Maybe Now (Maybe Someday) -

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Maybe Now (Maybe Someday)

Brand: Independently Published
ISBN 1093389052
EAN: 9781093389050
Category: Paperback (Contemporary)
Price: $18.88  (Customer Reviews)
Dimension: 8.00 x 5.25 x 0.93 inches
Shipping Wt: 0.94 pounds. FREE Shipping (Details)
Availability: In Stock
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Product Description

What is more important? Friendship, loyalty or love? Colleen Hoover and Griffin Peterson collaborate once again to bring fans of Maybe Someday back into the musical world of Ridge Lawson and Sydney Blake. And Maggie. And Warren and Bridgette.This full length novel is a follow-up to the New York Times bestselling novel, Maybe Someday. For the best reading experience, Maybe Now should be read after Maybe Someday and the spin-off novella, Maybe Not. However, Maybe Now can also be read immediately following Maybe Someday.

Top Reviews

Fantastic Finale!
by Val Mills (5 out of 5 stars)
December 3, 2018

After finishing one of my favorite books, "Maybe Someday ", I didn't feel like anything was left unsaid, or was unfinished, but I was so very wrong, as I soon realized, when I started reading "Maybe Now".

While reading the first book it was so easy to get caught up in the developing love story and connection between Sydney and Ridge, so much so, that while I felt a little bad for Maggie, I was rooting and all in for Sydney and Ridge.

I'm so happy that In this book we were shown the complexity of Maggie, her struggles and triumphs, her fears and desires for normalcy and finding her own love. We are also able to experience the growing love and intimacy between Sydney and Ridge, interwoven with the guilt, pain and jealousy of Ridge's continued friendship with Maggie and her dependency on him. We also get to revisit the crazy of Warren and Bridgette and the progression of their relationship.

This book brought perfect closure to the story, and for anyone who read and loved Maybe Someday, this is a must read!!
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by cogreeneyz (3 out of 5 stars)
December 14, 2018

First off, let me say that I love Colleen Hoover and the books she writes (usually). I didn't dislike this book, it just wasn't my favorite. In most of her other stories, there is a lot more conflict and this one really didn't have much at all. Instead there were pages and pages of Sydney analyzing how much she loved Ridge and vice versa, and then they would write yet ANOTHER song about their relationship. I wanted to read more about Maggie and Jake, Maggie and Sydney, and definitely more Bridgette (because who doesn't love her?). Instead, I found myself skipping pages and pages of Ridge/Sydney to get to the other characters and storylines. The book just seemed rushed this time, with a lot of the substance that we usually get from CoHo missing.
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What was this.
by loves to read (1 out of 5 stars)
December 6, 2018

I'm usually so enthralled in Colleen Hoover's books but this was just so uninteresting. I couldn't even finish the book.
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Love this author but...
by ShariAnna - Arizona (3 out of 5 stars)
February 3, 2019

Thought this book would never end! I think the author loved the characters so much that she didn't want to let them go? I love the characters too; they make me feel like I'm in my early twenties again: first apartment, best friends, starting out. But I only want to spend so much time revisiting that era, I do NOT want to go back there. While I grow weary of reading books featuring one dire situation after another, I also grew weary of all the young and mature love scenarios in this book. Hey I like it that the characters make mature decisions about their love lives and feelings, and I like it that happiness and goodness rule...but was all too much. I don't remember life being so simple back then nor do I want to remember that era of life with rose-colored glasses. Still, I guess it is easier to let go of the characters once I'm reminded they are imaginary and I'm growing weary of them. At some point this author branches out to write psychological thrillers, so thankfully, I doubt there is a book that chronicles these peoples' "Happily Ever After." Whew!

A HUGE P.S. Definitely love the song track or playlist to this story! Getting the web address to this playlist is worth getting the book. Amazing show of talent by everyone involved in this project, especially the mind that came up with the idea. Brilliant!
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If you are a fan of Maybe Someday, this book is a wonderful gift
by Jo Fergus (5 out of 5 stars)
January 3, 2019

Seriously, not only does Colleen write this book as a wonderful dip back into Maggie, Sydney, Ridge, Warren and Bridgette's lives but she charges nothing for it. Completely free!

I absolutely loved being back with all of these wonderful characters. I loved getting more of Maggie's life since Ridge and more insight into her personality and her background. I LOVED the storyline that played out for her in this book.

Ridge and Sydney- gah! So much gooey love and magic between this couple, I love how far they have come and what they now are to each other. Ridge is so different with her, she brings out the best in him.

Warren and Bridgette were true to form throughout the story and provided plenty of lol moments.

If you are a fan of Maybe Someday, this book is a wonderful gift from this lovely, generous author. Read it, treasure it :)

This was a wonderful way to begin 2019, revisiting characters that I loved the first time I met them and cementing their place in my reading heart once again
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Write me a song...
by Buzy_reading (3 out of 5 stars)
October 17, 2019

With so many obstacles in life these characters are faced with some difficult decisions. Ridge is faced with the choice between what is right for his relationship with Sydney and what is right for his relationship with Maggie. Maggie is faced with the challenges of her health.

Ridge and Maggie work to not allowing their disability define them. There entires lives they were striving for normalcy mimicking others behaviors instead of looking for acceptance from true friends.


This story had many components: music, pranks, friendship, and disabilities. Colleen merged these components balancing each and everyone into the lives of all characters.

I think this is the first time I experienced dull moments in a Colleen Hoover book. Normally I'm hanging on every word while reading a Colleen Hoover book, but this is the first time I find myself struggling to finish a book written by her. The dialogue between characters doesn't hold the same caliber of words that her other books do. For me this book was one I could shelve for a few days.

Collectively there were too many characters which crowded the story. Rather than focusing on two main characters this one focused on the lives of six individual characters. The stories written in multiple points of views which is fine. I'm not particularly invested in any one character. Although having just finished Maybe Not I wasn't expecting the dynamics of these band members relationships to change so drastically. While it's good advice to read this after Maybe Someday I wouldn't necessarily agree that this book is in anyway a continuation of that book. This book is more like an extension of the other ones.

Colleen advocates both sides of the argument reasonably well. I like how her characters encounter real life situations with Colleen giving advice to each of them. The advice was solid.
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Not my favorite CoHo
by Customer (1 out of 5 stars)
October 7, 2019

I was really sad because this book had so many great reviews and I thought I was going to love it. But then the more I read I discovered that the way the love triangle was going to be resolved was by the hero ditching the disabled/chronically ill girl while she's dying so he could have lasting, permanent love with an abled.

Here's the problem with that for me. I'm disabled. I'm chronically ill.

So while I get that this isn't Ridge and Maggie's love story... reading about a guy ditching his disabled girlfriend while she's in the hospital (or having her selflessly give up her boyfriend of five years, yall) so that an able-bodied girl who's known him for two weeks can have her love story... just isn't my idea of a fairy-tale ending. It sounds like a really selfish prince.

I will always love Colleen Hoover's writing. She has written some BEAUTIFUL romances. But I think this is an example of why able-bodied authors need to have sensitivity readers if they're going to go outside their lane. This story reads really differently if you are standing in the shoes of a healthy, able-bodied girl, or if you have no choice but to read it from the perspective of a chronically ill disabled one.
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Maybe Now was the BEST ending for these characters.
by Reads By Rose (5 out of 5 stars)
January 23, 2019

I wanted Maybe Now from the second Maybe Someday ended. It took me so long to read it because I'm always terrified I won't love it as much as I loved the first book but I'm so happy that wasn't the case here! I love these characters even more than I originally did and I loved seeing their story continue and REALLY get to see Ridge and Syd as an actual couple. I missed the relationship between Warren and Bridgett and I loved getting to know Jake! Not to mention the lyrics included in this book are so beautiful and getting to actually HEAR the music while reading makes it such a treat that you don't usually get when reading books. I could read these characters forever and those are the best kind of books. I haven't read a book by Colleen Hoover in a really long time (since November 9) but this was just the best and I'm so happy I finally gave in and read it. This book gets ALL THE STARS.
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i never want this series to enddddddd
by Kelsy H (5 out of 5 stars)
December 9, 2018

I never thought a book would beat Maybe Someday for my top CoHo. And then, the finale... managed to wiggles its way there! The character building in this book, was phenomenal and perfectly balanced. You got to see "what happened after" with Ridge and Sydney, as well as Warren and Bridgette. But where the first book left me wondering about other characters, this one filled in all the blanks. You really get to know Maggie as a person not just her illness. You see every side of her good and bad, and you get to watch her grow as a person, in every relationship she has in her life, friendship and other wise. You also dive into the band, the brother, the whole crew. It was the perfect way to end off a series, that I never wanted to end.
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I didn't see the point
by bookellenic (2 out of 5 stars)
April 11, 2019

This book...

I read Maybe Someday because I heard it was one of Colleen Hoover's books that does not contain problematic content. It was a solid 3-star read, maybe 3.5 if it gets you out of a reading slump.

I'm not a fan of Maybe Not, but sure if you want to read Warren and Bridgette's story go ahead and read it (I mean I did as well).

Maybe Now though... it felt like the author tried to make everyone so nice, kind, caring, compassionate, selfless, loving and very UNproblematic that... I did not buy it. Now one might say that the author cannot win with me on this one. However, I have not read any other books by her, so I'm only talking about this particular series (is it a series?) without touching on any of her other work and controversy that might surround her books. It was just such a cheese fest. And the ending...? Come on! Nope nope not for me!

There are a few compelling elements to this book, nevertheless, that I should mention, such as multiple POVs, introduction of new characters, friend group dynamic and how they cope with serious issues like relationships, illnesses and family. If this sounds appealing to you, do pick it up, though I urge you to read Maybe Someday first.

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