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Walking with God through Pain and Suffering Hardcover – October 1, 2013
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Walking with God through Pain and Suffering is the definitive Christian book on why bad things happen and how we should respond to them. The question of why there is pain and suffering in the world has confounded every generation; yet there has not been a major book from a Christian perspective exploring why they exist for many years.
The two classics in this area are When Bad Things Happen to Good People by Rabbi Harold S. Kushner, which was published more than thirty years ago, and C. S. Lewis’s The Problem of Pain, published more than seventy years ago. The great secular book on the subject, Elisabeth Ku¨bler-Ross’s On Death and Dying, was first published in 1969. It’s time for a new understanding and perspective, and who better to tackle this complex subject than Timothy Keller?
As the pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Manhattan, Timothy Keller is known for the unique insights he shares, and his series of books has guided countless readers in their spiritual journeys. Walking with God through Pain and Suffering will bring a much-needed, fresh viewpoint on this important issue.
- Print length368 pages
- LanguageEnglish
- PublisherViking
- Publication dateOctober 1, 2013
- Dimensions6.38 x 1.19 x 9.31 inches
- ISBN-100525952454
- ISBN-13978-0525952459
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- Nothing is more important than to learn how to maintain a life of purpose in the midst of painful adversity.Highlighted by 4,446 Kindle readers
- When pain and suffering come upon us, we finally see not only that we are not in control of our lives but that we never were.Highlighted by 4,113 Kindle readers
Editorial Reviews
From Booklist
“It has something for everyone—something for the agnostic (Keller makes a strong argument that there are no true atheists); something for the philosopher (although he invites the wounded reader to skip that section); and something for the believer being beckoned into the inner sanctum of sharing in the fellowship of Christ’s sufferings (a place no one naturally wants to go).” - The Gospel Coalition
"It is a resource that takes a multidimensional approach to suffering - tackling the internal and external realities - and takes us deep theologically and practically." - Vertical Living Ministries
"A luminous and ultimately hopeful examination of the many aspects of suffering." - Booklist
Praise for Timothy Keller and his other books
"Tim Keller's ministry in New York City is leading a generation of seekers and skeptics toward belief in God. I thank God for him." – Billy Graham
“Unlike most suburban megachurches, much of Redeemer is remarkably traditional. What is not traditional is Dr. Keller’s skill in speaking the language of his urbane audience…Observing Dr. Keller’s professorial pose on stage, it is easy to understand his appeal.” – The New York Times
“Fifty years from now, if evangelical Christians are widely known for their love of cities, their commitment to mercy and justice, and their love of their neighbors, Tim Keller will be remembered as a pioneer of the new urban Christians.” – Christianity Today
“With intellectual, brimstone-free sermons that manage to cite Woody Allen alongside Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, Keller draws some 5,000 young followers every Sunday. Church leaders see him as a model of how to evangelize urban centers across the country, and Keller has helped ‘plant’ 50 gospel-based Christian churches around New York plus another 50 from San Francisco to London.” – New York Magazine
“This is the book I give to all my friends who are serious spiritual seekers or skeptics.” – Rick Warren, author of The Purpose Driven Life, on The Reason for God
“Keller mines material from literary classics, philosophy, anthropology and a multitude of other disciplines to make an intellectually compelling case for God. Written for skeptics and the believers who love them, the book draws on the author's encounters as founding pastor of New York's booming Redeemer Presbyterian Church…[The Reason for God] should serve both as testimony to the author's encyclopedic learning and as a compelling overview of the current debate on faith for those who doubt and for those who want to reevaluate what they believe, and why.” – Publishers Weekly on The Reason for God
“World has briefly reviewed about 200 books over the past year. Many stand out, but one in particular is likely to change many lives and ways of thinking. World’s Book of the Year is Tim Keller’s The Reason for God. ” – Marvin Olasky on The Reason for God
“It’s a great resource to equip you to speak with your secular friends; to show them why the Christian understanding of marriage is not only a tremendous blessing, it’s the only one that works.” – on The Meaning of Marriage
“The Meaning of Marriage is incredibly rich with wisdom and insight that will leave the reader, whether single or married, feeling uplifted. While the book is filled with expertly selected biblical verses, nonreligious readers willing to ‘try on’ these observations may find answers not only to the meaning of marriage but to that even bigger question—the meaning of life itself.” – The Washington Times on The Meaning of Marriage
“Theologically rich and philosophically informed, yet accessible and filled with practical wisdom.” – Comment Magazine on Every Good Endeavor
“This book is for us all and through its reading it can change and reshape your entire outlook on your life.” – Sarah Macintosh on Every Good Endeavor
About the Author
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
The Rumble of Panic beneath EverythingI think that taking life seriously means something like this: that whatever man does on this planet has to be done in the lived truth of the terror of creation . . . ?of the rumble of panic underneath everything. Otherwise it is false.—Ernest Becker, The Denial of DeathI will bless the LORD at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth. My soul makes its boast in the LORD; let the afflicted hear and be glad. O magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together! (Psalm 34:1–3)
Suffering is everywhere, unavoidable, and its scope often overwhelms. If you spend one hour reading this book, more than five children throughout the world will have died from abuse and violence during that time. If you give the entire day to reading, more than one hundred children will have died violently. But this is, of course, only one of innumerable forms and modes of suffering. Thousands die from traffic accidents or cancer every hour, and hundreds of thousands learn that their loved ones are suddenly gone. That is comparable to the population of a small city being swept away every day, leaving families and friends devastated in the wake.
When enormous numbers of deaths happen in one massive event—such as the 1970 Bhola cyclone in Bangladesh, the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, or the 2010 Haiti earthquake—each of which killed 300,000 or more at once—it makes headlines around the world and everyone reels from the devastation. But statistics are misleading. Such historic disasters do not really change the suffering rate. Tens of thousands of people die every day in unexpected tragedies, and hundreds of thousands around them are crushed by grief and shock. The majority of them trigger no headlines because pain and misery is the norm in this world.
Shakespeare understood this when he wrote:
Each new morn
New widows howl, new orphans cry,
New sorrows strike heaven on the face.
Evil and suffering are so pervasive that the statistics I just recounted hardly make us blink. Yet we must blink. Author Ernest Becker spoke about the danger of denying the misery of life and the randomness of suffering. When we hear of a tragedy, there is a deep-seated psychological defense mechanism that goes to work. We think to ourselves that such things happen to other people, to poor people, or to people who do not take precautions. Or we tell ourselves that if only we get the right people into office and get our social systems right, nothing like this will happen again.
But Becker believed such thinking fails to “take life seriously” or to admit the “lived truth of the terror of creation . . . ?of the rumble of panic underneath everything.” That panic comes from death. Death is irreducibly unpredictable and inexorable.
The same message comes through in an article written in The New York Times Magazine during the time of the “Beltway Sniper,” who was shooting people in the Washington, DC, area in what appeared to be a completely random way, without concern for race or age. Ann Patchett wrote:
We are always looking to make some sort of sense out of murder in order to keep it safely at bay: I do not fit the description; I do not live in that town; I would never have gone to that place, known that person. But what happens when there is no description, no place, nobody? Where do we go to find our peace of mind? . . .
The fact is, staving off our own death is one of our favorite national pastimes. Whether it’s exercise, checking our cholesterol or having a mammogram, we are always hedging against mortality. Find out what the profile is, and identify the ways in which you do not fit it. But a sniper taking a single clean shot, not into a crowd but through the sight, reminds us horribly of death itself. Despite our best intentions, it is still, for the most part, random.
And it is absolutely coming.
Patchett and Becker expose the common ways we seek to deny the rumble of panic. This book is an effort to do what they urge—to take life seriously. I want to help readers live life well and even joyfully against the background of these terrible realities. The loss of loved ones, debilitating and fatal illnesses, personal betrayals, financial reversals, and moral failures—all of these will eventually come upon you if you live out a normal life span. No one is immune.
Therefore, no matter what precautions we take, no matter how well we have put together a good life, no matter how hard we have worked to be healthy, wealthy, comfortable with friends and family, and successful with our career—something will inevitably ruin it. No amount of money, power, and planning can prevent bereavement, dire illness, relationship betrayal, financial disaster, or a host of other troubles from entering your life. Human life is fatally fragile and subject to forces beyond our power to manage. Life is tragic.
We all know this intuitively, and those who face the challenge of suffering and pain learn all too well that it is impossible to do so using only our own resources. We all need support if we are not to succumb to despair. In this book we will argue that inevitably this support must be spiritual.
“Let the Afflicted Hear and Be Glad”
On our wedding day, Kathy and I spoke our vows to each other in front of our friends and families. To the traditional words of commitment we added a passage of Scripture—Psalm 34:1–3—which is engraved on the inside of our wedding rings.
I will bless the Lord at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth.
My soul makes its boast in the Lord; let the afflicted hear and be glad.
O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together!
Saying our vows was a heady moment, and the lofty words of the text enhanced it. We were embarking on a lifetime of Christian ministry together, and we anticipated boldly presenting the God we knew to the world. At the time, however, we almost completely ignored the words at the center of the passage. The text’s definition of ministry success is that “the afflicted hear and be glad.” One of the reasons that phrase was lost on us then was because, as Kathy said later, “at that age neither of us had suffered so much as an ingrown toenail.” We were young, and the hubris of youth does not imagine pain and suffering. Little did we understand how crucial it would be to help people understand and face affliction, and to face it well ourselves.
As I took up life as a minister, I tried to understand why so many people resisted and rejected God. I soon realized that perhaps the main reason was affliction and suffering. How could a good God, a just God, a loving God, allow such misery, depravity, pain, and anguish? Doubts in the mind can grow along with pain in the heart. When I sat with sufferers, I often found myself fielding white-hot objections to God’s existence and to Christian faith. Some years ago, a Hollywood actress was interviewed after her lover had died suddenly in an accident. She had been living without thought or reference to God for a long time, but once this happened she said, “How could a loving God let this happen?” In an instant she went from indifference to God to anger toward him. It is this kind of experience that has led a host of thinkers to argue, as the writer Stendhal (Marie-Henri Beyle) did, that “the only excuse for God is that he doesn’t exist.”
But at the same time, I learned that just as many people find God through affliction and suffering. They find that adversity moves them toward God rather than away. Troubled times awaken them out of their haunted sleep of spiritual self-sufficiency into a serious search for the divine. Suffering “plants the flag of truth within the fortress of a rebel soul.” It is an exaggeration to say that no one finds God unless suffering comes into their lives—but it is not a big one. When pain and suffering come upon us, we finally see not only that we are not in control of our lives but that we never were.
Over the years, I also came to realize that adversity did not merely lead people to believe in God’s existence. It pulled those who already believed into a deeper experience of God’s reality, love, and grace. One of the main ways we move from abstract knowledge about God to a personal encounter with him as a living reality is through the furnace of affliction. As C. S. Lewis famously put it, “God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pain.” Believers understand many doctrinal truths in the mind, but those truths seldom make the journey down into the heart except through disappointment, failure, and loss. As a man who seemed about to lose both his career and his family once said to me, “I always knew, in principle, that ‘Jesus is all you need’ to get through. But you don’t really know Jesus is all you need until Jesus is all you have.”
Finally, as I grew in my understanding of the Bible itself, I came to see that the reality of suffering was one of its main themes. The book of Genesis begins with an account of how evil and death came into the world. The book of Exodus recounts Israel’s forty years in the wilderness, a time of intense testing and trial. The wisdom literature of the Old Testament is largely dedicated to the problem of suffering. The book of Psalms provides a prayer for every possible situation in life, and so it is striking how filled it is with cries of pain and with blunt questions to God about the seeming randomness and injustice of suffering. In Psalm 44, the writer looks at the devastation of his country and calls, “Awake, O Lord! Why do you sleep? . . . . ?Why do you hide your face and forget our misery and oppression?” (Ps 44:23–24) The books of Job and Ecclesiastes are almost wholly dedicated to deep reflection on unjust suffering and on the frustrating pointlessness that characterizes so much of life. The prophets Jeremiah and Habakkuk give searing expression to the human complaint that evil seems to rule history. New Testament books such as Hebrews and 1 Peter are almost entirely devoted to helping people face relentless sorrows and troubles. And towering over all, the central figure of the whole of Scripture, Jesus Christ, is a man of sorrows. The Bible, therefore, is about suffering as much as it is about anything.
Inevitably, Kathy and I found ourselves facing our own griefs. In 2002, I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer and went through surgery and treatment. Around the same time, Kathy’s Crohn’s disease became acute and she had to undergo numerous surgeries over the next few years, once enduring seven in one year. At one point, I found myself facing the agonizing possibility that I should leave the pastoral ministry because of my wife’s chronic illness. It was the darkest time of our lives so far. And we know for certain, from Scripture and experience, that there are more dark times to come. And yet also more joy than we can now imagine.
Looking back on our lives, Kathy and I came to realize that at the heart of why people disbelieve and believe in God, of why people decline and grow in character, of how God becomes less real and more real to us—is suffering. And when we looked to the Bible to understand this deep pattern, we came to see that the great theme of the Bible itself is how God brings fullness of joy not just despite but through suffering, just as Jesus saved us not in spite of but because of what he endured on the cross. And so there is a peculiar, rich, and poignant joy that seems to come to us only through and in suffering.
What we have learned from these years of ministry to “the afflicted” is in this volume. Simone Weil writes that suffering makes God “appear to be absent.” She is right. But in Psalm 34, David counters that though God feels absent, it does not mean he actually is. Looking back at a time when his life had been in grave danger and all seemed lost, David concludes, “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit” (v. 18).
I’m writing this book because we have found in our own lives that this is true.
The Fiery Furnace and the Plan for This Book
So is this a book for sufferers? Yes, but we must make some distinctions. We are all sufferers, or we will be. But not all of us are currently in an experience of deep pain and grief. Those who are not feeling it, but are seeing it in others, will have a host of philosophical, social, psychological, and moral questions about it. On the other hand, those who are in the grip of pain and difficulty now cannot treat it as a philosophical issue. Speaking to the questions of the nonsufferer as well as to the struggles of the sufferer in one book is a not a simple task. While the afflicted person may cry out using philosophical questions—“Why do you allow such things, God?”—the real concern is personal survival. How can you survive it? How can you get through it without losing the best parts of yourself? To speak in a detached philosophical manner to an actual sufferer is cruel. And yet the experience of pain leads almost inevitably to “big questions” about God and the nature of things that cannot be ignored.
As I read books on evil and suffering, it became clear that most volumes treated the subject mainly from just one perspective. Many books used the philosophical perspective, weighing the “problem of evil” and whether it made the existence of God more or less likely or Christianity more or less plausible. Others took a theological approach, distilling and assembling all the biblical themes and teachings about pain and suffering. Finally, many books took a devotional approach, writing a series of meditations designed to help actual sufferers in the midst of their grief. There was also a smaller number of articles and books that took both a historical and an anthropological approach, examining how different cultures have helped its members face troubles and trials. The more I read, the clearer it became that these various perspectives informed one another, and that any treatment that confined itself to only one vantage point left far too many unanswered questions.
And so I have divided the book into three parts, each part looking at the issue using somewhat different tools. What unites them is the central image of suffering as a fiery furnace. This biblical metaphor is a rich one. Fire is, of course, a well-known image for torment and pain. The Bible calls trials and troubles “walking through fire” (Isa 43:2) or a “fiery ordeal” (1 Pet 4:12). But it also likens suffering to a fiery furnace (1 Pet 1:6–7). The biblical understanding of a furnace is more what we would call a “forge.” Anything with that degree of heat is, of course, a very dangerous and powerful thing. However, if used properly, it does not destroy. Things put into the furnace properly can be shaped, refined, purified, and even beautified. This is a remarkable view of suffering, that if faced and endured with faith, it can in the end only make us better, stronger, and more filled with greatness and joy. Suffering, then, actually can use evil against itself. It can thwart the destructive purposes of evil and bring light and life out of darkness and death.
In the first part of the book, we will look at the “furnace” from the outside—the phenomenon of human suffering, as well as the various ways that different cultures, religions, and eras in history have sought to help people face and get through it. We also will look at the classic philosophical “problem of evil” and what responses we can give to it. Because this first part of the book surveys a great deal of scholarship, it inevitably will be a more theoretical discussion. It is crucial for seeing the entire picture but, frankly, may feel too abstract for a person in the midst of adversity.
The second part of the book moves away from more theoretical issues and begins to digest all that the Bible says about the character of suffering. This section begins a journey from the philosophical toward the personal. We could almost say that, like a parent with a toddler, the Bible is teaching us to walk, step by step. The Bible calls us to walk steadily through afflictions, and to do so requires that we understand its wonderfully balanced and comprehensive teaching on this subject—both profoundly realistic and yet astonishingly hopeful. This keeps us from thinking we can run from the furnace (avoid it) or quickly run through it (deny it) or just lie down hopelessly (despair in it).
Finally, the third part of the book provides the most practical material. The Bible does not perceive going through the “furnace of affliction” as a matter of technique. Suffering can refine us rather than destroy us because God himself walks with us in the fire. But how do we actually walk with God in such times? How do we orient ourselves toward him so that suffering changes us for the better rather than for the worse? Each chapter is based on one main strategy for connecting with God in the furnace of pain and suffering. They should not be read as discrete “steps” to be followed in strict order but as various facets or aspects of a single action—to know the God who says “when you pass through the waters . . . ?when you walk through the fire . . . ?I will be with you” (Isa 43:2).
If you are in the very midst of adversity, you may wish to read parts two and three of the book first. There you will find a surprising range of ways to face suffering, and they vary widely—at times almost seeming to contradict each other. Part of the genius of the Bible as a resource for sufferers is its rich, multidimensional approach. It recognizes a great diversity of forms, reasons for, and right responses to suffering. To show the many possible human responses to suffering, I have included at the end of many chapters a first-person story from someone who has encountered suffering and walked with God through it. These stories are both inspirational and realistic. The Bible does not promise that suffering will issue in full resolution or a “happy ending” in this life. But these stories show how people of faith have dealt with the varieties of suffering and walked through the furnace with God’s help. These stories are a reminder to recognize God’s presence even in the worst of times. Especially in the worst of times.
In perhaps the most vivid depiction of suffering in the Bible, in the third chapter of the book of Daniel, three faithful men are thrown into a furnace that is supposed to kill them. But a mysterious figure appears beside them. The astonished observers discern not three but four persons in the furnace, and one who appears to be “the son of the gods.” And so they walk through the furnace of suffering and are not consumed. From the vantage of the New Testament, Christians know that this was the Son of God himself, one who faced his own, infinitely greater furnace of affliction centuries later when he went to the cross. This raises the concept of God “walking with us” to a whole new level. In Jesus Christ we see that God actually experiences the pain of the fire as we do. He truly is God with us, in love and understanding, in our anguish.
He plunged himself into our furnace so that, when we find ourselves in the fire, we can turn to him and know we will not be consumed but will be made into people great and beautiful. “I will be with you, your troubles to bless, and sanctify to you your deepest distress.”
Product details
- Publisher : Viking; First Edition (October 1, 2013)
- Language : English
- Hardcover : 368 pages
- ISBN-10 : 0525952454
- ISBN-13 : 978-0525952459
- Item Weight : 1.25 pounds
- Dimensions : 6.38 x 1.19 x 9.31 inches
- Best Sellers Rank: #189,715 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
- #3,321 in Christian Bible Study (Books)
- #15,398 in Christian Living (Books)
- Customer Reviews:
About the author

Timothy Keller is senior pastor at Redeemer Presbyterian Church, Manhattan. He is renowned for his clear, reasoned approach to Christian apologetics and his book THE REASON FOR GOD: BELIEF IN AN AGE OF SKEPTICISM was named Book of the Year for 2008 by World Magazine.
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Customers find the book easy to read and contemplate. They appreciate the biblical approach to understanding and moving forward through grief. The book provides a solid reference work on suffering in general, with encouraging and comforting truths. Readers describe it as informative, well-researched, and a great resource for those going through something now or finding themselves. They praise the writing quality as excellent, clear, and accessible. Overall, customers find the book helps them see things in light of eternity and gives them a good perspective on how others may be struggling.
AI-generated from the text of customer reviews
Customers find the book easy to read and contemplate. They say it's a good read for believers, and a must-read for Keller fans. Readers appreciate the author's clear explanations and consider it a solid work.
"I have purchased a lot of pastor keller's books and have enjoyed his fews on all of the books but if your struggling with this topic this is the..." Read more
"...It is not light reading, but it is important and meaningful reading; thus I would not recommend it for someone who is grieving so deeply that they..." Read more
"This is an extraordinary book. The depth of the philosophical analysis and theology is both welcome and surprising...." Read more
"This is a fantastic book. I do not read many devotional or non-fiction books because of the repetitive nature of so many books of this kind...." Read more
Customers find the book helpful and meaningful. They say it helps them maintain their faith, clarifies their thinking on suffering, and uses scripture to explore different types of suffering. Readers also mention that the book is realistic and thought-provoking, making it a must-read for Biblical counselors and pastors.
"...on the subject we all miss his teaching prouwace and a great man faith and church planter,speaker,author" Read more
" not be grim and boring (as I expected with such a topic) but intriguing and eventually fascinating because everything I have been taught as a..." Read more
"...This book was written, after all, by a man deeply engaged in pastoral ministry and leadership of a network of churches...." Read more
"...It is divided into three distinct sections and purposes, all very deliberate and focused in their own right, so I imagine this is not going to be..." Read more
Customers find the book helpful for teachers and students. It provides a biblical perspective on suffering and strategies for prayer. They say it offers eye-opening and heart-healing truths that help them get through difficult times. Overall, customers describe it as a must-read for those experiencing pain and suffering.
"...if your struggling with this topic this is the book for you found it comforting,and educational,information on the subject we all miss his teaching..." Read more
"...The first part of the book gives a background on pain and suffering, a general history of how different cultures--including our culture--views..." Read more
"...In this second reading I found it extraordinary and healing." Read more
"...of what it means and has meant historically and culturally and religiously to suffer and the ways in which humanity has approached and both failed..." Read more
Customers find the book informative, well-researched, and helpful. They describe it as an outstanding resource on a difficult topic that helps them better understand and appreciate God's work. The book is practical, realistic, biblical, and thoughtful, providing an ongoing resource for their lives.
"...this is the book for you found it comforting,and educational,information on the subject we all miss his teaching prouwace and a great man faith and..." Read more
"...This book provided it. It is not light reading, but it is important and meaningful reading; thus I would not recommend it for someone who is..." Read more
"...He is very scientific in his approach in the first part, Mr. Keller, so it does not feel like he is hammering a purpose but, rather, very clearly..." Read more
"...end, I found Keller's book refreshing, faith-building, and sorely needed in our day. It is a must read...." Read more
Customers appreciate the book's writing quality. They find it intelligent, clear, and focused. Readers appreciate that the author writes Biblically, following Scriptures carefully. The book is readable for the average person at a scholarly level, yet still personal and inspirational. It speaks right to them and is presented in a clear way.
"...This book was written, after all, by a man deeply engaged in pastoral ministry and leadership of a network of churches...." Read more
"...Biblical quotations to each line are absolute best. It really makes sense to receive concepts." Read more
"...together not only thoughtful reflections on the issue, reading a wide scope of authors, and taking us constantly to Christ...." Read more
"...As with all Keller books, the writing is excellent and the reasoning very sound. The book is fun to read, and helpful...." Read more
Customers find the book insightful and powerful. It helps them see suffering in a new way, and it brings them closer to God. They say it provides a good perspective on how others may be struggling. The book is deep yet clear and concise, stretching the mind and heart. Readers describe it as thoughtful, heartful, and impactful.
"...and I was able to still have joy, to be at peace, look to the future with hope and learn from the experiences...." Read more
"...Skip section one and read two and three first. Filled with eye opening and heart healing truth. You’ll find yourself saying, Yes! Yes!..." Read more
"...much suffering lately and this book has made a material change to my heart and mindset...." Read more
"This is such a great book that brings you closer to God and helps wrap your mind around why experience pain and sorrow sometimes" Read more
Customers find the book easy to understand. They appreciate the clear logic and explanation of complex theological ideas in a concise, down-to-earth manner. The author's approach is masterful and encouraging, providing good preparation for difficult issues.
"...have to offer on these same topics and explains them in an easily understandable way...." Read more
"...This book lays out a doctrine of suffering that is Biblical, intuitive, and honest. You'll find no easy answers here...." Read more
"Not a simple devotional book...." Read more
"I love the fact that it's not a self-help book that many other proclaimed-christian books tend to be...." Read more
Customers appreciate the book's depth. It explores the real meaning of walking with God in a clear and focused way. They find it helpful and exciting to dig deeper into the Biblical texts and profound stories shared. Readers describe the book as thought-provoking and well-narrated, making them think deeply.
"...He also writes in such a clear, focused, and in-depth way that makes his books so good….challenging yet reassuring...." Read more
"I love Timothy Keller and this book is so easy to read yet deep and meaningful...." Read more
" problem of suffering, exposits inspiring Biblical texts, shares deep, personal, and profound stories of suffering, but also Keller..." Read more
"One of the best books I have read that goes deeper into the real meaning of what is to walk with God...." Read more
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Top reviews from the United States
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- Reviewed in the United States on January 20, 2025I have purchased a lot of pastor keller's books and have enjoyed his fews on all of the books but if your struggling with this topic this is the book for you found it comforting,and educational,information on the subject we all miss his teaching prouwace and a great man faith and church planter,speaker,author
- Reviewed in the United States on October 3, 2013*****
From such a gloomy and difficult topic as pain and suffering comes a beautiful, even glorious book. This book is not mainly for theologians and seminarians (although they will appreciate it too) but for laypeople and average Christian people--people like me. I am an ordinary Christian who has never really understood or made full sense of the role that pain and suffering was intended to make in my life. This book goes beyond this topic and for me gave meaning to my entire Christian experience in a way that no other book ever has.
I found my reading experience to not be grim and boring (as I expected with such a topic) but intriguing and eventually fascinating because everything I have been taught as a Christian came together and began to make sense. I initially purchased it because I am going through an intensely painful illness and needed some encouragement. This book provided it. It is not light reading, but it is important and meaningful reading; thus I would not recommend it for someone who is grieving so deeply that they cannot focus enough to handle a deep and intense book. But I would recommend it for those who love them.
So much of what the Bible says about suffering is against our Western culture's admonitions and we don't even realize it. As Christians, we have even adopted a lot of these cultural beliefs. This book will pull you back into a Biblical worldview and remind you of what you know to be true.
The book is divided into three parts. The first part of the book gives a background on pain and suffering, a general history of how different cultures--including our culture--views suffering. There is some philosophy in this section, and I found it a tad hard to get through. Persist, reader, as it is worth it! The first part addresses different theodicies (explanations for the problem of evil and suffering) in a systematic and logical way. The second part of the book discusses what the Bible says about suffering and how it teaches us to address it. I found this part very rich--I kept wanting to stop and ponder what I was reading. The last part deals with practical information and Biblical ways of coping with evil, suffering, and pain. It discusses how to walk with God through suffering and how to know His presence when things are hard.
I purchased this book for my Kindle so that I could read it soon after it came out. I ended up buying two hardback copies--one for myself and one as a gift for someone who has turned away from God because of suffering. My friend is still a Christian but has lost the intimacy with God he used to experience; this book will provide the healing he needs, of this I am certain.
I recommend this book for every Christian to read NOW in order to be prepared for suffering and remain faithful. I also recommend it for Christian readers who have loved ones dealing with painful circumstances. I recommend it for non-believers who want to understand why Christians have hope and comfort. To quote from the book: "Nothing is more important than to learn how to maintain a life of purpose in the midst of painful adversity." So true. Nothing is more important! I recommend this book for its life-changing perspective on faith. The author defines an orthodox, Biblical view of pain, suffering, and hard times; I found sincere relief to finally, finally understand.
Highest recommendation possible.
- Reviewed in the United States on July 6, 2024This is an extraordinary book. The depth of the philosophical analysis and theology is both welcome and surprising. This book was written, after all, by a man deeply engaged in pastoral ministry and leadership of a network of churches. The humility one senses while enjoying his wisdom suggests this was a man who lived what he taught.
On the spectrum of books that engage the heart or the mind, this book leans toward the intellect. But it is never cold or dry. Repeatedly, I stopped to marvel at how much good was packed into a single page, and how much good it did me to read it. It really is that good.
I read this book twice. Once while navigating my own painful trials; I found it helpful. I read it again after time and distance made me ready for reflection. In this second reading I found it extraordinary and healing.
- Reviewed in the United States on August 4, 2016This is a fantastic book. I do not read many devotional or non-fiction books because of the repetitive nature of so many books of this kind. I typically make my way through 1/4-1/3 of a topical book before finding myself bored and disinterested, and I often feel like I've gotten the message long before the point has been made (and wondering if the writer could have finished his or her point much earlier but for publishing purposes had to re-write repetitive content in order to fill out the pages of a full-length book).
I'm not through this book, but each page keeps me riveted so far. It is divided into three distinct sections and purposes, all very deliberate and focused in their own right, so I imagine this is not going to be the same kind of experience for me. He is very scientific in his approach in the first part, Mr. Keller, so it does not feel like he is hammering a purpose but, rather, very clearly feels like a presentation of rationally researched substantiations for his viewpoints. He gives an incredible overview on cultural and historical and theological and scientific resources from so many perspectives that it feels exhaustive (in a fulfilling way) and has thus far highly impressed me. I do not want someone "glomming" onto an idea and topic and focusing his mass amount of writing on justifying his point. He is, instead, giving an in-depth discovery of what it means and has meant historically and culturally and religiously to suffer and the ways in which humanity has approached and both failed and succeeded in its suffering. It is pretty incredible and thought provoking.
I do not find myself often impressed in these kind of teachings, but this one has pretty completely engrossed my focus and attention. We will have to see what kind of reactions the second and third parts bring from me. I feel excited and eagerly anticipatory of the discovery of these things.
Top reviews from other countries
- Lipsa RaniReviewed in India on October 10, 2021
5.0 out of 5 stars Book condition and about the book
Writing this review after a month of the purchase, packaging was very good and the condition of the book is good too. May God be with you as you read this in your pain and suffering.
Lipsa RaniBook condition and about the book
Reviewed in India on October 10, 2021
Images in this review
- GregReviewed in Australia on September 14, 2023
5.0 out of 5 stars Wonderful….simply wonderful!
Thank you Timothy Keller for an outstanding book that has put a different perspective on my life.
“ If you love anything more than God, you are always going to be in anxiety about it.”.
Daniel Lannes PoubelReviewed in Brazil on January 29, 2015
5.0 out of 5 stars Tim Keller mais uma vez não nos decepcionou.
Livro excelente! Bem profundo e atual. Divide o tema em três partes: abordando o tema do mal, da dor e do sofrimento primeiro a partir de uma ótica mais filosófica, depois teológica (a partir do cristianismo), e, por fim, ensinando estratégias para enfrentar a dor e o sofrimento.
O que mais me chamou atenção foi a abordagem das diferentes teodicéias e o problema filosófico que lhes é inerente. O autor é corajoso e não se furta a responder os questionamentos sobre o tema.
- Snow PharoahReviewed in Canada on August 29, 2014
5.0 out of 5 stars Hope
I have read several Keller books and there are a few that stand out as extremely well organized and thought out, as well as very nicely written. I would have to say that this is one of them.
Suffering has always been a part of human experience and societies and cultures throughout history have attempted to come to terms with it, to find meaning for and in suffering or to simply reject it as something that must be fought and resisted tooth and nail. One of the interesting contributions of this book is that Keller summarizes nicely different historical and societal takes on suffering. One of the unexpected conclusions is that perhaps our secular, 21st century western world is ill equipped to deal with this issue. Drawing on both secular (Luc Ferry), Christian (Charles Taylor) or otherwise religious writers, Keller draws out nicely several different underlying premises that current thought on suffering rest on. In fact, there is much to learn not only on suffering, but on the general world view regarding the meaning of life in the West in present times.
Keller also does a masterful job in presenting a Christian perspective on suffering. This is a crucial part of Keller's work because there is a strong tendency in Christian circles to view suffering in different ways that, Keller argues, are in and of themselves not Christian, but simply a transformation of other perspectives, that eventually undermine hope. By relying very nicely on places in Scripture where there are examples of suffering, including a central accent on the meaning of Christ's profound experience of suffering, Keller states some important truths: Christians are most able to feel the pain of suffering, most equipped to understand that suffering was not part of the original plan, most able to enter into suffering. But, also, they have the greatest hope, and cannot be destroyed by suffering. It is not and can never be what defines them, whether they are victims, or responsible for their situation. The Christian hope has trumped and will ultimately trump, all consequences of suffering.
There is much Lewis, much Tolkien, old writers, new writers, the New York Times, the Atlantic Monthly, pastors and philosophers, scientists and journalists. All kinds of people are cited and given thought to, testimony to Keller's uncanny ability to speak to people's experience and cultural context. I have already started giving this book away to friends. I am impressed by Keller's writing in a couple of ways: He is able to describe profound Christian truths in extremely pertinent ways, speaking clearly to the ambiant culture. I have met and read few that do this well. Second, there is definitely the feeling that Keller treats his readers as intelligent, thoughtful individuals, who have also given reflexion to the issues he raises. Finally, you get the impression that Keller's long experience as a thoughtful pastor comes through in his work.
I cannot recommend this book enough, not only for those who want to understanding suffering, but also for those who want to get a clearer picture of hope and how it might be becoming a rare commodity.
- jeremy marshallReviewed in the United Kingdom on July 5, 2015
5.0 out of 5 stars This book helped me greatly
Tim Keller has written lots of excellent books, the best of which I think is "The Reason for God" which is the main book I give to non Christian friends who are interested in finding out more about the Christian faith. While this book on suffering is of course written using Christian arguments based on the bible, it is extremely accessible for anyone of any belief or none.Keller looks at a wide range of views on suffering and how to deal with it, starting from ancient Greek philosophers and ending up with modern secularists.
I realize that the question of suffering for some of us is not an academic issue but an intensely painful and hurtful, even overpowering reality. If you are suffering, Christian or not but interested in learning more about the Christian approach to suffering, this is the book for you. Its also written in a very sympathetic and compassionate way. This is a topic to be approached with the greatest sensitivity and kindness.
Keller's book looks at "Why do we suffer?" and then "What should we do when we are suffering?" The book splits into two parts, the longer first addressing the first question and the shorter and particularly strong second half looking at what we should do as Christians when in "the furnace." The furnace comes from the story some of us may remember from Sunday school of three men in ancient Babylon, Shadrach Meshach and Abednego. Its in the book of Daniel. They were thrown into the furnace for refusing to bow down to Nebuchadnezzar's idol. In the fire Nebuchadnezzar is amazed to see that they have been joined by a fourth person, whom Christians believe was the pre incarnate Jesus Christ. They come out unhurt. But Keller points out that very often Christians don't get rescued from "the furnace." And in fact the three men recognise this as they say to the King that if God wants to save them from suffering and death he can, but he may not. "Even if he doesn't though, King, we are still not going to bow down to the idol." Being a Christian Keller underlines is emphatically not an insurance policy against all the sadness and suffering of life. Many Christians, he argues, are "practical Deists" that is they see God as a divine being whose job it is to meet their needs. Surveys show that many Christians see God owing all but the most villainous people a comfortable life. That is emphatically not what the bible teaches. In fact, Keller points out God may well remove from us his blessings to teach us painfully to love him for his own sake and not what he gives us.
The strongest section is dealing with this in the personal response to suffering. Keller looks at various people in the bible and how they deal with it. Most famously in the oldest and in some ways the most mysterious book in the bible, Job. If you are not so familiar with the story, Job suffers the loss of his entire family and wealth, his health, everything. He was then visited by three friends, so called "comforters" who were worse than useless. They told him his suffering was his own fault. The book is very real in that Job is no "plaster saint" but rages against God and verges on telling God he is wrong. Then in the end of the book God himself speaks to Job essentially saying "I am God and you are not". He then restores Jobs life. Interestingly he doesn't rebuke Job for his profound crying out to God. God invites us to cry to him in our pain.
The reader of Job as Keller points out knows why this evil is fallen on Job - it's the devil who has been allowed by God to make Job suffer. Job himself though is never told that. we will often (though not always - see the story of Joseph) only see how God has used our suffering for his glory when we meet God face to face. The book of Job, Keller points out, therefore rightly points to a complete surrender to Gods sovereignty. This is very important truth but its not enough. For there's more in the New Testament which comes filled with an "an unimaginable comfort for those who are trusting in God. The sovereign God himself has come down into this world and has experience its darkness...He did it not to justify himself but to justify that someday he can return and end all evil without having to condemn us".
Suffering can either drive us to God or away from him. Thinking about, reading about and praying to the Lord Jesus is rightly pointed out by Keller as the way to do the former. The Lord asks us to follow him through the furnace into which he, the only sinless man, voluntarily entered. He will abide with us and bring us out of the other side. He proves to us how much he loves us by suffering for us first. "Herein is love, not that we loved God but that God loved us".
Keller has a great quote which someone once said to him. This is perhaps the best summary of the book."I always knew, in principle, that 'Jesus is all you need' to get through. But you don't really know Jesus is all you need until Jesus is all you have". Or, as Keller himself writes the bible does not really answer finally the question as to where suffering comes from. But "for reasons past our finding out, even Christ did not bring salvation and grace apart from infinite suffering on the cross, as he loved us enough to face the suffering with patience and courage, so we must learn to trust in him enough to do the same."