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The Survival Medicine Handbook: The Essential Guide for When Help is NOT on the Way 4th Edition
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Previous editions have been 1st place winners in the Book Excellence Awards in Medicine, and this one has many more topics and almost triple the illustrations to give you the info needed to keep it together, even when everything else falls apart. Called “America’s favorite survival medic” by American Outdoor Guide, NY Times/Amazon bestselling author Dr. Joe Alton and Nurse Practitioner Amy Alton have put together a 700 page book that encompasses trauma care, first aid, chronic care, medical procedures, and much more. It’ll be an essential reference for anyone concerned about the uncertain future.
The Survival Medicine Handbook is written in plain English that anyone can understand, but it’s not just another medical first aid book. It’s unique in that it assumes that a disaster, natural or man-made, has removed all access to hospitals or doctors for the foreseeable future; you, the average person, are now the highest medical resource left to your family. The book’s goal is to make you effective in that role.
With over 300 topics and 300 illustrations, the 4th edition of the Survival Medicine Handbook covers just about every situation the family medic will encounter in times of trouble. This is only a portion of the table of contents:
-Wrapping a Sprain-Sprains vs. Fractures-Orthopedic Natural Remedies
Types of Fractures
Reducing a Deformity
Applying Splints
Placing a Cast-Care of Casts and Splints
Open Fracture Wound Care-Long
Term Fracture Care
Cellulitis, Abscesses and Incision and Drainage
-Rib Fractures
-Needle Decompression
-Chest Seals
-Chest Tubes
When medical personnel are overwhelmed and modern technology is non-existent, The Survival Medicine Handbook is THE essential book for your home library.
- ISBN-100988872501
- ISBN-13978-0988872509
- Edition4th
- Publication dateAugust 24, 2021
- LanguageEnglish
- Dimensions8 x 1.57 x 10 inches
- Print length694 pages
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This product has sustainability features recognized by trusted certifications.Carbon impactCarbon emissions from the lifecycle of this product were measured, reduced and offset.As certified byClimatePartner certified
The Climate neutral label by ClimatePartner certifies that the carbon footprint of a product was calculated and all associated emissions were offset. Additionally, ClimatePartner encourages companies to set ambitious reduction targets and reduce their products' carbon footprints. The certificate number can be entered on ClimatePartner’s website for additional information such as the supported carbon offset project(s). ClimatePartner is improving lives by helping companies tackle climate change with practical solutions.Certification NumberU13BYG - Sustainability features for this product
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This product has sustainability features recognized by trusted certifications.Carbon impactCarbon emissions from the lifecycle of this product were measured, reduced and offset.As certified byClimatePartner certified
The Climate neutral label by ClimatePartner certifies that the carbon footprint of a product was calculated and all associated emissions were offset. Additionally, ClimatePartner encourages companies to set ambitious reduction targets and reduce their products' carbon footprints. The certificate number can be entered on ClimatePartner’s website for additional information such as the supported carbon offset project(s). ClimatePartner is improving lives by helping companies tackle climate change with practical solutions.Certification Number7V333Z - Sustainability features for this product
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This product has sustainability features recognized by trusted certifications.Carbon impactCarbon emissions from the lifecycle of this product were measured, reduced and offset.As certified byClimatePartner certified
The Climate neutral label by ClimatePartner certifies that the carbon footprint of a product was calculated and all associated emissions were offset. Additionally, ClimatePartner encourages companies to set ambitious reduction targets and reduce their products' carbon footprints. The certificate number can be entered on ClimatePartner’s website for additional information such as the supported carbon offset project(s). ClimatePartner is improving lives by helping companies tackle climate change with practical solutions.Certification Number9W19X1
Editorial Reviews
"You can't purchase medical preparedness like you can buyother survival and preparedness gear.Medical preparedness is 90% knowledge and know-how! That is why I alwayssay, the first book any prepper should own is The Survival Medical Handbook byDr. Joe and Amy Alton!"-Todd Sepulveda, Founder, The Prepper Website
"As a person responsible for many people. I keep mySurvival Medicine Handbook nearby. Ifyou're not a medical provider, this book will help you keep someone alive untilhelp arrives. Kudos to Joe and Amy for their dedication to teaching austeremedicine through their podcasts and publications."-Scott Hunt, Author,Owner of Practical Preppers
"I've relied on Joe and Amy Alton for timely andimportant medical articles for more than 20 years. They increase themagazine's value, and they are a part of the reason we are not simply read andtossed, but read and kept in a drawer for later rereading."-Dave Duffy, Founderand Editor Emeritus, Backwoods Home Magazine
"Joe and Amy Alton have long been my preferred source forany information related to medical issues in austere settings. TheirSurvival Medicine Handbook (4th edition) should be in every prepper library.They cover a huge range of topics, with easy to follow and understand steps fordiagnosis and treatment for when the professionals aren't available. I simplycannot recommend this book highly enough."-Jim Cobb, Editor-in-Chief, PrepperSurvival Guide Magazine
From the Author
We considered what medical supplies they would need and howto use them. For long-term disasters, we found natural alternatives that wouldhelp when the conventional medicines ran out. More importantly, we figured outstrategies to do something even more important: How to prevent medicalproblems. Prevention will save the family medic both headaches and heartaches.
It wasn't easy for a doctor and nurse practitioner to writea medical book that didn't advise you to head for the nearest hospital orclinic every single time an emergency occurs. Many times, we had to dig intoour collection of 19th century medical books to find methods that might beuseful off-the-grid. We realized that many of these methods weren't superior towhat modern medicine has to offer. To be honest, some were downright obsolete. Despitethis, we found a number of our ancestors' strategies that might be useful in afuture catastrophe.
When the first book was published, we expected that,perhaps, a hundred people might obtain a copy. Imagine our shock when thenumber reached so many more! We greatly underestimated the number of peopleconcerned about the risk of both natural and man-made disasters, epidemics, andterrorist attacks.
Seeing that so many already realize the need for medicalpreparedness, the Fourth Edition of the Survival Medicine Handbook spends lesstime trying to make the case for it than previous versions. Instead, the bookcovers more issues than ever before and covers almost every subject in moredetail. Every topic is meant to help the family medic identify, treat, and/orprevent sickness and injury in austere settings. This may sometimes veerfrom a purely medical aspect, but also include common-sense advice.
The sheer amount of information made the Fourth Edition toocumbersome, so you might notice this book is physically larger. This wasnecessary, as every section has been updated or amended in some way. We hopethat this book will serve as a useful reference guide for your family.
We have always known that whoever accepts responsibility fortheir family's well-being in uncertain times is a very special person. We hopethat this book will be a useful tool in making them effective in their role asmedical resource. As always, we're committed to helping them accomplish theultimate goal in survival: To keep it together, even if everything else fallsapart.
From the Back Cover
In naturaldisasters, epidemics, and civil unrest, the ambulance might not be heading inyour direction when needed. In a world where modern hospitals are overwhelmedor don't exist due to a catastrophe, you might become the highestmedical asset left to your family. Are you prepared to deal with medical issuesif the rescue helicopter isn't just over the horizon?
The FOURTHEDITION of the bestselling book excellence award® winner in medicine THESURVIVAL MEDICINE HANDBOOK™ is a comprehensive guide to help the averageperson keep their loved ones healthy in any situation where help is noton the way.
The SURVIVALMEDICINE HANDBOOK'S fourthedition, greatly expanded and revised, is a unique book that seeks to findstrategies that would work when modern medicine isn't an option. It combinesconventional and alternative medicine to give you all the tools you'll need tosucceed, even if everything else fails. Written in language anyone canunderstand, THE SURVIVAL MEDICINE HANDBOOK hopes to impart not just theknowledge, but the judgment necessary to be an effective caregiver off thegrid.
With the FourthEdition of THE SURVIVAL MEDICINE HANDBOOK, the family medic will becomeeffective in their role and, have no doubt, save lives in the uncertain future.Begin your journey on the road to medical preparedness today!
About the Author
Joseph Alton MD, FACOG, FACSpracticed as a board-certified Obstetrician and Pelvic Surgeon for close to 25years before retiring to devote his efforts to preparing families medically fordisaster and other austere scenarios. A Life Fellow of the American College ofObstetrics and Gynecology and retired Fellow of the American College ofSurgeons, he is a NY Times bestselling author and contributor to well- knownmagazines in the survival, preparedness, and homesteading genres. He speaks atpreparedness conferences throughout the country on the topic of medicalreadiness. A member of MENSA, Dr. Alton collects medical books from the 19thcentury to gain insight into off-grid medical strategies.
Amy AltonAPRN, CNM
Amy Alton APRN,CNM is a Nurse Practitioner and a Certified Nurse-Midwife. She has had years ofexperience working as a Nurse Practitioner in large teaching institutions aswell as smaller, family-oriented hospitals. She designs quality medical kits and lectures frequently on disaster medical supplies.Amy has extensive medicinal herb gardens and works to include natural remediesinto her strategies.
Dr. and Ms. Altonare graduates of the Master Gardener program through their state's agriculturalextension office. They are also proficient in aquaculture and have cultivatedaquaponic, raised bed, and container gardens. As "Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy,"they host the award-winning survival website and producevideo and radio programs under the Doom and Bloom® label.
Dr. and Ms. Altonhave a simple mission: To put a medically prepared person in every family forany disaster. They know that, to accomplish their mission, the average personmust learn to use all the tools in the medical woodshed. The Altons areconvinced that a medically prepared family will have the best chance tosucceed, even if everything else fails.
Product details
- Publisher : Doom and Bloom, LLC; 4th edition (August 24, 2021)
- Language : English
- Paperback : 694 pages
- ISBN-10 : 0988872501
- ISBN-13 : 978-0988872509
- Item Weight : 3.53 ounces
- Dimensions : 8 x 1.57 x 10 inches
- Best Sellers Rank: #2,418 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
- #1 in Emergency Medicine (Books)
- #2 in Survival & Emergency Preparedness
- #3 in Reference (Books)
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About the author

Joseph Alton, M.D. and Amy Alton, A.R.N.P. are the premiere Medical Preparedness Professionals from the top survival website www.doomandbloom.net.
Joseph Alton practiced as a board-certified Obstetrician and Pelvic Surgeon for more than 25 years before retiring to devote his efforts to preparing your family medically for any scenario. He has been a Fellow of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology and the American College of Surgeons for many years, served as department chairman at local hospitals and as an adjunct professor at local university nursing schools. He is a popular speaker at survival and preparedness conferences on the subject of medical preparedness.
Amy Alton is an Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner and a Certified Nurse-Midwife. She has had years of experience working in large teaching institutions as well as smaller, family-oriented hospitals. Nurse Practitioner Alton is a Certified Stop The Bleed Instructor and a Certified Advanced Wilderness Expedition Provider. Mrs. Alton has taught Survival Medicine classes across the country.
Dr. and Ms. Alton are regular contributors to homesteading and survival genre magazines and are three-times winners off the medical category of the Book Excellence Awards in 2022, 2020, and 2017.
Dr. and Ms. Alton are firm believers that, to remain healthy in hard times, we must use all the tools at our disposal. Their goal is to put a medically-prepared person in every family for any disaster. Their books are written in plain English easy to understand for the non-medically trained.
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Customers find the book provides good information and is thorough in its coverage of conditions. They appreciate the simple and easy-to-understand format. The book is well-written and detailed, making it a valuable resource.
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Customers find the book provides good information about emergency medical procedures and ways to prepare for emergencies. They appreciate the pictures and charts, finding them enlightening and educational. The book covers a wide range of topics and is accessible for readers without medical training. It gives a good understanding of emergency medical procedures and can save lives.
"...and Nurse Amy Alton, have done a fantastic job making the content accessible to readers without medical training, breaking down complicated medical..." Read more
"...This book has so much valuable information it’s worth the money." Read more
"...Tons of information and solutions that apply in the real world." Read more
"...contents of the text and a few of the pictures and charts were very enlightening and educational, BUT what the ever-loving F is up with the..." Read more
Customers appreciate the book's easy-to-understand language and comprehensive coverage. They find it well-written and detailed, with step-by-step instructions that make it easier for average people to effectively administer herbal remedies. The illustrations are nice, and the book provides real ideas on how medicine is practiced in various settings.
"...major wounds provide step-by-step instructions, making it easier for the average person to effectively administer care in an emergency...." Read more
"...This is extremely well written so that even a lay person could understand how to do some fairly complicated stuff in case of emergency!..." Read more
"Easy reading Good price Valuable information Very nice illustrations" Read more
"...the photography and blurred pictures and diagrams that are completely unintelligible, blurry and useless!..." Read more
Reviews with images

Survival Book
Top reviews from the United States
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- Reviewed in the United States on October 17, 2024The Survival Medicine Handbook is an exceptional resource that every family should have on hand, especially in times of crisis when access to medical care might be limited or unavailable. This 4th edition has surpassed my expectations with its comprehensive layout, covering an astounding range of medical topics—from basic first aid to more complex procedures like wound care and childbirth. The authors, Dr. Joe Alton and Nurse Amy Alton, have done a fantastic job making the content accessible to readers without medical training, breaking down complicated medical procedures into simple, understandable terms.
The table of contents alone is impressive, spanning over 300 topics and 300 illustrations. Whether it's treating minor wounds, managing fractures, or even radiation and chemical events, this handbook has you covered. The sections on bleeding control, burns, and major wounds provide step-by-step instructions, making it easier for the average person to effectively administer care in an emergency. One thing I particularly appreciate is the section on natural medicine, which offers alternative remedies when modern options aren’t available.
Another standout feature is that it’s written assuming that hospitals are overcrowded, ambulances are unavailable, and you are the primary medic left to care for your loved ones. This shift in mindset makes the book unique from your typical first aid guide.
The layout is fantastic, with each section easily navigable, and I found the illustrations to be extremely helpful in visualizing key concepts. The comprehensive information on antibiotics and how to store them safely over the long term is also invaluable for anyone serious about preparing for long-term survival situations.
The book is also lightweight, considering it’s nearly 700 pages of densely packed, vital information. This is a must-have for preppers, homesteaders, or anyone looking to ensure they have the knowledge and tools needed to handle a medical emergency when help may not be on the way.
In summary, The Survival Medicine Handbook is not just a book; it’s an essential survival tool that could literally save lives. If you're serious about medical preparedness, this is a purchase you will not regret. Highly recommended!
- Reviewed in the United States on March 11, 2025This book should be in every classroom, businesses and home. This book has so much valuable information it’s worth the money.
This book should be in every classroom, businesses and home. This book has so much valuable information it’s worth the money.
Images in this review
- Reviewed in the United States on December 18, 2024As a health care provider myself - I am picky about how- to books. This is extremely well written so that even a lay person could understand how to do some fairly complicated stuff in case of emergency! I htink everyone should have this. If something " happens" in this unstable world - you may not be able to get to a hospital or they may not be functioning - we need to be able to help ourselves. Get this book!!
- Reviewed in the United States on March 6, 2025I had delayed ordering this book for some time before purchasing it. This was a mistake. This is an outstanding work and covers as wide an area as possible. Tons of information and solutions that apply in the real world.
- Reviewed in the United States on March 17, 2024I read this entire HUGE book. So glad I got the spiral-bound version. I can't imagine trying to read such a giant book with a traditional binding. The contents of the text and a few of the pictures and charts were very enlightening and educational, BUT what the ever-loving F is up with the photography and blurred pictures and diagrams that are completely unintelligible, blurry and useless! This REALLY should have been in color, especially for the photos. I had to use the internet to look up several things to see what could possibly be attempting to be pictured for at least half of the pictures. Why in the world would the editors of this book allow it to be published with such blurry and tiny print that it is useless?
Again though, the massive information conveyed in the text is awesome and must have taken a lot of work. I did gain enough knowledge that I will definitely be the "medic" of my group should there be a SHTF situation, and that was the goal of buying this book.
- Reviewed in the United States on August 26, 2024I am have not read the entire book completely, but I have browsed through all of it and read a lot of the sections. I would say this is in the top 5 medical and first aid books in existence for civilians and everyday citizens. It is seriously COMPREHENSIVE!! The authors have a medical background and did a wonderful job compiling a thorough amount of information for so many areas of medicine. I think everyone should have one of these in their home, as having physical copy of so much useful medical information is invaluable.
Keep in mind, this is fairly heavy and pretty large book (even in the paperback). It is not a small pamphlet to stick in your glove compartment type of book. I think the price is unbeatable for this book. I highly recommend it. It is great for emergency preparedness, travel first aid reference, medical training, improving basic medical knowledge, everyday reading, or even everyday reading!
- Reviewed in the United States on December 12, 2024Easy reading Good price Valuable information Very nice illustrations
- Reviewed in the United States on December 28, 2024This is a must for any prepped library. It is a very informative book.
Top reviews from other countries
- Jordan EReviewed in Canada on January 4, 2025
5.0 out of 5 stars Valuable Educational Resource and Emergency Reference!!!
This is a very well thought out and compiled book regarding essentially every emergency medical situation you could think of. Included is almost too much information in some instances than the average person could practically use but in all cases gives good guidance on how to deal with emergent medical issues that one may encounter in all manner of situations including natural disasters, violent encounters, chemical accidents, etc.
There are illustrations added through the book and though they are black and white and not super clear, where they are intended to demonstrate something they do so efficiently enough.
All in all I would recommend that anyone who spends a significant amount of time in the wilderness and/or isolated areas, living in an isolated area, or who is just concerned about the course that we as a society are on and want to be prepared with some useful resources, purchase this book.
I am reading through segments that are relevant to things that could happen in my day to day life and keeping this on the shelf with various other reference materials in case of emergency.
Jordan EValuable Educational Resource and Emergency Reference!!!
Reviewed in Canada on January 4, 2025
There are illustrations added through the book and though they are black and white and not super clear, where they are intended to demonstrate something they do so efficiently enough.
All in all I would recommend that anyone who spends a significant amount of time in the wilderness and/or isolated areas, living in an isolated area, or who is just concerned about the course that we as a society are on and want to be prepared with some useful resources, purchase this book.
I am reading through segments that are relevant to things that could happen in my day to day life and keeping this on the shelf with various other reference materials in case of emergency.
Images in this review
DulcReviewed in Mexico on February 3, 2024
5.0 out of 5 stars Buena compra
Excelente contenido
- CamilloReviewed in Italy on July 20, 2024
5.0 out of 5 stars Really usefull
It gives you everything you need for emergencies or how to deal with healt problem
- Amazon CustomerReviewed in the United Kingdom on July 17, 2024
5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent
Very practical, comprehensive and Informative. Good for preppers and general preparedness. Definitely worth the money.
- Zvonimir SimonReviewed in Germany on July 14, 2024
5.0 out of 5 stars Brilliant, to the point and covering much more than usual "first aid" or similar books.
Great for non-medical experts to much better understand and know how to help and treat all manner of ilnesses and debilitations from start to finish. It explains limitations of medical care in out-of-modern civilisation situations. But it is also not the single source of knowledge that covers all situations, or teaches them in bes manner possible (it is impossible for a book)
All in all, very best broad knowledge encyclopedia for reasonable treatment of ilnesses and injuries in less than ideal situations that I am aware of.