the primary source of calcium in our diets and is needed to build and preserve strong bones as well as teeth. Potassium is essential to life. Every time your heart beats it relies on potassium, which helps trigger the heart to pump and squeeze blood through the body. Potassium is also critical in helping our muscles move, nerves conduct electricity, kidneys filter blood, and blood vessels maintain blood pressure. Vitamin D works to maintain proper levels of phosphorous and calcium in the body: that's why it's an important component in building and maintaining healthy bones and teeth. It also plays a role in muscle function and keeping our immune system healthy. Dairy products such as yogurt, milk, and cheese (a great source of calcium, vitamin B12, and sodium) are rich in so many nutrients that make and keep us healthy. Some people may have an intolerance to lactose — the sugar found in milk and other dairy products — and need to be careful of which products they consume, but the vast majority of us don't have this issue and can benefit greatly from the rich and easy offerings of dairy.
8. Fruits and vegetables are important
You might find yourself in a situation where you can't find a food on your list because it's simply not available. Not a problem. You are allowed to eat any fruit or vegetable even if they're not on your list. You can eat them raw or cooked, but if they are going to be cooked, make sure that they are not cooked in anything but herbs and olive oil with some spices. You can add as wide a variety of fruits and vegetables as you like, even if it pushes your list beyond thirty. These power foods are the absolute essence of clean eating!
9. No MSG
Monosodium glutamate is the salt version of the amino acid glutamate. While MSG can occur naturally in foods such as tomatoes and cheeses, it is often synthesized in the laboratory for commercial reasons. This synthetic MSG is used around the world as a flavor enhancer, commonly added to canned vegetables, soups, processed meats, and Chinese food. While the FDA has classified it as a food ingredient that's "generally regarded as safe," it remains at the center of many a food controversy. There have been many anecdotal reports of reactions to MSG, including headaches, heart palpitations (rapid, fluttering heartbeat), nausea, chest pain, weakness, and sweating. If these reactions are actually due to the MSG, they have been mild and short-lived. The FDA requires that foods containing MSG list it in the ingredients label on the packaging as "monosodium glutamate."
10. Not all salad dressings are created equally
It is better to make your own salad dressing for these thirty days, something that is not very difficult to do. However, you might not always be able to make it yourself or have access to it. In the event you find yourself in a situation where you must purchase dressing, it should only be organic, with no sugar added, and no artificial ingredients. Make sure the dressing is either fat-free or low-fat, but read the label, as manufacturers tend to sneak a lot of sugar and artificial ingredients into these dressings. Try to purchase dressing that has the fewest number of ingredients possible (five or fewer). The best bet is to make your own dressing, which will take few ingredients and not much time. Try the simple recipes here and here and you won't have to worry about not finding the correct dressing at the grocery store.
(Continues...)Excerpted from Clean & Lean by Ian K. Smith. Copyright © 2019 Ian K. Smith, M.D.. Excerpted by permission of St. Martin's Press.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.
Product details
- Publisher : St. Martin's Press; 1st edition (April 9, 2019)
- Language : English
- Hardcover : 256 pages
- ISBN-10 : 1250114942
- ISBN-13 : 978-1250114945
- Item Weight : 15.2 ounces
- Best Sellers Rank: #431,993 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
- #2,029 in Weight Loss Diets (Books)
- #3,188 in Other Diet Books
- Customer Reviews:
About the author

Dr. Ian Smith is the author of the #1 New York Times bestselling books, SHRED: THE REVOLUTIONARY DIET, SUPER SHRED: The Big Results Diet, BLAST THE SUGAR OUT, The Clean 20, THE ANCIENT NINE, CLEAN & LEAN and eleven other books with millions of copies in print. His newest novel--THE UNSPOKEN, the first installment of his Ashe Cayne mystery series, is now available. Look for his next revolutionary diet plan FAST BURN!, on sale April 13, 2021.
He is currently the solo host of the nationally syndicated, Emmy award-winning television show
THE DOCTORS, and a longtime medical contributor to Emmy award-winning The Rachael Ray Show.
He also served as the medical/diet expert for six seasons on VH1’s highly-rated Celebrity Fit Club. He is the creator and founder of the national health initiatives The 50 Million Pound Challenge and The Makeover Mile. Dr. Smith is the former medical correspondent for NBC News Network and NewsChannel 4 in New York, where he filed reports for NBC Nightly News and The Today Show as well as WNBC's various news broadcasts. He has appeared extensively on numerous broadcasts, including The Oprah Winfrey Show, The View, Dr. Oz, Steve Harvey Show, The Talk, Larry King Live, Anderson Cooper 360, CNN, MSNBC, and many more. He has written for various publications including Time, Newsweek, Men’s Fitness, and the New York Daily News. He has been featured in several other publications including, People, Redbook, Details Magazine, Essence, Ebony, Cosmopolitan, and Black Enterprise.
A highly sought-after speaker, Dr. Smith's work has been honored by several organizations, including the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences for his coverage on the momentous events of September 11th, 2001. He is also very active in charitable causes. Dr. Smith has also served on the boards of the American Council on Exercise, the New York Mission Society, the Prevent Cancer Foundation, The New York Council for the Humanities, and The Maya Angelou Center for Health Equity.
Dr. Smith graduated from Harvard College with an AB and received a master’s in science education from Teachers College of Columbia University. He attended Dartmouth Medical School and completed the last two years of his medical education and graduated from the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine.
Twitter: @DrIanSmith
Instagram: @DoctorIanSmith
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Learn more how customers reviews work on AmazonCustomers say
Customers find the book informative and motivating. They find the information easy to follow, with simple explanations and a step-by-step plan. The diet is described as great, with intermittent fasting and clean eating. Readers say it works well and creates amazing results. They appreciate the clean eating approach and good recipes. Overall, customers consider the book a good purchase and worth the price.
AI-generated from the text of customer reviews
Customers find the book informative and helpful for weight loss. They say it provides good information on changing lifestyles to lose and maintain weight. The book is a great reference for health-conscious people, and it breaks down the plan per day.
"...and I really appreciate how he takes the time to encourage and support people daily...." Read more
"...The best thing is I don’t feel deprived and feel this is something I can do for the rest of my life...." Read more
"...Not just for weight loss, this book details how to gain overall wellness. In 26 days, I have steadily lost weight without nagging hunger pains...." Read more
"...I am grateful I found this plan though as it gave me the kick in the pants I needed to get back to healthier eating, and in less than two weeks I’m..." Read more
Customers find the book easy to follow with its step-by-step plan to lose weight and become healthier. They appreciate the simple, to-the-point explanations about fasting and the day-to-day simple menus. The book is a great read and provides good information for self-help.
"...This plan is so easy to follow and has been the reason I’ve been able to shed some pre menopausal weight gain!!..." Read more
"...With Clean & Lean, I have an easy to follow plan AND success. Thank you Dr. Smith for an effective and safe plan!" Read more
"...I thought SHRED was my favorite until this book ! The menus are easy if you prefer to be a “purist” use the book as written but there’s room for..." Read more
"...It was very hard for me to follow this plan especially with trying to cook for my husband and 6 year old who did not want to follow this diet...." Read more
Customers find the book helpful for weight loss. It provides a daily eating plan with a list of clean foods. They appreciate the flexibility in planning meals and snacks, as well as exercise suggestions. The simple food plan doesn't require much time or overthinking.
" easy to follow and has been the reason I’ve been able to shed some pre menopausal weight gain!!..." Read more
"...I lost 3 pounds in one week which is AMAZING for me, I’m already sleeping much better at night, and my cravings significantly decreased...." Read more
"...The book easily helps you plan out meals in advance, plus adapt in social situations where you need to make better food choices...." Read more
"...The book gives good suggestions for meals, and I appreciate the flexibility." Read more
Customers find the diet works for them. They say intermittent fasting and clean eating are effective, curbing their appetites and changing their eating habits. The book promotes fasting as a weight loss method, but they find it a common-sense approach to eating that works for them.
"I love how Dr. Ian incorporates intermittent fasting with clean eating...." Read more
"...for me, I’m already sleeping much better at night, and my cravings significantly decreased...." Read more
"This is a common sense approach to eating - there is nothing earth shattering about it...." Read more
"...But no, this book is for maybe beginners? Quality of nutrition in my opinion was lacking big time. I was kinda mad I spent $15 on this book...." Read more
Customers are satisfied with the plan's effectiveness. They find it realistic and easy to follow, with good ideas and planning. Many say it's the best plan they've followed, creating amazing results.
"...Thank you Dr. Smith for an effective and safe plan!" Read more
"...This book includes everything: Prep, The Plan, Workouts and Meal/ Snacks Options...." Read more
"By far the best plan I’ve followed. Was lucky enough to be part of an early release and lost 7 lbs in 7 days...." Read more
"...Again the plan worked, I lost 7 lbs in 30 days. Just reduce the price point or get rid of hard cover only option." Read more
Customers like the book's clean eating approach. They mention it provides a daily eating plan, a list of healthy foods, and good recipes. The book is easy to read, with step-by-step details on clean and healthy foods.
"...It adds in a component of intermittent fasting in addition to a clean eating approach...." Read more
"Clean and lean is a good book to help with weight loss if you follow the steps and instructions. I’m still in the process of committing to it." Read more
"Easy reading, step by step details on clean and healthy foods." Read more
"Daily eating plan, list of clean foods, but not clear on total calories to consume" Read more
Customers appreciate the book's value for money. They say it's worth the price and a good purchase.
"Book came in great condition! Was a good price also!" Read more
"Love this book, Great buy" Read more
"Gift. Recipient greatly pleased. Good price. Quick service" Read more
"Good purchase" Read more
Reviews with images

Clean eating meets intermittent fasting is a HIT!!
Top reviews from the United States
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- Reviewed in the United States on April 14, 2019I love how Dr. Ian incorporates intermittent fasting with clean eating. This plan is so easy to follow and has been the reason I’ve been able to shed some pre menopausal weight gain!! I will be 50 this year and have struggled to find the right AND healthy way to get my body back in sync so when I shed 15 lbs after just 26 days of Clean & Lean, I was beyond happy!!
This plan will walk you through 30 days but more then that, if you need support, join Dr. Ian’s fb groups. He is live in the groups daily answering questions and providing support. The way he connects with people is truly unique and I really appreciate how he takes the time to encourage and support people daily.
If you’re on the fence about this one, JUMP because I’m so glad I did. I’m on vacation right now and my shorts are LOOSE from losing weight. Not a bad problem to have! 🤣🤣 Thanks Dr. Ian!!
5.0 out of 5 starsI love how Dr. Ian incorporates intermittent fasting with clean eating. This plan is so easy to follow and has been the reason I’ve been able to shed some pre menopausal weight gain!! I will be 50 this year and have struggled to find the right AND healthy way to get my body back in sync so when I shed 15 lbs after just 26 days of Clean & Lean, I was beyond happy!!Clean eating meets intermittent fasting is a HIT!!
Reviewed in the United States on April 14, 2019
This plan will walk you through 30 days but more then that, if you need support, join Dr. Ian’s fb groups. He is live in the groups daily answering questions and providing support. The way he connects with people is truly unique and I really appreciate how he takes the time to encourage and support people daily.
If you’re on the fence about this one, JUMP because I’m so glad I did. I’m on vacation right now and my shorts are LOOSE from losing weight. Not a bad problem to have! 🤣🤣 Thanks Dr. Ian!!
Images in this review
- Reviewed in the United States on April 11, 2019I pre-ordered the book and was part of the Facebook group allowed to do the first 9 days before the book came out. I lost 3 pounds in one week which is AMAZING for me, I’m already sleeping much better at night, and my cravings significantly decreased.
The best thing is I don’t feel deprived and feel this is something I can do for the rest of my life.
Another reviewer gave it 1 star because they said Most IF’ers do Keto or low carb.
Well, this is for those who do NOT want to do Keto/Low carb, but would like to try Intermittent fasting which has benefits in itself without having to do Keto/Low Carb.
For many Keto/Low Carb is not sustainable over the long haul. I tried Keto and felt deprived.
- Reviewed in the United States on June 22, 2024Something healthy to live with
- Reviewed in the United States on April 21, 2019LOVE this plan by Dr. Ian Smith. Clean & Lean is a great guide to improving how and what you eat. Not just for weight loss, this book details how to gain overall wellness. In 26 days, I have steadily lost weight without nagging hunger pains. The book easily helps you plan out meals in advance, plus adapt in social situations where you need to make better food choices. Dr. Smith is a dedicated educator who PERSONALLY holds FREE live sessions with those on the program. I am enjoying the fresh recipes, plus love the support and comraderie between group members on Facebook. I tried intermittent fasting on my own, and gained weight! With Clean & Lean, I have an easy to follow plan AND success. Thank you Dr. Smith for an effective and safe plan!
- Reviewed in the United States on April 12, 2019This is a common sense approach to eating - there is nothing earth shattering about it. It adds in a component of intermittent fasting in addition to a clean eating approach. Menu plans are kinda sporadic-you can choose to have whole wheat pasta with sauce and protein or you can have a green salad. How are those equivalent options in calories and macros?
The inclusion of the 5/2 intermittent fasting method is causing mass confusion on the Facebook group for this plan. This should have been left out.
I am grateful I found this plan though as it gave me the kick in the pants I needed to get back to healthier eating, and in less than two weeks I’m down 7 lbs. The book gives good suggestions for meals, and I appreciate the flexibility.
- Reviewed in the United States on May 28, 2019I’ve been a fan of Dr Ian and have followed most of his books . This by far is a lifestyle change that I can live with and incorporate into my life . I thought SHRED was my favorite until this book ! The menus are easy if you prefer to be a “purist” use the book as written but there’s room for substitution.
There is room for substitutions and therefore the Basket Buddy concept I love .
Yet another book that has yielded me results. IF you have tried ITF (Intermittent Time Fasting ) please try it ! It’s curbed my appetite from those awful late night meals and snacks!
- Reviewed in the United States on June 10, 2019I really can't recommend this book enough.
I've been following this diet for awhile now (at least six-weeks) - and I've lost at least 30 pounds. I even bought another copy of the book and one of the companion books with the recipes and meals for my sister (and BiL). The plan is easy to follow and I like how flexible it is with what you eat. I'm doing the 12/12 intermediate diet cycle - not eating before 7 am or after 7 pm. Except for the first couple days, I haven't been hungry. And there has been an added bonus - not eating after 7 pm & losing 30 pounds has resulted in my chronic acid reflux going away. That in itself is worth the effort I think. One thing that I might comment on - the main component of the exercise programs is walking - which I do. But, the book recommends walking 5.5 miles a day. I do at least 3 miles every day, and that can take some time to do - 5.5 miles is really difficult for me to fit into my daily schedule. The rest of the suggestions for exercise activities are a bit more manageable. There are plenty to chose from - from really low level exercises to the more strenuous. I like how much more energy I have now.
- Reviewed in the United States on April 11, 2019A step by step plan to successfully lose weight and become healthier. This book includes everything: Prep, The Plan, Workouts and Meal/ Snacks Options.
I am a witness, if the plans are followed as suggested, then a new you will appear.
There are so many diets and lifestyle programs out there, but Dr. Ian's wellness books are the only ones I will ever suggest to friends and family because I trust the information.
Top reviews from other countries
- Walaa GarootReviewed in France on September 21, 2021
2.0 out of 5 stars Doesn't deserve the money
I thought that I'll find a detailed way of healthy eating. It's nearly a bullet point.
- Constance MartinReviewed in Canada on April 23, 2019
5.0 out of 5 stars Best book ever
Easy read well done easy to follow and well writen
One person found this helpfulReport - OlIbobReviewed in the United Kingdom on May 21, 2020
1.0 out of 5 stars Worst diet book i've ever purchased.
I'm incredibly disappointed with this book. The only way you could survive on this diet is if you had a desk job or barely moved all day. I'm an Arborist and have an incredibly labour intensive job, so the minuscule amount of calories you get on the daily diet plan is not enough to sustain you throughout the day. Therefore, you have to make your own diet up with the foods allowed on the list in the book. The calories per day are so low that you don't need to Intermittent Fast because you're not getting anywhere near the calories you need per day. Many may disagree with me but I just think its a quickly put together book with not much thought put into it.
- Rosie MilojevicReviewed in Australia on March 28, 2020
5.0 out of 5 stars Very simple to follow and very effective
Anyone can follow. Great exercises. Meal plans are simple and explanation is very clear and meaningful. Great for all fitness levels. Recommended
- S DReviewed in Canada on May 31, 2019
5.0 out of 5 stars Loved it!!
Great information